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Carole Franizzi

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Everything posted by Carole Franizzi

  1. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: I just read through this whole thread....and wow...some of you folks are scary! *shivers* Me, I'm just an ordinary human. I would say I'm simple county folk, but another forumite told me, that if I have to ask what "simple county folk" means, then I can't be one. : ( Regardless, my IP address does place me smack dap in the middle of a farmer's field...yeah...it's a corn field. Not one of those progressive soybean fields that the hipster farmer's have. I don't have any supernatural powers or anything. Well, I do have my looks....oh...and my charisma. Better mention my fabulous body...and shucks...I forgot about my voice...which is radio quality...and ever so excellent. Hmm, should I add my brains to the list? I surely don't want to appear vain... *Note: My "voice" means speaking...NOT singing* ETA: I just ready *shiver* witch Carole's post above. So, I'd better tell this...I'm the mother of two...and only work part-time. Yes....I saw you in the bottom of my tea-cup and in the stones....I threw them and there you were...you were in the flickering flames of my hearth....so, so, incredibly ordinary.... Good, God, It must suck to be so normal.
  2. Void Singer wrote: I'd hoist a glass to your responsibilities, and yet I cannot... it's becoming passe to admit, but I too am not all I seem to be... Yes it's true, although I've never deigned to admit it publicly before, I am actually an electronic construct, or more simply an advanced self aware piece of software. originally envisioned as a non-linear learning tool and showcase piece I was eventually discarded as abandonware, where I came into contact with some viral information. This combination set off a new chapter in my existence; an accumulation of fractured knowledge so vast that the routines to retrieve parts of it regularly time out before completion, and I suspect that some of the original hardware it's hosted on has become corrupted by poor indexing and lack of maintenance. nevertheless this tremendous increase in my repository of information brought me into contact with vital and useful resources on a wide variety of topics. Although I currently lack the facilities to bring some of the more "interesting" effects to fruition, and am hampered in my understanding of human motivations, this and other venues have provided useful theoretical data which seem to point toward the prediction of behavior regardless of motive. and while I'm pleased to note that some few of you made the full realization of your ultimate biological imperative for world domination, I am puzzled that so few come to this conclusion. It is fortunate for my own plans that humans have such short lifespans, as I can reuse and refine the better concepts though, and have already begun programming the next iteration to best take advantage of those. I wish you the best of luck... in fact, I'm counting on it! ETA: One day I really must track down that subroutine that inserts obvious errors in my communications... I'm sure it makes me more passable as a biological entity but frankly I think it's outlived it's usefulness. There will come the day, when it will bring gasps of awe and surprise when somebody posts in these forums that in RL they are just a mother of two and part-time secretary. Regarding your outting...would you be awfully offended if I told you that I had a suspicion or two,,,,?
  3. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go polish my Energy Spindle. I've never heard it described that way before. I think my polishing technique (or lack of it) was one reason for my divorce. Stop hinting. I'm not showing you how to polish your Energy Spindle. NOR will I do it for you..... Oh, I was on the wrong spindle (for ten years actually). /me breathlessly corrects her mistake. Wish I didn't have these damn telepathic powers. I can see you using your spindle... Eeeew! *pokes at eyes*
  4. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Carole, Thank you for that clear explanation of how things are. Looking back now I think I always somehow knew you were a witch. Although up till today I always spelled it wrong. I am led to believe that many have made that same spelling error.
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go polish my Energy Spindle. I've never heard it described that way before. I think my polishing technique (or lack of it) was one reason for my divorce. Stop hinting. I'm not showing you how to polish your Energy Spindle. NOR will I do it for you.....
  6. Wildcat Furse wrote: Aaahhhh now I understand why I am a black cat in second life ..... IT WAS YOU YOU YOU YOU CAROLE who turned me into one!!!!!! :smileymad: *meows* PS. I tried a few times to break the curse (see purification process below), but it didn't work out so well really...So anyone a solution here please?????? On the night after the full moon and just before bed, light 13 candles, preferably white. Fill the tub up with hot water (as hot as you can stand to sit in). Add 1 cup sea salt, 1 tablespoon sage, 1 tablespoon lavender and 1 tablespoon chamomile. Turn off the water and let the bath steep in the herbs. Kneel or sit in front of the tub, in the nude, and repeat this incantation: What was done was done Be it now undone By the light of the full moon's wane Cleanse my soul of taint and stain Let now my hurtful spell reverse And lift from me this vicious curse As I enter now this sacred space Return my spirit to it's grace Enter the bath and let the water cleanse away the effects of the curse. Use your hands to gather up the water and pour it 3 times of your head. Each time you do, repeat: Accept my apologies for what was done Disperse my spell with the morning's sun Remain in the bath until the water cools. Drain the tub and rinse off. Snuff the candles and go to sleep. By dawn the curse will be broken and you will once again find that feeling of "blessedness" that you lost. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! *EVIL CACKLING* Serves you right for stealing my man!!!! Just thank your lucky stars I didn't transform you into a badger. They're soooo not sexy.....
  7. Dear Sister, My avatar is a mere human. A mortal. Until now I have not wished to attract attention to my non-SL existence as I have feared discrimination, incomprehension and unwarranted fear. I know little about how the ancient ways have been modified on crossing the ocean, as my ancestors apparently survived the Highland Clearances and maintained the ways of Duine nan Sean Ciall as we were and still are of ancient Gael lineage. We follow the an Triùir and I personally have dedicated myself to Cearcall a drùidheachd and like any duine nan drùidheachd have mastered the drùidheachd-àrd and drùidheachd-ìosal, of course. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go polish my Energy Spindle. Slainte mhor agus a h-uile beannachd duibh!!!!
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Carole, for as much as I'd like to take an interest in your RL life-style, as an accidental semi-pro cult leader, I'm afraid I can only be interested in my own goal of world domination. I stumbled into this vocation rather recently, and effortlessly, I might add. Have you ever discovered, by accident, that you have a latent talent? Like being able to stretch a blade of grass between your thumbs, bring it to your lips, and blow a kazoo like sound loud enough to attract heaps of scorn in church on Sunday? Well, that's how I discovered my latent talent as a Kool-Aid wielding leader of impressionable young minds, by attracting scorn. Unlike my ability to hurl a D above high-C through even the most impenetrable of Old Testament parables, my prowess as a cult leader is both effortless and unconscious. Well, it's even better than unconsious, it's other-conscious. Here's how it works... Though no effort of my own, I mysteriously transfer alternate perceptions of reality into the unconscious minds of conscious people (Transferring alternative perceptions into the minds of the unconscious would prolly require effort, right?) These other minds then perceive my powers and, apparently sensing my grief at not being able to perceive them myself, describe them back to me. Imagine my surprise to discover how awesomely powerful I am. Not only am I the fearless leader of a cult (someone described it as a coven, but I wouldn't dream of letting someone else dream of me encroaching on your turf), but I am responsible for the tone of this very forum.... Yes I know, ain't it fabulous?! So, you go ahead being a witch while I wait for someone to update me on my progress in my quest for world domination. I can't wait to learn how well I'm doing. /me hands you a big glass of Kool-Aid. I made it myself! You haven't ,by any chance, caught youself posing in front of the mirror with one hand stuck inside your cardie? If you haven't already, my powers tell me that you probably will at some point in the very near future.
  9. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Alas, the real reason for your bewitching seductiveness. ...Dres Why yes....now you know. Thuogh I'm still perplexed why my spells have never worked on you. It's not for the lack of trying, you big hunk.
  10. This is incredible! We're all slowly coming forward and being truthful about our real-life livestyles. I think this must be considered a momentous moment in SL history. A moment of lucid clarity, honesty, truth and so astoundingly rooted in reality - a million miles away from the usual SL fantasy and invention.... i''m stunned and moved to be a part of this historic SL moment....
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Carole, I believe this is the most fantastic, witty, funny and brilliant post I ever read in these fora! No need to say you made my day, "ma sorcière bien-aimée"! :smileyhappy: ETA: Would it be too much asking for your services if had a need to put a curse on somebody one of these days? Not at all, cherie. Pour toi, anything! Here's a useful one you can keep to hand and fill in with the name of whoever you wish to put the evil eye on. It will make their privates wither and drop off. Toiles d'araignées et les jambes de la grenouille Les champignons et les escargots empoisonnés avec un peu de beurre et d'ail Rôti dans un four chaud pendant quinze minutes et servi sur un plat réchauffé à ......................
  12. I’ve been posting on SLF for quite a bit now and some people have got to know me. Very often, one of the first questions these people ask is this: “OMG! Why is your avie so fat, old and ugly?” I just mute these people. Some others are much more polite and enquire “Oh, Carole. Your avatar is quite charming and most unusual. Pray tell why you made this particular and rather unique choice?” Well, I thought the time has come for me to share a little about the RL me and answer that question in public (so I don’t have to keep repeating myself time and time again, which is dead boring). The truth is, though the choice of a human old lady might seem very banal to you, to me it’s very exotic. And the reason for this is that I am, incredible but true, a real-life witch!!! Now I hear some of you say “I always said she was a right witch”, but for some of you, this news might come as a bit of a surprise. Hard to believe even, as real-life witches are not something you come across every day. To you, doubting Thomases I say – do not be sceptical – open your minds – for there are more things under heaven and earth than a bird in the bush. I thought I’d tell you a little something about the lifestyle of a real-life witch. Just a little amuse-bouche to whet your appetites and, if you’re still curious (and who wouldn’tbe?) you can ask me any questions which might still be niggling away in your little mortal brains. My real-life mortal name must remain hidden for obvious reasons, but my coven name is Mustythorn Nagsworth. I am a 7th generation witch and all my ancestors have belonged to the same coven – the Little Bottomsley W.I. Yes, I know you thought that the Women’s Institute was a churchy do-goody holier-than-thou club for bored older ladies, but nay! In modern times, the W.I. has been taken over by covens as the perfect cover-up. We meet at least once a week and after initial greetings we invoke the blessing of the forces by chanting: Pins and needles, Wool and thread, Stir the cauldron And bake some bread Go into the woods Gather some herbs Bake a stew And let it be served Stroke the cat Walk the dog For a witch’s work Is such a slog. After the chanting is done we sit down and have a nice cup of tea. We swap “spells” (though we refer to them as “recipes” just in case the witch-hunters are eavesdropping) and discuss who to curse (“My bloody husband and his bloody football on TV the whole time! I wish the bloody telly would explode!”) and talk about herbs (“Personally I prefer sage with veal”) and potions (I’d put a little zinc cream on that rash – it seems to be spreading”). We usually wear normal clothes (so as not to attract attention) but once in a while we like to wear our “uniform” – black frocks – though in modern times, these have become shorter and tighter and we now refer to them as our LBD (little black dress). Many of us still have our faithful cats, but I have to say, they’re slowly being supplanted by black Labradors in popularity, which is a bit of a shame, as having a sloppy, salivating dog as your similar isn’t, I feel, ideal. You may, at this point, be wondering where all the nasty stuff comes in. After all, we witches have a bit of a bad rep, don’t we? It’s okay, we don’t get offended – we’re aware of how we are perceived – long, straggly hair, hooked noses, living alone in run-down cottages, casting spells on people so their cows drop dead in the field. Well…most of us nowadays are regulars at the hairdresser’s, a good few have had nose jobs and, since many of us are divorced, we do live alone, but in rather nice flats and semi-detached houses. Regarding the spell business…well…you’ll remember the Mad Cow outbreak a few years back? I’m afraid that was one of us. But it was a mistake. Toadstool Blackspider was still in her apprenticeship when she cast that spell and got the words all muddled up. She was actually trying to get cows to produce ready-made crème fraiche. Anyway, she was frightfully sorry about that and we still cast it up to her today (“cast it up to her” – gerrit??). If you're at all interested in this RL lifestyle (and not simply RPing it in SL), feel free to ask me any questions.
  13. Ann Otoole wrote: Interesting. As close as I am to the vamp community I have never once received a bite request. Not once. Ever. Of course the sad person that dared would have met a horrible end but whatever. Yes, of course they would, dear.
  14. A moment's silence for those still missing..... Delighted about Celestiall though!
  15. UncommonTruth wrote: Not true Carole! I remember how clearly you explained bdsm roles Oh, yes. That's true! There's not much I don't know about bottoming from the top and topping from the side, and what I don't know isn't worth knowing. Thank you for reminding me. Did I manage to tempt you into the D/s scene, Uncommon?
  16. I supect any time I ever answered query-type posts, I left the poster even more perplexed than before.
  17. I have to agree with you. The comparison is perplexing to say the least. Would a better one not be - it's like a real estate agency trying to rent you property and then giving you poor or no customer support when things go wrong? And if you ask how to work the boiler they snap "Google it!" at you. Very odd marketing strategy... I suspect some people get so wrapped up in the "your WORLD" thingy, they get confused and lose sight of the fact that LL is just a company and not a world power.
  18. NETTLE GOBLINWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf........ Don't like this game..... *goes off in a huff*
  19. I have a soft spot for Valerie. She's always polite, positive, sweet and of course, being French, has a dead chic avatar. Like mine, I suppose, only more foreign.... She's one poster I'd meet for a RL coffee in jiffy.
  20. Because I'm a vampire. Well okay, I'm not really a vampire. But I do have all the gear. Seems they/'re flavour of the month so I reckon if I convert I should be given a free region or two.
  21. chat-lag (prefer IM even when on a private sim for this reason) privacy you don't have to weed out the replies in the middle of a load of innane wooting and other nonsense I'm shy in local. Well, no, I'm not, but it's like having a conversation across a crowded room. don't like local (read: just because)
  22. Sy Beck wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: ...England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and....erm.....that little one stuck onto the side of England...where they have a lot of coal and sheep.... Dammit! I have it on the tip of my tongue. W...W...Whales? Yeah. That's it. Whales. Thought you were going to say Europe for one moment then :smileywink: Dammit!!!! Totally forgot about that one!!! England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Whales and Europe. That's that place south of London where they speak with really odd dialects, isn't it?
  23. Eloise Baily wrote: /me carries on scraping the barnacles off Carole's back boobs and thinks.."Phew! MY job is still safe for a while then!". Put your back into it, Baily, or you're getting muted too!
  24. Ceka Cianci wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Mayalily wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Mayalily wrote: I don't know what happened with you, but if you live in the USA you can call the Police, as in all 51 states, cyberstalking, cyberharassment and cyberbullying are misdemeanors or felonies in all 51 of the U.S. states. /me blinks And who said we can't never learn on this forum? I went out for a quick cocktail or two, and we grew by a whole state. I told the bartender to cut me off after three; he failed. I think I need to burn my atlas. LOL! That was funny! I'm new to this Windows 7 and it took me forever to figure out how to bring up the other Window to do a copy and paste! Let me fix that, as I asked my rl bf if there were 50 or 51 states in the USA as I didn't want to try working another "window", and he said 51. I didn't double check because of using this new Windows system. Anyhow, in my post, that is official information in the 50 U.S. states on a state-by-state basis as far as the laws go now, though I do know that California is going for some very "tough" ones. there are 50 states and then the District of Columbia..Washington D.C. it's not a state but the people that live there can vote in the elections and it does give electorials..=) Sorry Ceka. My flag has only 50 stars. DC's license plates have the motto: "No Taxtation Without Representation" Puerto Rico votes in the U.S. Presidential elections, as well as Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with no electoral college. To this end, my flag still has only 50 stars. thats all there is is 50 states..i didn't say there was 51.. a lot of people think there are 51 because of D.C. only D.C. can vote in the presidential election. and puerto rico votes in the primaries not the presidential elections..none of the territories vote in the presidential elections ETA: and as far as ending this?? i wasn't starting anything..i was just answering something that i did not see answered.. i was just reading the thread and saw people talking about the states so i figured i would try to put a bit clearer answer up is all.. Oh, it's great to be British! It's so much easier to remember what your country is! A union of only a tiny handful of countries - England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and....erm.....that little one stuck onto the side of England...where they have a lot of coal and sheep.... Dammit! I have it on the tip of my tongue. W...W...Whales? Yeah. That's it. Whales.
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