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Melita Magic

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Everything posted by Melita Magic

  1. Trying to add 2 more pix to the above post last night would not work despite a few tries. This time I will just make a new post. The SLurl was given in the previous post. The shop name is Zigana. The owner is very personable and helpful when asked. The grounds are just wonderful to spend time in. I will let the pix do the rest of the talking.
  2. Did it get resolved? Sometimes people do get called away from SL for RL emergencies. Try to contact other group officers and ask what is going on. The right thing for the owner or group to do would be to extend your lease, free of charge, for the missed days. It isn't just the rental fee you are out but potential sales.
  3. Void Singer wrote: the subversive in me thinks that breedable tarantulas sounds like a great idea... the arachnophobe in is s even slightly happy at the idea of making them huntable.... but is much happier with the the idea of NOT having them on the grid. I think breedable spiders is actually a viable idea for the goth market and such. Hopefully those farms would all be in the sky, since so many people have arachnophobia. It would be kind of like having breedable clown farms.
  4. /me puts out a plea to anyone thinking of abandoning their land: Please, set the Object return to 1 or higher first. Right now an abandoned parcel behind (and also beside) one of my parcels is filled with giant Goo cubes, because someone neglected that simple step. It takes all of ten seconds. Please do it.
  5. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: Do you ever get SL weary? I just wondered if there is there anyone else out there, who feels this way? - and if so, how did you get over it? _______ Yes. Take a break from SL. Take a break from the forum(s.) Change things up in RL and/or SL. Find something new. Re-examine why you are doing what you are doing, and what it is you are actually sick of. Address with appropriate solution.
  6. Dillon Levenque wrote: Wow. I've never read it, nor have I heard of Richard Bach. Oh highly recommended. Met him once (book signing) he has the most beautiful and sincere smile I've ever seen. Just underscored that his books are from a real place inside the writer. Some may find it all a little hippy-dippy in these cynical times, but his books are highly recommended reading anyway.
  7. 4tune wrote: I am not sure what to do. A friend of mine owns some land near a big plot of land that appears to be abandoned, although it does not say abandoned, but the owner of the land has not logged on over a year and the surrounding land has been abandoned by the same land owner. Recently someone put a store on this land. I know this person is not the owner of the land or an alt of the owner of the land because my friend put a big oversized prim in the middle of the store to see if it would get returned. Instead the store owner just moved their store up higher. The store is ugly and full of that cheap looking free stuff you can get anywhere in SL. Is there policies about avatars building on land that has appeared to be abandoned when it is not owned by them? I always AR it. Sorry, I don't see a fuzzy line on this issue. A squatter is a squatter. This can drive down land prices for the surrounding area. Squatters often break other TOS rules too, while on the land, since they are often hardly concerned about the TOS. It may seem innocent but it's about wanting what you can't pay for instead of waiting.
  8. Carole Franizzi wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Lolita in the Nabokov book was 12. 12 year olds usually have bust development of some kind. Usually not totally flat chested. 12 is still a child. Use your intuition is my policy on enforcing rules and bans. Melita, I'm not in a position to ban anyone as I don't have land. In theory I could report. In practice, I'd spend a good part of my time in SL typing out reports as I'm seeing them more and more. Do I want to spend my SL time volunterr policing? Not really. Plus, the whole point of this thread was my admission that they're borderline - HIGHLY ambiguous balancing act between adult and child avatar. If I was talking about pure child avies in sex sims rather than waste time discussing it here, I'd just make a report. It's because it's not quite clear - and whatever it is I see - it's on the increase. But scanning through the replies, I see I'm the only one who seems to note the phenomenon. /me smiles. I meant my post to be supportive of your intuitiion and intelligence. In no way did I mean to suggest which sort of action you should take. If the land owning part does not apply, and you are not on the staff in the place you frequent either, then take a more general meaning from it I guess. ETA: Even if I don't have as much time to spend on other people's land as I used to, so I'm not usually away from my own land, I still understood what you meant. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply the rest of us are unobservant or stupid. Lol. There are some who agree with your perceptions and are not confused on your point. I even think most are not but some are simply talking about another topic for whatever reason.
  9. You're welcome. If you type Family Park it's right next to that on top of the hill. If you can't find Uptown Cinema. Both should be in search. At Family Park there is an outdoor movie projector too, next to the bouncy house.
  10. /me wonders if that is OK in a PG forum...Just kidding, hope you find your friend.
  11. Well if they withdraw their tier, you will as group owner, if the land was deeded to group (Not just SET to the group), have to pay the land tier or lose the land. If it's deeded to group and you own the group you should be able to remove the ban line. Try putting in a land ticket. Did the guy who bought the land leave Second Life or stop paying for the land or what happened? Why is there a ban line? It sounds abandoned to me.
  12. How can the group be in your name if you are not group owner? What is your role in the group? Go to group, click group name, click info, and look in Roles. See what you can or cannot do. What is it you want to do?
  13. No, sorry, I wouldn't want to breed giant spiders in Second Life. I'm sure some would, though. Go for it. "Post was actually inspired by a recent convo I had with someone who was breeding. He was hoping to get 'a good one' so he could sell it for big bucks. Meanwhile half his club had been transformed into a meeroo habit and the things were everywhere. 500L a pop for the unwanted ones. I nearly bought one out of sheer compassion, till I came to my senses." Well that's the thing. If it's a highly trafficked place, put them somewhere else, or at least, in a sky pen. I didn't put any at Changing Rooms for instance just in case they might cause lag. That's a place designed to let people get in and out and do what they need to do there, without hassle. I don't consider it open for roo farming. I don't think they do cause lag, I've seen them wake up (when an avatar is near) and fall asleep (I get the notice after I go), and even turn off automatically once when the sim slowed. But in general the sims seem totally unchanged or unharmed. But I only have a few, and most are in the sky pen. If I had a shop or club and filled them with it, like the USS Enterprise filled with Tribbles, I could see where people could get skeevy. It is a fad. But they are also very cute. Time, and customer service (COUGH) will tell, if this remains a fad or develops and gets better and better for its customers.
  14. Sensation Barrymore wrote: Well I deleted anything that could have been seen as inappropriate. Is there someone I can contact in SL about this to find out if my account has really been suspended? Yes there was an address in the OP and info about the appeal process. If you don't trust the email, go to the contact or help section on the website here. The post you made says no further action will be taken at this time so it sounds like it's pretty much over already. They wanted you to remove anything rated R or X.
  15. OK another pass at it and I think I have gleaned more clues. It was a co (cow) owner, and he abandoned some land he had deeded to the group. She is worried what will happen to his tier I guess?
  16. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: So i am not the only one Melita. Nope. OH wait...I think I have it! The group owner left the group, they want to sell the land, but can't access the land because the owner is gone. Or they can't sell it. And are afraid it will be lost if no one pays for it. One of those has to be right.
  17. Yes there are several very pretty skins (for women - I hope people asking for shopping help will remember to say what they want their av to look like - male, female etc.) in 60L weekend sale this weekend. http://picasaweb.google.com/60LindenSunday/Official60LPhotos# Do you know how to use a SLurl? Have Second Life open, click the SLurl and it will give you a teleport link. The page I gave here has the picture of what's on sale with a SLurl under the picture. If you mean "shapes" by "faces" I know a place, type Free Shapes and it's in Dallows. I don't have a SLurl right now because I keep crashing...
  18. Sensation Barrymore wrote: Also what would be considered inappropriate on my profile? Anything that isn't PG.
  19. I can't understand your post at all, try again? You might want to post this in Land / General Discussions instead, too, since it seems to be about a land group.
  20. Since I keep crashing, I'll do this for the moment. While grabbing the SLurl for Valerie, I bought one more box with 2 meeroo in it. Well it had two males. So I paired one of them with a female I had from another box. The male I paired her with has rare traits: small upright ears, and large size. The female has a rare size: teacup (sizes won't be obvious until t hey are fully grown.) But they have no names. How about a naming contest? I will look back in over the next week and then pick a name here or if nothing serious comes in will name it myself. Pointy ear male: Teacup girl:
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: LM pleeease Cat??????? i'm so lazy today! Not to answer for Cat but I'm in world and not busy at the very moment. SO here is the Twas market where you can buy unofficial accessories and third party seller nests. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Twas/50/204/24 Remember to shop around for prices though. Even on this island there are so many for sale. I'll post the official shop in a moment. And here is one official shop. The website has 2 more I think, at top of FAQ page. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Twas/98/52/131
  22. Wiki & I were just IMing a little bit in world. We were talking about buying a nest in a market vs. buying a boxed kit. In a boxed kit you get meeroo (how many depends which kit), home stump, and food. But which kind of meeroo you get is a random surprise. You get a treasure chest which you open for each thing until it's empty. (click, choose from menu) Or you can go to another resident's meeroo market in SL and pick the nest you want. Meeroo have different personality and sizes and a few different colors of fur. They come in male or female and any combo of the above, plus different eye colors. You will pay more for a rare such as a giant or a teacup and people seem to want clear over dusky eyes. But if you get a nest you can be sure to get which one you want. There is no telling what its babies will be though. Then you can buy food and home stump in the official shops separately if you do that, so they have those two things. Their only real need is food and home stump/statue. The comfort and regard things just get you more prizes they dig up and unlockables. We haven't found the Meepet pet food yet.
  23. Wildcat Furse wrote: I've got 27 babies so far, average cycle was 5 days .... :smileyvery-happy: *meows* Thanks...Mine are all 2 or 3 days only. Oh! I just got a treasure alert. gotta go haha Valerie: very welcome let us know how it goes!
  24. valerie Inshan wrote: OK, so now I have mine. She's a shy female type (like me, lol). I have this problem when I wear the hud: she's not recognized as mine and the pet button says "you have be closer to pet the Meeroo". I cannot get any closer than 50 or 60 cm! Where did I go wrong? :smileysurprised: Aside this problem, she is fine, hunger and comfort 100%... But not being able to pet her is really frustratlng! LOL, guess what she told me in local chat when I took her in my arms : put me down so I can go back to play.... /grumbles. All kids are the same. You feed them and love them and you get no gratitude at all! :smileyvery-happy: Haha Congrats on your new Meeroo. My favorite Meeroo is also a Shy. When I read that in his description I thought, aww. It's a male winecoat I named Choklit. He's now in a sky condo with three Meeroo mates, now I just have to wait for Meeroo Nature to take its course Lol. For now they are all still kids. Choklit is the one that first jumped into my arms, and asks to be cuddled the most. Imagine that since he was already my fave. That is kinda nice. And he said the same as yours when I held him too long. Let me go and play. haha Not sure why the female wouldn't be recognized in the HUD. Did you rez the home stump and food? Did you put the home stump in a fellowship but not the Meeroo? I'm not sure. But I don't know if it says your name in the HUD or only a fellowship's name. If it's working it is probably okay. I find the website and manual to be incomplete, very, about situations like these. ETA: I just checked my HUD and it doesn't say my name or Fellowship name anywhere in it. If you click the Meeroo, click Fellowship, you can dedicate that one to your Fellowship if you have one. I made one, if anyone would like to join it let me know, but it isn't necessary. You can also make your own fellowship for free. Click your home stump I think that's how. For a pair to mate they have to either both be in or out of your fellowship. Maybe some of that info might help you Valerie.
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