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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. @Lucille Babenco, stay tuned, I'm about to release a home in Permaglow
  2. Something like this @Elora Lunasea? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DD-LH-WINCHESTER-add-on-v2v3-BUNDLE/17898729
  3. Then they will be looking into it, but with all the Moles working around Belli, it might take a bit I'm afraid. Being a premium member, usually they reply within 48hrs
  4. Angie, did you open a ticket with LL? That's the easiest way, so they can take a look
  5. Thank you so much @Alwin Alcott, you're the best!! Since my layout was black, I couldnt see that option
  6. Hello everyone. It seems the forums layout color/background can be modified to back/white. However, I can't find the menu to modify that. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  7. @Keldin, are you using a mesh head? Because you can also get that effect with the hud.
  8. (I hope I got what you were asking because I usually make up different stories!! @LittleMe Jewell) Disfunctionality has a group gift of two pillows, 1Li the set, that are copy/mod. What Next has several pillows, same copy/mod, usually around 2Li. Actually, they still have in the VIP group room a set of two lovely pillows in blue and red stripes, perfect for a camper or house boat. If you get any of the Maya homes, fully furnished (between 50L and 99L), you get a lot of items within them, that are copy/mod/can be unlinked once the home is rezzed. There's actually a log with two pillows in my garden that is just 3Li and looks great. Also, not pillows but close to: I got some poofs by Upcycled, in different textures, copy/mod, that look great and are only 2Li each. I got them at the Marketplace. Both the poofs and the logs are placed in my home, so If you want to check, stop by, I have no security system
  9. So impressive, that looks like a masive undertaking, congratulations on the result!! It's a great idea for weirdos like me obssesed with being close to water; I've left so many great locations because there was no river nearby. Soooo, in the future I'll consider creating my own!!!
  10. Well, I am one of those switching homes like crazy, because it has taken months to get my ideal home. While I understand we all have different perspectives, because there is no one single reality, I don't think I am considering Bellisseria less because of that. To me, the continent has been a reconnection to this amazing world, that I had forgotten for years and believe it or not, changing homes was a way to relieve a lot of tension I had due to a RL home renovation that turned out to be a nightmare; we joked about it in RL, but somehow, it turned out to be true. Thanks to Belli and to this thread in particular, I've met tons of amazing people. Fun, good heart people I've laughed with, and that have helped me in so many ways with building, scripting... understanding SL in general despite the long years I've been in this world. So I totally see your point, but there are many more (both loving and feeling grateful for Bellisseria) . That's the beauty of life
  11. Thanks to the person who let this one go. It's located by the river, with quite some good space in the backyard (I might derender my poor front neighbour). There's no magical landscaping, but with that location, it's a blank canvas to me. So I got my lovely Victorian and my lovely Tradition, I'm all set up (till I change my mind again...)
  12. Alice, I have set my Linden home to a group I created for my hubby and myself. That way we both can rezz in both houses
  13. love love love love love love love love love it!!! Where did you get those lovely curtains at, please?
  14. Well, the platform is not what intrigues me, but the fact that in 2020, people are still using an oldie sex bed with ball poses
  15. Bbrasta, a las preguntas de Marketplace, tienes toda la info en la propia página. También puedes abrir un caso con el equipo de soporte Sobre la tierra: si eres premium, dispones de 1024sq para utilizar sin tener que pagar la cuota mensual, pero necesitarás comprar el terreno, y ese importe no está incluido. Al ser para una tienda, te recomiendo buscar uno en las zonas comerciales, ya que en las residenciales no se suele permitir
  16. Hola Sebas. La ropa que estás usano, es mesh, y adaptada para ese cuerpo? Si es ropa normal, se queda en las capas inferiores del cuerpo
  17. I love what you've done inside, really nice job. But what I love the most is the location!!!
  18. I've just got this great Trad (an abandon) by the canal. I think I'm really close to be all set up, with a lovely Vic and this new one. Will it be the end of my house hunting??????
  19. Easton Priory, I guess you got another one ¿? Edit: Just checked, it's still in maintenance. Hope you like the one you got
  20. Morning Leora! It seems we might have to wait at least a couple of days.
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