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Treasure Ballinger

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Everything posted by Treasure Ballinger

  1. I asked Inworldz forum. I immediately received a response from Admin there, that it is NOT allowed, and if it's being done, it's done by a 3rd party and that they have nothing to do with it, per the terms of their TOS.. Glad I asked. ETA: I might add, that's one of the things I like about Inworldz. If I'd asked that question of LL, in a forum thread,I doubt if I'd expect a reply at all, let alone within minutes.......responsiveness from admin is a very attractive trait.
  2. Thanks, but I'm not at all comfortable with that; I thought you meant some other kind of 'linking'. My last understanding was we weren't supposed to be doing that anymore, and that's been a pretty long time ago; so thanks anyway, I'll pass.
  3. This is interesting, to me, and I'll probably question it over on the Inworldz forums; I did know there were no more ATM transfers, from Lindens to Izzies or vice versa, for quite some time now, but this poster, Violet here said that her avatars were linked and able to send money back and forth between the actual avs. That's how I read it anyway, and that's different than sending to ATMs, like we used to do. I didn't know anything about avatars being 'link-able' on different grids, and not sure how she's doing that.
  4. Hello; I'm not a content creator, I just have a question about your post here. All these blogs, and groups and forums and people discussing, and petitons and things. Does LL care about any of it? Or even respond or pay attention to anything anyone says? To effect change, both sides of a coin have to be on board for it, so I was just wondering, what kind of change can be effected, if no one at LL is on board for what the customers think? Does anyone have their ear, any back and forth, any communication or response at all to the huge outcry?
  5. This is the explanation I was trying for, and failing to achieve. People are focusing on the word 'black' without taking into consideration the cultural implications and history/background that it entails. We come in all shades; when I saw the word in the OP's subject, I didn't think of skin color at all but apparantly, many do.
  6. I don't think anyone has said, including the OP that they were UNcomfortable in any group. That was your word. What *I* said was, that I understand a comfort zone. (I am personally uncomfortable in the SL forums, where people twist, sometimes slightly, sometimes a lot, to change the meaning of what a person actually said). But, that's a behavior, not a physical characteristic. I really did know better than to post in this thread. A moment I already regret. When I am around other deaf, I can let my hair down. I can heave a sigh of relief, and know that these people understand the journey I am on, because to some degree, they are on the same pathway. That we've been through some of the same issues. That we 'get' one another and we don't have to work hard to relate to one another. There are ethnic 'comfort zones' in SL. (RL too for that matter.) Germans have places, Italians, Brazilians, most ethnic groups, where they are more comfortable. They speak the language, they understand and share the customs, they like the same food because it's from 'their place' their shared experience. It doesn't mean one is intolerant, or hateful of other people. It just means that there are some places, with their indigent populations, that one possibly feels more comfortable around, probably because of background and shared life experiences.
  7. I should take a page out of Ceka's book and not even respond, lol but I have to laugh; did y'all really not know what the OP meant? I am black in RL (no I don't intend to Skype to prove it, if you don't believe it, *shrug*) and I think, and am pretty sure, that OP just wanted to get with some people in his/her comfort zone. It's hard to explain if you don't share having a group that you are more comfortable with, than with others. It could be racial or ethnic or something else. Maybe musicians or artists. I hang out with other deaf people, in RL and SL for the same reason, it's a comfort zone.
  8. I have this forum on subscription, to be sure I keep up with it, to attend educational presentaions and events given by others, and to invite them to Virtual Ability events; to stay in the loop, of who's doing what, in the SL Education world, so to speak. I was very happy to see that LL had added this forum. Been kind of a slow start here. So today, I go to the email address that I use for SL, and I see all these notifications, that a discussion was going on in this forum. Wonderful! Finally! Came running over here to see what wonderful thing was going on, only to find.........this? Really? C'mon people, why tear up this guy's thread like this, after his honest attempt to let SLers know about an event? I hope he moves on, and finds a new way to advertise his events, because this one is surely lost in the sniping shuffle. Just a really cold shot. Why?
  9. Hi Mallory; Try contacting Wisdomseeker Resident inworld; she runs a mental health related educational sim and may be able to point you toward some specifics.
  10. *Laughs* See? This is somebody who came from Resident Answers like I did, she knows I am telling the truth.:smileyvery-happy: Y'all can be one scary bunch to a newbie.
  11. *That* probably WAS a bot, as most have said. However, honestly, you can't win for losing here. If I am a true newbie, and start a thread asking a question, and receive 10 responses yelling at me " THERE ARE ALREADY A ZILLION THREADS ANSWERING THAT!!! WHY WOULD YOU BE SO IGNORANT AS TO START A NEW ONE, STUPID?" Well, yeah, I might think maybe I should do a search for an already existing thread before asking something that God Forbid has already been asked and answered. *shrug* Could be real or memorex.
  12. Not that I think it matters, what you want, or what I want, or that any Lindens are reading or caring, but you asked.......and, I do SO much want it back.........
  13. I like the Linden Memorial Park, too. It was included in the list of places I sent to Sephina; I hope she finds some comfort. And to you too, sorry for the loss of your sister. What can seem like many years is really only a blink of an eye in memories........Take care of you.
  14. They have a really awesome inworld group you can join, Firestorm Support Group; go to Search/Groups and type in Firestorm, you'll see which one to join. It's super busy right now cause of the updates going on and best thing to do from what I can see is just to dive right in, type your question and wait a bit for an answer; everyone is asking questions and waiting for their answers, but from what I've seen, those mods and others are working their butts off to help with things just like your issue. Give it a try, anyway.........they're trying really hard to help. I just joined a few days ago, and have learned a lot just from watching the group chat, I don't have a specific problem right now but sure learn a lot anyway. Just plow right in with your question there, if it gets missed, ask again!
  15. Hello, Sorry to be responding so late, just now seeing this. I have a notecard of grief and memorial sims and groups; I've recently verified that the LM's are active, or they were a month or so ago. I'll send to you inworld later this evening. So sorry for your loss of your sister, that's hard. (((hugs))))
  16. Did you find out any new info on your issue/question? Hope you'll come back and post, if you do.
  17. Perception. I'd prefer to pull the monies out myself. As far as them being trustworthy, I'm sure they are as trustworthy as anyone else online, as you say. It's a preference, an option we used to have and now we don't. (Although they did put a double hold on $$ once, when I bought Lindens; they say they didn't, and it must be my bank, bank says it's them. Who knows. Eventually it was cleared, after several days.) This type of behavior is why I don't like doing business this way. Let me go into my own account, and provide you what you require, rather than you go in there yourself, and do whatever, on a recurring basis. I'm also aware that if the account is hacked, the account that SL is tied to, can be cleaned out, via just simply buying Lindens via the viewer, and changing them to USD. The more I think about this, the more it's just not that fun anymore. Paypal is no better, it's the same thing, actually, if it's verified and tied to a bank account. So, does one need a bank account just for SL transactions?
  18. That is true, of course, I've been premium since I joined SL in 2007. That's always been true. It *was* a personal preference, to place my USD needed on the website myself, to make it available in USD for SL to take at tier time and Premium time, rather than have them rooting through my bank account at will to pull it out themselves. But yes, it's always been an option to do it that way. It's nice to have options.........
  19. Yes this is my issue both Lindens and USD needed each month, and yes, it 'can' be done just as you say; I just don't personally like LL dipping into my account, I'd prefer to place the $$ where I need them, myself. Lucretia has worked out a method it looks like, but look how cumbersome that is, to have to deal with and figure all that out every month, like nobody has anything to do except figure out how to pay LL each month. That's arrogant and annoying as hell. And I am also well aware that it's my peers reading this, no one from LL, so they don't even know how arrogant and annoying they are being, nor do they care.
  20. I"m sure you're right, my memory on the issue is vague. I would like to know exactly what it is, what the lowest amount is you can cash out Lindens to USD but of course the Increase Credit info page is gone now, replaced by the blurb that instructs you to go to the 'Buy Lindens' page (which isn't waht one wanted to do, at all........but they act like that's the only reason you'd go to that page) and so I don't know where to look now to find the true answer.
  21. Hi Carole! I too rarely post anymore, but am still in SL. It's good to 'see' you...........
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