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Melita Magic

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Everything posted by Melita Magic

  1. Not sure that's actually what I said. (I said to buy a parcel and then join the city groups.) Although you hadn't said you were a real estate company. Glad it worked out for you. 15Rocky Sicling wrote: Thats an awesome idea, only it would be kind of akward to be a real estate company renting land from competition :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I did happen to find a parcel for my company and found some cool places to hangout, and my fiance just joined SL so things are all going great. Thanks for the help!
  2. Do a search in Places in world for Photography. Then visit those shops, and see if you like what they do. You might also browse flickr for people's Second Life pix and ask if they will do one for you. You might also put a new topic in the Wanted section here.
  3. Mesh makers online already complain that theft will happen. If this will slow theft or make it possible to track it, I don't see a problem. Especially at first, mesh will be expensive, and a prime target for thieves. Also there are pre made mesh models that other people online are worried will be illegally imported into Second Life. As long as NPIOF accounts can still shop and buy things and still create with the basic square prims, I don't see a problem. And it isn't as if they can't just sign up with PIOF if they wanted to, right? Doesn't everyone have a credit card these days?
  4. Those groups are chatty. So is the Forum Cartel Group. I agree: spaces not places; after all, what does place really mean on the internet?
  5. Will stop in next time I am in world, Hippie. Look at all those cute critters. On a sad note... Real life Meeroos Starving in France.
  6. Finley Verlack wrote: ........ ~~*V^vv^V Howlzzzzz V^vv^V*~~............. <---- when that shows up in the chat box and then you here hollowing that would be a gesture? If so then yep that is what i am talking about! I wasn't sure if it was called something different. It is just a gesture with no actually animation on your avatar correct? Sometimes they can have animation too. You can even make your own, as Valerie said. Go to Inventory, choose Create/New Gesture. You will need to remove and replace the chat, animation and sounds currently in there. Then retitle and save your creation. At first it is easiest to just use current ones. Am very familiar with the HOWL gesture, also HOO, as is anyone who has gone to a club in Second Life. Have fun.
  7. Aren't all the dance clubs filled with permanent singles on the make? You could always put a no drama clause in your profile. I hear that works.
  8. Talking about gestures? You can get lots of them for free. Most freebie warehouses would have a box full. You can also ask the person using one if they can give you a free copy.
  9. I think he will enjoy SL too. seb: You're welcome! Next time I am in world I will send you some more landmarks.
  10. Eh - if they've seen Borat they've read that profile. Should warn people about the group titles in it, though. Not G rated and this is a PG or G forum. Do people join groups as a joke? I am thinking not. Makes the profile not so funny IMO. Most of all if a person does not think they are the funniest person in the universe, or take themselves too seriously, their profile goes up the funny meter for me. Most profiles are informational, some have a few 'inspriational quotes.' I like the SL cliches, like, "mess with so and so and you are dead meat" or "I have the right to break TOS because I say so" in a profile. Now those are funny.
  11. Check your Lost & Found folder. It might be in there. If there is something that looks like a clump of stuff, pull it all out in a sandbox because the dragon could be mixed up in there. If it went off world it could take a few days to show up again in your regular folder for the dragon. Sometimes things disappear between rezzing it and the land's auto return, and just vanish in between. Good luck.
  12. To see the allowed permissions for anything you own, right click on that item in your Inventory, and choose Properties. In the Properties pop up window, look at the list of permissions on the bottom row. Modify, Copy, Transfer. If it has an X or checkmark beside it, it's allowed. If not, it's denied. As others have said, your shape is likely no modify. That is often the case with a demo or a hunt gift shape.
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Dropped him off at a club after some shopping. He looks sharp. He's very easygoing person. You should enjoy taking him round the shops if more shopping is required, folks. Welcome to SL seb Oh sure. Get the poor guy all spruced up and then ditch him. Probably broke his heart! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: LOL *hehee* He had quite a bevy to choose from though and it's been real quiet since then. LOL
  14. Dropped him off at a club after some shopping. He looks sharp. He's very easygoing person. You should enjoy taking him round the shops if more shopping is required, folks. Welcome to SL seb
  15. Kleinschwein, also the entire mall at Tombstone sim has tons of day wear. ETA also look up Morgana Kingsford profile she has some lovely Victorian day and travel dresses. And lots of medieval gowns too if anyone's reading and into that.
  16. OK great, I'll log in, and if you have a little time I'll take you around SL.
  17. Randall Ahren wrote: This profile description seemed pretty funny to me, what do you think? She did have a pretty attractive profile photo: Hey, I didn't order a f*cktard magnet in my avatar!!! ♀ PRICING Pretending to think you're hot: 3K$L Selling RL pics downloaded from porn sites that I'll claim is me: 5K$L Gracing you with my presence: 7K$L Parking my av on pose balls and going to make a sandwich iRL while you wank off to anime porn: 10K$L Throwing in occasional "ooh"s & "oh yeah"s between bites of sandwich: 12K$L Pretending to enjoy the above: 15K$LKnowing some idiot will take this seriously: PRICELESS I've seen that one but can't remember whose profile it is. I do like funny profiles. I profile surf when sitting around SL bored sometimes. I do roll my eyes at profiles that say they object to being read. Who made them type text in a public profile? Lol.
  18. Might get more results if posted in the wanted forum? Or more specifics?
  19. Prepare to be deluged with offers. Are you in world? Send me an IM, I can help you get set up for little to no money, and by that I meant, spent, not given to me. I won't take a dime for the help. Forum women love makeovers, so you may get not just one new look, but several. My advice: take them all up on it. Other not so subtle advice: A thank you goes a long way too.
  20. Bizarre? Maybe. Makes me smile? Definitely. Worth it? Of course! Funny? Subjective.
  21. Wicked Galaxy wrote: thank you Melita.. Her name is LaylaBug You're welcome! Glad Griffin was able to solve the riddle. I bet wearing a group tag will fix it. Another social aspect of the game is Fellowships. Each person can belong to one, and can form their own if they prefer. Then you can dedicate Meeroo, food, and/or stump to that Fellowship separately (or all.) Then you can bring your Roo to visit, and use another food or stump if it's in the same Fellowship the roo is in. I have a Fellowship anyone is welcome to join if they want to. Or, of course, you can make your own, and make your various roo locations places for your other roos to visit. Give them a change of scenery. That's what my rough plan is for now, so that I can mix up the babies brining them to new locations. The roos will not mate with their immediate family. So I have picked up any nests to be placed somewhere else with different roo later. Oh didn't I mention? I got three roo babies the other day Woot. Hippie I hope that you and your Lady will soon be blessed with the same - for everyone else, too!
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