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Treasure Ballinger

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Everything posted by Treasure Ballinger

  1. Yes, this is what I, also used Increase credit for; to manually make sure enough USD was there for LL to take my Premium payments, and also my tier for my mainland parcel. By the way, I believe (at least in the past) that you can only 'cash out' Lindens to USD if it's $100 or more; my needs didn't equal that, so this totally removes my ability to manually set it up for LL to get my tier and Premium payment. So, that is my cue to drop Premium, go to basic and get rid of my mainland, which I've had that parcel since 2007. Sad. But I don't want LL randomly dipping into my PIOF. They double dipped me once, well, they double dipped the hold they put on the $$, said it was my bank's fault, not theirs. Maybe. But I don't see why I should jump through hoops to accomodate it, when it's worked just fine for all these years. Things change, gotta be flexible, for me that means shutting it down, because, there is nothing I can do about it.
  2. I did send you the LM inworld, but here's the SLurl, in case you check back here. I only found this one still active. He's been there a long time, doing this. The place is called Dogpark. Feel better soon..... Rhoda (166,245,28) is the SLurl I found one more, Rainbow Gardens. SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Imagination%20Island/220/43/26
  3. I"m making a note, because can't get inworld til tonight, but will send you LM's to a couple of pet loss memorial parks there. I'll double check them first to make sure they're still active but I'm pretty sure at least one is. I have a grief resources list and I do try to keep it updated, think the last time I checked was in March, a lot can happen in 2 months. You'd be surprised how much that helps, when you can memorialize them in SL. And, Sorry for your loss. ETA: if you want to search for yourself, just search in Places for Pet Memorials, you'll probably get the same ones I'll send you.......
  4. I wanted to reinstall the older version too, but I could no longer find it, so learning to live with the new one. Thanks for the tips in this thread.
  5. Ok, I use Firestorm, I was just wondering where to find that feature, what menu; Advanced, or I'll look for it next time I log in. Sounds like a good feature to be able to locate if necessary. You could probably find the objects under Top Scripts also in the Region/Debug menu I suppose.
  6. Ok, it was me. I went back to the store tonight, and again, could not set a LM.........at the landing point. Soon as I walked away from the landing point, I could set one anywhere else. Duh. :womanembarrassed:
  7. So......it was my viewer (Firestorm) that didn't allow the LM to be taken from the land tools, since it worked for others? I have it set wrong in Preferences some way? I'll check it again, today; maybe I was there during rolling restarts or something else wonky, who knows.
  8. Maybe it was my viewer, I don't know. I'm on Firestorm. The box to 'Set Landmark Here' was grayed out for me. I thought it was because you have a landmark giver sitting there which does give a landmark when clicked.
  9. Yes I was in your store trying to get a LM for a new resident; and wasn't smart enough to figure out why you didn't allow LM's in the store; finally it dawned on me you have a LM giver right in front of my face.......so yeah I was there and mission finally accomplished.
  10. I remember him. I also think I may own that dress. LOL!
  11. /me wonders if Phil's undies are copy/trans, he could send me a set. :smileyvery-happy:
  12. Happened to me too, not trying to change a password, just trying to log in to this forum. Came back few days later, all was fine. *shrug*. Temporary blip?
  13. That was surely taken at the Cartel hangout, see the sofas and table with the kitty, in the background. You were lovely, Phil. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  14. *Waves at Suspiria* (from one oldbie to another, gee we used to be here all the time, eh?) Anyway, I agree there are many nice people here, they evolve, come and go. Melita is one of my favorites, always unfailingly kind even when she's mad, lol. I admit I cringe and move on when I see: "What, you again, saying that again? Are you not quite bright?' and such things, and also 'Can I AR for this?' (when it's over and over again, like a person is only in SL to search out things to AR). Other than that, I read most things pretty amiably and with an open spirit and mind. This is a nice topic though. Kudos!
  15. I've had my mainland parcel since 2007.....I lost count of how many 'neighbors wit issues' I've waited out. I'm still there........Patience, grasshopper. ETA: and yes, you are a 'nice' and wonderful person.
  16. I clearly remember that entire episode and all the back and forth, and you holding your ground for as long as you did; I lost track of it and didn't know he'd ended up trademarking the name, and you'd had to end up changing your store's name. Like others here, I too often shopped at your store in my early SL days and still have stuff in my inventory from there. Maybe it's time for another visit, to help slow down its' momentum even more slowly.
  17. DId you make sure you are logged in?:matte-motes-big-grin: Oh you said you were. Well then, on the right account since you have more than one?
  18. (((Welcome back to SL))) I am so glad to see you!
  19. Mmmhmmm. Agree. I certainly don't hate SL. I love SL. I love Inworldz, too. I'm heavily in both. But I can only speak for me, not why other people may or may not be there, or in SL, or anywhere else. Someone mentioned some of the 'old SL' type of glitches, which I happen to find charming, being of a pioneer spirit. I'm premium in SL and part of an active community both places......don't see why I need to choose.
  20. Hi Perrie; While VIrtual Ability does have a parcel on the SL9B sims; we are also hosting an off-site art event, on our sim Cape Able. It's a combined event, featuring many of our past artists, disabled in RL, who have exhibited at our gallery on Cape Able. It is our off-site nod to SL9B and will also remain up as our summer exhibit. Thanks for a place to chat about it! SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cape%20Able/128/128/22
  21. Here's the SLurl for these events, all the same SLurl, which is our Sojourner Auditorium on VIrtual Ability Island. Hi Elric, thanks for the assist in advertising! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Virtual%20Ability/53/172/23 Treasure
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