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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. So what do you think of this view? I think I will keep it over the weekend, although I don't really know how to get down to the sea, no steps around 😂. Definitely, I'm a 'Traditional' person
  2. Great spot!!! So many cool things going on, the trees and the railway, and the sea view is really nice! Congrats!
  3. @Pussycat Catnap @Kitten Kaos @Rolig Loon @Alwin Alcott @Cindy Evanier @Sylvia Tamalyn But my dear friends, nobody is going to comment on how well the background Nature texture blends with the Belli trees around? It's quite considered....
  4. Someone needed a guest room and went for a creative touch...
  5. In case anyone is interested, great decor for our Victorians. It's part of the 50L Fridays at LISP Bazaar (I'm not part of the store team, just someone loving great decor and sharing tips 😃)
  6. Totally agree, Jennifer is like perfection!!!! My graphic card is quite crappy and does not capture all details, but the hud Im using can even turn you into a Nanny, About clothes, I have been lucky to find stores that do design for us, classy but comfortable.
  7. Hello everyone. I'm jumping a little bit late here, but I think it's such a great topic, that needed to post. Back when I started in SL 11 years ago, age was my main concern, since I felt SL was so 'young' oriented to me; then better skins and textures were developed but the 'forever young' feeling was still there However, I think that has change a lot lately. Skin appliers include the option of adding some fine lines or even wrinkles (please see pic below); there are plenty of great quality stores with everyday and more casual clothes, beyond the club and super-mini-ultra-so called sexy-outfits; and some hair stores include huds with grey hairs Also, I've found music clubs and events with a mixed of different generations, which I think is the ideal, where everybody can share their RL age or just run a younger avatar Some people go by their RL age and some decide to choose a younger age, whatever they enjoy more. What is great, is that now SL is covering both choices
  8. Thank you Kitten. I don't know how many times I've said, "I'm keeping this forever", and then released it. I let my home at Carumba go to find a Victorian, and kind of regret it, but it might be just a silly moment I'm going through. I think I will keep the Victorian home for some time, see what happens, and if I still don't spend time there, will find someone else for her (it's a very 'her' house)
  9. Blender Benders es un grupo muy activo, y tienen varios tutoriales y clases en directo en SL
  10. @Andy Korobase, antes de meterte en comprar sims, apúntante a algún grupo en SL de propietarios de tierras. Manejar bien un sim requiere de experiencia, y de conocer muchos otros detalles; así te cubres ante imprevistos y te ahorras una potencial mala inversión. Hydra te ha dejado el resto de información, que no puede ser más perfecta.
  11. For the last few days, I've been feeling tempted to leave my Victorian, when checking the new Trads releases. I was so lucky to get my Victorian, in the corner of a river, but now I'm thinking that maybe it's not the plot for me, that maybe I'm making myself believe I had to like it because it's the trend... I'm spending all my time at my Adams cottage, my roots are there, but a new shiny might be calling me. I was visiting Cheedar Bay and Silent Shores today, and those forest/greeny areas are so appealing to me... I might open a survey with my Victorian to get some inputs, hehe Sorry about this speech, and sorry if it's not the thread to leave this comment 😘😘
  12. Congratulations to the new home owners!!! Im visiting Cheddar Bay and there are some really nice homes there, so close to the ocean, and such lovely entry pathways
  13. Don't forget those super texture-furniture-pieces... People selling uploaded pictures in the marketplace, to replace real furniture... Some were not that bad looking from a distance...
  14. I still miss my Tahoe home, and Ive thought of trying to get it back more than once. It was located in front of a pond with a little waterfall, and some flower banks around. The home itself turned out great with some addons and nice furniture, but I have to admit the landscaping in general needed an update
  15. Lulu, it looks like a great great place, congratulations. I love all those trees around, I can understand why it feels like home! I'm so happy to see so many people are getting their dream homes...
  16. ...watching the crowd from my steps while eating popcorn..
  17. The "green letters" have been gone from Ebbe Tide area for a few days, so I guess it could be released anytime soon. I was visiting Spiderwood and Lockspur today, (still those greeny letters floating around), and some home owners are going to be very lucky; really nice entry pathways, with flowers and fences included.
  18. Thank you Shapyre!! I''ve been there today, it's a great club by the way!!!
  19. Just saw this one, it looks great. Did you make the floor? So trendy
  20. Really nice, I loooooove those pink chairs
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