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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. @Raspberry Crystal @Eleanor Anderton thank you ladies! I fell in love with the set the moment I saw it. A tea party is calling....
  2. Well, I'm sure you get a 360º view with those stairs, it must be higher than any other hill. It's really cool!
  3. (Hopefully, I will be able to type at a normal person pace, and this post will be finished with no typos or missing words...) Enjoying my little Adams back porch, bringing a little Victorian touch to this modern cottage. I couldn't expect I was going to love my Traditional so much. I left my former Trad at Carumba to get a Victorian, and now I'm enjoying my Adams cottage much more than the other one... Belli, the place where unexpected things happen....
  4. @PrudenceAnton, sorry I miss that, should check notifications more often... I've watched the video and it was a beautiful ceremony. I wish you both the happiest life
  5. Here you have another one; not just a rezz zone, but an amazing spot http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Red Hook/110/187/33
  6. I think I'm putting down roots. I'm completely in love with my new Traditional, believe or not, to me it's even better than my Victorian, which is in a corner by the river. It has taken me too long to get them both, and I'm feeling attached to them. If a new continent is released, or when the super premium is revealed, I'll try to make my partner upgrade his account again and see what shows up (or I'll upgraded for him if he refuses!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  7. @Rabid Cheetah, as other friends have mentioned before, join the Belli groups and walk around the neighbourhood. Like in RL when you move to a new place, it takes some time till you get familiar with your home and it will take some time for you to feel part of a community. Afterall, we are humans behind the avis
  8. A protected land area I love, in Placid. You can even see the scratch on the picnic table, and the mark on the cutting board
  9. Highly recommended, I really enjoyed the visit. My favorite ones are Falling leaves and Repast. Thank you for sharing your talent
  10. Atina, I think Leora's point was not just related to SL, but to people in general, spending money on things that might not be valuable, while she has decided to spend it on something that brings her joy. Ultimate point is that everyone is free to invest their money on whatever they want, as long as it has a positive impact
  11. Ok, so now I know Alwin is your alt and you are actually a Mole...
  12. My plan was to just keep one account. We cancelled one and let our campero go, but with the new Trad, I will have to keep two forever... Still easier to keep than seven. Any plans on winning the lottery @Leora Jacobus? That might help... I love your new home, that would be a keeper to me.
  13. Before going to be, I wanted to stop by this thread and leave a few words to say thank you, not just to our moles, but to the people in this forum. 2019 was a xxx year to me, stuff going on with my RL business, renovating an old family home, different issuess.. and then my partner was temporarily rellocated outside the country due to work. Everything is getting back on track now, but I cannot hide I've been dealing with anxiety for quite some time; it was the first time in my life I felt that way, and I hope nobody has to go through that But being here, checking releases, waiting for new themes to show up, discovering this amazing new continent our beloved Moles have created for us... everything has been of so much help. I have reconnected with the reasons that brought me to this virtual world, so many years ago, and met tons of great people that I thought were definitely gone from SL.
  14. See? There's always a place for everyone Plus, I think you've just given me an idea for my theme opening party... Just wish our Hammy can make it, really being missed
  15. Hahahahah, we are 'alts neighbours', love it!!!!! Yes, I changed it Probably there are like 500 more changes to come... If you ever run out of salt, give me a call!!!
  16. Ebbe Tide seems to be ready for launch, at least from an 'avi's point of view'. Gorgeous landscape, great fences and flowers on every home
  17. Hopefully I'll have time to decorate the place and throw a whatever party!
  18. I took a risk and left my adorable Trad go, and I cannot regret... Now, I'm in love with my two homes, Vic and Trad (we've just kept two accounts), so please, if I ever try to leave any of my homes, you're allowed to lock me in a cage or something
  19. What a great place, you've done a great job with the house. Although your Vic is still my favourite one!!
  20. Thank you Garnet.I will look up that group next time I log in. Culture is always needed and welcome
  21. @Kitten Kaos, I love ehat you've done in your garden, nice mix of sand and green, and I love love love that little pahtway
  22. I really hope so. It's true that Victorians has just been released, but I'd love to have at least a glimpse of what LL has in mind. By the way, do we have any news on the Super premium membership? I may have missed that one
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