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PeterCanessa Oh

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Everything posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. Pavcules Superior wrote: The LSL Library Function System shows the ability of calling functions from other scripts, but returns the function result on the line it is currently executing on. ... string strValue = CallFunction("Text","ReverseString","Hello"); // Call ReverseString function in other script, and get the result I'm bemused and will have to actually read this suff now :-( There is NO way of calling a function in another script inline, end of story, so I have no clue what this does. While you can encapsulate linked-messages in a function they will always be separate, asynchronous events.
  2. Suella - this is not "Oldest to Newest" with "Most to least kudos" as sub-sorting. It kudos first, then age. So, yes, it's fine right up until someone with higher kudos posts and throws the whole logic of the comments out. You and Peewee were only coincidentally shown in the right order. @ Lexie - thanks for the try. It's nice to see you are looking at the feedback. Just a pity that 'inconsistent' is yet another thing wrong with the way Answers is set up at the moment. Really, you must have seen the volume of people complaining about silly ordering and now it's worse. Click thread - wait for load - click menu - click newest first - wait for load - click menu - click oldest first - wait for load. Repeat for every thread ^^. Nah, uh uh, ain't gonna happen. See ya when it works.
  3. There is no excuse for thinking the only available sort orders in answers should be 'newest first' (which every who commented hates) and 'most kudos' (which is meaningless at best and makes it impossible to follow the logic of a thread). This is unusable. There are MANY comments in feedback from experienced - and high-ranked, for what it's worth - residents saying they need to see the thread in 'oldest first' order. SO - Who is responsible for this? Who ignored, or didn't bother to read, all the comments and feedback? Who thought 'random' was a good thread order? EDIT: Thanks for that, so it's become even more extra clicks for every single thread *sigh*. Heading in the wrong direction fast. I don't appear to be able to reply to my own question either, so I'm editing here. Also screws-up on IE8. Not fit for purpose so I'll leave it until it's fixed. Most unhappy.
  4. LOTS of complaints about Answers being sorted in 'newest first' order. EVERYONE who commented saying they want to see them in 'oldest first' order - the way they were posted. MANY complaints about stupid ranks and kudos. RESULT: Now there isn't even an option to sort in 'oldest first' order - all I get is f***ing 'newest first' or 'most kudos'. How the FFFF is anyone going to follow even a short discussion if there is no logical order to the posts? ESPECIALLY when the sodding things don't even say to whom they are a reply. This is unusable. I'll look at answers every few days to see if it's changed but otherwise I'm not using the thing any more.
  5. 'include' was one of the reasons I changed to using eclipse for my off-world editing. What I hadn't realised is that as well as 'just' including the referenced file it can then attempt to optimise the result - constant folding, inlining functions, etc. I'm not totally happy with the results of using this, but it's nice to know it's there :-)
  6. Just in case anyone serious is reading this thread and wondering about the things Ernesto is asks: SL is not a software development tool or environment such as Visual Studio, nor is it offered as such. The tools we have are for developing and enhancng content IN SL, with limited communication facilities for external systems. Server-side code is completely hidden from us, being LL proprietary. Anyone wanting to develop external systems integrating SL functionality has two options: Directly, using the open-source viewer code. With this you can write bots or other programs that interact with SL as if through an avatar. You still won't get sudden superpowers like miles-wide sims or unlimited prims. All that is controlled by LL's servers. What you do get is the ability to control exactly how that interaction takes place and full access to all the communications available. For instance, all the avatars in a sim are communicated to the viewers so some TPVs have sim-wide 'radar' without the need for scripts or prims. Indirectly, via llHTTPRequest()/llHTTPResponse. These provide an easy means to communicate with web servers, which could be your own systems doing 'whatever'. They HTTP communications to/from SL is limited in a number of ways, however. First, the SL side remains completely under the control - and timing - of LL's US-based servers. You are also subject to the limitations of LSL to do anything with/about the message in SL, such as having a 2k limit on data received. For people wishing to develop their own viewer code - see the open source portal on the wiki (or wherever it's moved to now). LL neither sell nor promote this and get nothing out of it, so they have no particular interest in making it easy for you or, indeed, the Ernestos of the world. Least of all him, perhaps, since that's just opening the door for all sorts of garbage to hit their servers at the speed of data. Support and assistance for the viewer code is, to be honest, well outside the experience of most of the people you'll find here, even if not our abilities (personally, I've never even looked at the viewer code). More of us will cope with the limits of LSL by linking to web servers. That's easier, simpler and well documented on the SL side but you will need to know how to set-up and run a program on your server. Usually, because it's free, people use some variation of LAMP/WAMP (Linux/Windows, Apache web-server, MySQL database, PHP programming language). Help and support for these is usually beyond us here too, but only because of time/cost. There is a world of difference between talking about the best way to make an SL online-indicator and helping someone create an ecommerce site you can neither see nor configure. Summary: LSL - for things in SL - via HTTP to web-servers: create what you like there Viewer code to change the way the client looks/works (within limits allowed by LL servers) Beyond the first, it's not LL's, and mostly not our, interest or concern.
  7. I wrote a script for this a couple of years ago but having now had to dig it out again I find it used some proprietary web-service that has since closed. Anyone know how to get the Shoutcast 'now playing' information? I have'nt got a clue where to look, all I have is a bunch of stream URLs
  8. SL is not a software package like a game. You can't "just" download it and carry on. Nearly everything in the world, how it looks, how it sounds, how it moves and what it does, is the creation of us, the residents. Between us we make millions of new things every week. Attempting to download an "upgrade pack" to cover all that would probably mean your internet was permanently connected trying to keep up! As it is, SL just sends the data you need for what you can see (hear, touch, etc) as and when you need it. That's what confuses the bad software. BUT there is an option that you can download and play, albeit all alone :-( Opensim (http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page) is for people who want to run their own Second Life - style grids. Since a grid can start with a single sim and since you'll be the only person there your PC will almost certainly be able to cope with it, whatever the specs. What you do is run opensim to create/control your own Second Life then you log into your own PC with your normal viewer. If you have the computer power you can support more sims at once and even make it public - but then you're the host so you'll have all the ISP issues and then some ^^ Still, it is good for practicing builds, trying our textures and all the other things that you care to do on your own. Once things are looking/working as you want you shake the ISP awake and re-create it in Second Life
  9. Well known, as you say. This guy's logic really is impressive though. I particularly loved, "You're all crap programmers because you aren't big companies and only big companies can write good software. I know because I'm not a big company and I haven't written any good software. I know you're not big companies because you don't charge enough for your crap. If you do charge enough you're a greedy facist and should live in a socialist country where we don't have any money - by government order!". But, yeah, if I hadn't recognised the tone in the second post I would have fallen for it too. Then I looked at the name and thought .. noooo! he's here!
  10. I suspect that the system was very carefully configured to stop the exact text the spammers were using. Who would have thought they might change it when it stopped working?! (the 'dot' of the dot-com has been removed. Obviously this makes it a completely different thing and not recognised spam at all). Hehe, but I also suspect that now this new system is in place someone will get on the case more quickly than before. Let the contest begin!
  11. You've got the right tier, but the wrong system :-) We're thinking about the system(s) land-renters can use to COLLECT tier from their tenants. Unfortunately Lizard, yes - to be good it is that big. That's why Hippo started charging for support, etc. The in-world side of things is simple enough (because LSL just can't do that much with any efficiency) but the server-side setup and hosting is something that needs thinking about. (I'm still thinking but also still fully-occupied with another web-based project. May start May-ish)
  12. There's no chance I'm going to sell 100% of my products and time for £70 and 25% of the profits. Then again, I may be interested in hiring you as a marketing manager. What are your SL rates?
  13. Whatever is typed will always be received by the handler, you can't "preprocess" them. Once they are in the handler though, a string trim will delete linefeeds: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlStringTrim
  14. A scripted object can set your camera position and viewpoint. Such a script could be activated by a keypress, touch or whathaveyou. While it's quite simple I do not know of one off-hand, but I suggest a search of the marketplace.
  15. Never heard of 'em, and that's a problem. For your future enjoyment of SL and the use of the forums please remember that there's no "standard" content in SL, it's all just 'stuff' made by other residents. That means that unless someone just happens to have the thing you're asking about we won't have a clue. Your first contact for anything you purchase should be whoever you bought it from and then the creator. Your first contact for anything someone else gave you (unless you know them well) or got for free should be the bin.
  16. I don't think I agree although it would be nice if we could have a 'same' or 'null' constant to leave any parameter the same. Sure "llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(PrimNo, [PRIM_TEXTURE, Face, SAME, SAME, SAME, 90.0]);" is still a long-ish thing to type but it does get compiled. I can't see its use making a significant impact on memory.
  17. Surely Kudos should only be given for GOOD code! First - let's not have an open listen on the public chat channel (llListen(0,"","","") EVER. Second - what's if(message == owner + " db1 in") meant to be doing? It won't be listening to its owner, that's for sure - except that that open listener will hear everyone. I assume it's all about checking if something else is talking to the owner, but is that really something you want in public chat? Third - if you're going to store the owner you almost certainly need to change it on CHANGED_OWNER Fourth - since db1 is 'on' or 'off' why not just say so in the touch event? While we're at it, don't say that in open chat either! How about: string Thing;default{ state_entry(){ llListen(-2000, "", "", ""); } listen(integer In, string From, key ID, string Msg){ list Words = llParseString2List(Msg, [" "], []); if(llGetOwner() == (key) llList2String(Words, 0)){ if("Thing" == llList2String(Words, 1)){ Thing = llList2String(Words, 2); } } } touch_end(integer Counter){ llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), Thing); }}
  18. No worries, Void, tone seemed fine to me and I was thinking that if anyone was interested in the idea I ought to point out the drawbacks of particles too.
  19. Void Singer wrote: prim point light (on the features page) ... can only be set for the whole object That's wrong Void, in fact it can only be set per prim. Editing a build consisting of two or more linked prims, the features page says "select a single prim to set features". Edit-linked allows each prim to have it's own, different, point-light setting. To test link two cubes a couple of metres apart. Edit the linked object, select features tab, edit linked and select a single prim. Make one cube a green light and the other a red one. Rez a cube between the others and texture it white (for best effect). Face towards red will be lit red, face towards green will be lit greeen. Face lit by both will appear yellow.
  20. Duplicate thread here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-you-make-the-text-in-your-badge-not-white/qaq-p/721241
  21. All these people you know that don't like it - Have they actually tried v2 at all? How long were they using other viewers before they tried v2? Did they READ the instructions and information about what had changed or just shout 'who moved my cheese' when something was different? (It was Suella, by the way) How long did they give themselves to learn about and get used to v2? The thing is that if someone's been using a different viewer for a couple of years, looks at v2, sees it's different and goes back to the old one after a couple of hours that's hardly a fair evaluation, is it? Personally, I thought the only major thing wrong with the first iteration of v2 was the way it shifted the world-view whenever you opened or closed the sidebar. Since LL fixed that (in the very next release) I have no problem with it. There are certainly some features in TPVs that I'd like but I stick with the official viewer because I'm often helping newbies and I want to know what they're seeing.
  22. In addition to the answers above: You can sell on the marketplace (SL's ecommerce platform) by logging-in there - click 'Shopping' at the top of this page - and getting one of their 'magic boxes'. When you have a box, rez it and put your the items you wish to sell in there then use the marketplace (again) to list each item in a particular category, give it a description, price, etc. (And to summarise the ways of selling things in SL itself): REALLY simple - put the item on display in your land, edit it and check the 'for sale' box on the general tab. Enter a price. For most things you'll want it to sell copies but if you have something unique - say a piece of art - you can set it to sell the original itself. More flexible - Put collections of items that you want to sell together into a box. Decorate and shape this box as an advert for the products inside. Set it 'for sale' as in 1. above but set it to sell contents. Vendors - Are quite like in 2. but have added flexibility, like letting the customer view/select different products, handing out notecards with information about the products, etc. This is all done by the scripts (programmes) inside the vendors so you don't need to set anything 'for sale'. Make sure you get instructions for how to configure the vendor with prices, demos, notecards, etc. You can either buy or make a vendor. Network vendors - Another advance from 3. Here you put all the items into a 'server' box and may have many 'vendor' boxes displayed anywhere in SL (that you are allowed to). However many vendors you have and wherever they are you only need to keep and maintain your items in the one server location. Most systems allow and expect you to have more servers though, for backup in case the main one 'dies' for any reason.
  23. Garrett Laramide wrote: So.... Who woke up this morning with a hangover? Me for one. I usually avoid the pub on Friday and Saturday night but it was pretty quiet last night. Are you asking just out of interest or is there a particular reason?
  24. Supperfan wrote: ...Are any of the other moderators foreigners Indeed, they are foreigners. I believe some are from the USA, for instance.
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