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PeterCanessa Oh

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Everything posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. jujmental wrote: "On the charge of": assuming that LL doesn't mean exactly what it says, assuming that those who have to interpret what it says are literate, the existence of a vindictive reporting campaign ..., using ratio decidendi as obiter dicta Ah now, see, I refute that any of these are valid charges as there are no such offences. In precedence I quote your earlier obiter dictum "There is no mention in the Terms of Service nor the Community Guidelines of ..." Please can we have a new ruling or, failing that, a new judge?
  2. Operator precedence. The product will be calculated first so the line equation works as "(vOffset - (vOffset * rotSwing))" - which is why I always use explicit parenthesis to avoid (even more) confusion.
  3. ifo Mayo wrote: ... your Q&A process is so complex, not easy to ask any question to you. Even harder than you think. This is not a forum for communicating with Linden Lab - we are all just residents like you. There is, however, a link to Linden Lab at the bottom of this page if you wish to use email. If you are a premium member your best option is to use live chat. In any case there are huge problems with credit processing - you should check the grid status page: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  4. Nice one. "Trolling" may be taken as a term-of-art though, so no win there. I particularly like the defence of the outrageous to be outraged themselves. On your third point though there is no hint of a campaign or mention of any individual or gang-reporting. Anyway, aren't your obiter dicta meant to be ratio decidendi?
  5. Oooh, what a good question! Terrain textures are RAW files and the standard LL ones used to be available in the wiki. While I wander off to see if I can find them, an alternative is to get a picture of your sim from http://maps.secondlife.com/. Just pasting the relevant part of that onto your scilpt may be all you need. ETA: Well the default RAW files are available at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Default_Private_Region_RAW_Files but using the Region/Estate window is a lot better, since it'll access the ones that are being used, rather than the defaults. [@Rolig: duh! I didn't even know that was there]
  6. Note that attacking other people - which sounds like what you want the Spellcaster and martial arts HUDs for - would be considered griefing in most sandboxes and get you banned (from there, not SL). Even with consent most sandboxes set-aside for public, and especially newbie, use will not allow combat or weapons. Your best option may well be to search for groups or roleplay areas that use these.
  7. Second Life doesn't do the streaming itself - whoever is performing does that. SL just passes-on the URL of their stream to whoever is within range to hear it. As long as you have something on your computer that can play internet radio all you need from a performer is the URL they are using and away you go :-) ShoutCast is one of the most popular ways for people to stream things to the internet. You might like to look at http://www.shoutcast.com/radio-players if you aren't sure you can play streams already.
  8. 2-0 in favour is good enough for me. I didn't realise this had come up before.
  9. KatTruewalker wrote: ...the problem with people who have an emotional investment in a game... One of the problems with people that think SL is a game is that their view of it is so limited. Another is that you never know when they're playing. Since they don't even try to take it seriously they aren't serious, and shouldn't be taken as such. You off InWorldz - an SL clone - as a better example and yet it is more limited in many ways, as are all the OpenSim-based grids. Recommendations of other virtual-world platforms are always welcome; I like Kaneva. Oh yeah - and they have to be free. I haven't spent US$5/month in SL, not even US$0.01 in more than 6 years. All the millions - literally - of L$ I've spent here I've earnt here. But then somehow icing would say I'm not using the platform ^^
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: ...The only way I can think of is to report any and all trolling posts (those that contain the insults and barbs), and leave it to the moderators to deal with... This is also what the moderators advise.
  11. First thing is drop the 'gaming' tag - that'll be seen as gambling, which is prohibited. Since you specify skill games, which are encouraged *grin*, announce yourself with that
  12. You use llSetText() - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetText - to set the text, colour and transparency of hovertext, llGetOwner() - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetOwner - to get the owner's UUID and llKey2Name() - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlKey2Name - to get their name from that key (NB: only works when they're in-sim so get it when the object's rezzed or reset and store it if you need to use it later). How you change to a different current user depends on the way you want the tipjar to be used, so I'll leave that up to you. Since everything in SL is user-created there is no the basic script - just a basic script - so we can't comment on that unless you post it here (if you have permission to do so from whoever wrote it). NB: This forum is for helping people write their own scripts. If you are looking for a script that already exists post in the wanted forum (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted) or, if you want to pay someone else to write one for you try in-world employment (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment)
  13. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask - we all have forehead-slapping moments :-) @ All: Here's my stupid question inspired by carefully reading the llListen() wiki page (which I probably haven't done before) thanks to this thread - The wiki page (in notes) says, "The integer returned can be assigned to a variable (then called a handler) ..." and continues to refer to this as a handler, which I believe is incorrect. This might be a bit abstruse so apologies to everyone, but in the interests of accuracy: This value should be known as the llListen() handle - it is the means by which the script holds on to the llListen filter reference The function that handles an event - such as listen() - is an event handler The big difference is that you use a handle to manipulate the llListen() itself - llListenRemove(), llListenControl() - and a handler - listen() - to handle the events that arise from it. So, my question is - should I edit the wiki or does everyone prefer the way it is?
  14. Sounds fun Hermione, but you may find yourself limited by the LI restrictions of homestead regions. While good, low LI prim and mesh builds should be able to come in under the 3,750 but, fairly obviously, things will depend on the size and complexity of the area you want to cover. One suggestion would be to try to make as much as possible of the jungle using Linden trees - prim-count (and LI, I think) of 1 each, which would be unthinkable for any build.
  15. That's rather outside the scope of Second Life. You'll have to work it out between your computer and their site.
  16. The full version of Daz 4.5 is legally available free from the owners: http://www.daz3d.com/products/daz-studio/daz-studio-what-is-daz-studio [i thought Marvelous Designer didn't work with SL, but then I'm not PIOF so can't upload mesh anyway].
  17. We other residents - this forum is not a means to contact LL - would love to help but since you give us no information to go on there is very little we can do. Please use Options > Edit against your post to add details of your computer and connection - wired or wifi, ping times to SL and packet loss. Almost all repeated crashes happen because people are using inadequare (eg; wifi) internet connections or graphics cards. Their inability to cope with the traffic freezes the program leading to timeout errors with the servers which give up waiting, assume you've logged off and gone to bed and close their connection to you.
  18. All I got was a course of anti-biotics (Naughty Tinkerbell!)
  19. Please note that you are asking about a specific product. Nearly all the millions of things in SL are resident-made and it is highly unlikely that we'll know about any particular item. As you can tell from the replies so far - we have no idea. When asking about a specific item you should always contact whoever sold or made it in the first place, or their support group(s) if they have them.
  20. Please note that you are asking about a specific product. Nearly all the millions of things in SL are resident-made and it is highly unlikely that we'll know about any particular item. In addition there is no such thing as "the one that says" ... security orb. It's very easy to write such a script so the particular one you are facing could have been written by any number of people in any of several different ways. When asking about a specific item you should always contact whoever sold or made it in the first place, or their support group(s) if they have them.
  21. Unfortunately the rules of the 'Answers' section dictate a simple question-answer format and we are specifically not allowed to have discussions. You'll get a better reponse - and probably from more, better-qualified, musicians - re-posting in the http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-Music-and-Photography/bd-p/ArtMusicandPhotography music form.
  22. You want it, you write it :-) http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Source_Portal The viewer source code is open-source (although god knows when LL updated it last), which is why there are several Third Party Viewers (TPVs). The servers have no reliable way to determine what hardware or software you are using but anyone writing their own TPV is required to sign-up to and comply with LL's TPV policy. The way 3d-viewers like that one worked on phones is to have a proper computer linked to SL, doing all the hard work, then re-transmitting the results to your fashion accessory of choice. Lumiya seems to be about the acme of remote, low-powered independent viewers for now. Considering that SL requires a very clean and stable internet connection and the very identifying feature of these toys is their mobility it is never likely to be a good experience matching the two. If you are in a part of the world where bandwidth is not unlimited you also have to consider the cost of streaming all that video and voice (since you have no keyboard).
  23. Oh I agree - it's just that a lot of other people don't make the same assumption.
  24. Do you think we should point out that CS2 is NOT now free, that Adobe said they made a mistake when they said it was and let it escape across the internet and that therefore, on no account, should anyone download it from sites like http://www.techspot.com/downloads/3689-adobe-photoshop-cs2.html or similar? Actually I think my old PS Elements 2 is better, or maybe I'm just used to it. GIMP is the (really) free equivalent of choice.
  25. 'Mouselook' is an avatar's first-person view. A bot is just an avatar that is controlled by a program, not a person. Ergo, a bot can use mouselook. Also, since it's a first-person view, YOU can't see it. Do you mean you are using the "where are they facing, OMG, drama, someone's looking at me" crosshairs? Bots, being avatars, also have those. They have everything any avatar has except a human driver - and may even have one (or more) of those at times.
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