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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Rules applicable for RL and any other world: DO NOT - ask for my contact details, in any format. DO NOT - under any circumstances - instant message me on any device. (specifically relevant to employers & staff but also casual acquaintances). DO NOT - expect me to try and find some stupid, chirping device to answer random calls during private time. If the device activates and you hear bubbling and gurgling it's because I have flushed the childrens toy, (mobile device), down the loo and it switched on through the S-Bend. I think my examples are clear, distinct, precise and considerate. If you are still a trifle confused, there are two exact words that might help you understand a little better. IF ya know what I'm sayin. 🤩😊😋 My standard mode of communication is a silent number, landline.
  2. There is a lot of chatter regarding Macs on the "Digital Performer" forums, D.A.W recording software made by M.O.T.U. I am sure you would find an answer there. I don't use anything Mac so that's all I can think of. There are some very heavyweight producers who frequent those forums who have been all Mac since day 1. DP 0 to 11 was first made for Macs only but they're coming to their senses now. Thank goodness. 8^)
  3. I have spent a good amount of time performing "covers". Mostly from around 1690 and prior to. Some as recent as the 1880's sure, but hey! call me trendy. At last count it was three generations of my clan, (not all individuals), who could learn & perform music instantly by ear. (Mainly piano). I have been fortunate enough to perform live at our Opera House and many many other grand venues. I only ever recorded one piece for TV/movies which I wasn't even aware had been used - but that's ok, was helping a movie producer friend. The first tune I ever learnt to play was "Little brown jug" on a Xmas gift ukelele, both the rythym & lead @4yo. It has been some 15 years 8-/ since my last live performance and I am due to return to recording and spend the next 20 years *signing off with original compositions. (I just need a RODE broadcasting mic for youtube etc). No singing just music composition and spoken words explaining origins of symbols etc And I can't wait it's so goddamn exciting. And I can't even read music. (Have never wanted or needed to). In the mists of time, when your mother is an ex-studio backup vocalist and when alone, she sings to you, whilst you are in-utero AND you respond predictably AND exhibit varied responses to sung emotions, tempos & styles - believe me, she's knows she's got a lively one on board. 😆 When you automatically piece together your first little performance as a tiny tot and you catch her slightly misty eyed smile and joyous laughter: You have arrived, just as she knew you would, exhibiting that one most desired trait of shared ancestry - musical affinity. There are no discernible physical appearance or behavioural traits that would pinpoint this precisely as even mild WIlliams Syndrome but personally I couldn't care less even if there were. My fave thing to do is to take a beautiful stringed instrument into the woods, find a beautiful spot, sit there and play it for hours on end. Even better is to try and coax an appearance of extremely rare mammal species such as an inquisitive Platypus. 🥰 You don't play music, you don't perform music - you live music, from your first breath to your very last. ❤️ Try it sometime. 😉
  4. Stine, (Steena) - Trance diva supreme. ❤️
  5. Wow so much for: HI! I'm new! Any1 wanna hang out? 😆 @Diamond Marchant. Thx for Rando lol.
  6. Your AO may come to define your avies persona & character. (to yourself and quite possibly others). This is where SL far exceeds any other world or "game" in character creation and can become almost scarily real-*ish if you're not careful. 😮☺️ The previously mentioned Firestorm viewer AO lets you create multiple AO sets. (I'm sure other AOs do too). I have a couple that I choose to use specific sets of animations to suit my mood. The following is an example: Eg: Not feeling very confident, a bit shy & reserved in RL? Select AO set of animations purchased & assembled for firestorm use, by me, which I named "Demure". Consists of animations where your avi: *Doesn't move around much when standing, *You rarely look directly at others, *Walk with no swagger or runway model swish. and you dress "Librarian style". I have many Librarian friends in RL and they are very capable, lovely, much admired, (by me), people. I have other AO sets that exhibit brash, bold, extremely confident behaviours - but we wont go into detail about those.
  7. Ya put ya mesh tush in.. Ya put ya mesh tush out.. GIve it a wiggle n shake it all about.. Ya wag your pointy finger count them lindens not a doubt! THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT! *\0/*
  8. If you are able, (I had to save up L at the time), buy the smallest cheapest plot of land, (I am premium and paid L1000 for whatever the smallest size was you could get 10 years ago), and have a skybox. The size of land you can have and pay no tier has actually doubled since then but I haven't got a larger plot yet. (I will eventually). I don't pay a tier fee nor a rental fee and my stuff is never at risk. (and I get the weekly premium L300 stipend). It's a difficult decision to make initially but its well worth it in the long run. It's quite annoying having to shop about for cheap land but - yeah. It's terrible to see someone stuffed about like this. 😒
  9. Fun fact! Aussie govt regulator A.S.I.C clamps down hard on Finfluencers. (Social media online financial "Influencers"). Australian Finfluencers are scrambling to take down their sites and modify their personas due to facing 1 million dollar fines or 5 years jail time for operating without a financial advisers license. 😂 Cryptocurrency scams and investment losses here amounted to over $130 million last year alone. 😲 but this is aimed squarely at stock exchange, real estate & general financial investment advice. It doesn't target crypto related scams precisely. Were just small fry compared to other countries so I dread what YOU peeps are exposed to. 👀 (supplied a link to a Financial Review subscriber article but it didn't really have enough info).
  10. An interesting recent development regarding social media, the eternally offended and their justification for the use of the word "nazi" ad infinitum over the last 5+ years? to silence everyone and everything hurting their feelings. Then comrade criminality came out with it to justify what's happening in the Ukraine. That sure is a pretty rude awakening for the cancel (your) culture hypocrites. Pretty much the ultimate slap down really.
  11. If you rip it out of SL it will be modifiable anyway. The whole point being - the return/profit one may gain by creating for SL is negligible compared to the same amount of work if the mesh is to be used in RL.
  12. Ummm.......... no. RL 3d mesh/masters uncopyrighted/unprotected in the virtual wwWilderMetaCryptoVirtualness? Only 1 company has access to my 3d masters. We regularly review my excruciatingly precisely worded copyright and "NO DONT SAVE MY MASTER FILES ON YOUR SYSTEM for my convenience" agreement, face to face, with their managing director and head of production. Not a chance in hell.
  13. I don't log in as much but still do ofc. I definitely come in once a week to go dancing & relax. I learnt how to make system clothes and texture them. I taught myself basic 3d mesh. I fine tuned my basic 3d mesh skills in RL, (for SL), then transferred them entirely to RL. Now 3d mesh forms the basis of my little design company. I can now see a clear future path of creativity, development, production & self employment. I hope to finally quit my day job completely this year. "Yes yes but we need you to stay! you re-wrote the book" 🙄
  14. Idk I've mostly got in no dramas except for one or two. Collaborate was one that was quite troublesome.
  15. Omg it's him! What an awesome job the artist did!
  16. Wouldn't the Twitch equivalent be "Garys Mod"? Which seems to be an insanely popular virtual gaming world/sandbox?. I don't have it or know anyone that plays it but I have watched some vids about it. I don't see too much difference apart from lag issues and a supplied library of 3d stuff to play with. Is there smexy stuffs in Garys mod?
  17. Opening a store like that sure must take a lot of legwork!. 😋 I'm impressed.
  18. This! \0/ To swan into mega packed events without missing a beat when the horde has trouble even typing in chat, let alone TP-ing in, reminds me of going RL nightclubbing in stretched limos. 🥳 (Gfs and I used to share costs doing this a looong time ago because we knew the limo company owner -> cheap/shared rental fees). Matryoshka doll limo arrives, peeps stumbling out 1/2 tanked, lolling raucously, instant entry and such an hilarious mess of flying hair & breezy clothing. (tropics - very hot). In stark reality, a smart & safe choice because you're all together and no one gets left alone or behind. 😉 It's nice when you're a nobody to pretend you're some v.i.p every now and then. ☺️ Oh to be 20 something again and living 3000kms from home lol.
  19. The perveyors, (no typo), of NFT's steroid abuse level of hype to the desperate masses negates one simple fact. One must actively produce something of original value in order to quell their pending crypto greed fantasies. Look at the most popular of the socials & the resultant tsunami of garbage. What can average, everyday peeps do to satiate their crypto/NFT desires and conquer ze vorld?🤑 🤔 Be a skinny lil boy on YT making music vids about being a total gangsta badazz? (without mum knowing about it). 😂 Somehow use an app/tinder like approach to abuse RL women and revoke all trace/accountability in a millisecond? 😾😿 Sell horrid nasteh cheapo $hit from china? 😒 Be an "Influencer" and NFT physical crapola associated with your ludicrous fabricated persona? Correct me if I'm wrong - I can see no way in to crypto pots of gold for everyday peeps. Therefore the whole metaverse thing is complete -> stinky horseplop. *cept for how SL has been doing it for more than a decade. Well done SL. 🏁
  20. Zuck, (finally admitting what a goose he has been with flopbook), has personally offered to wax, shave & massage our legs while we aren't inworld! For only 1/2 an L per leg! Is that cool or Yuckerberg?? I really don't want that weirdo fondling mine lol. *shudders.
  21. I forget what year this was but it was enjoyable.
  22. Well that's a shame. The whole VR thing scared me off completely. The avis were also a bit too cartoonish from memory. It's a wonder the big Z hasn't bought it and NFT'd its widdle pixels off. MetaSar - doesnt sound tooo bad. What else could he call it? MetaSan FungiTokin? Might go well in Japan perhaps. 🤭😋
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