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Carole Franizzi

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Everything posted by Carole Franizzi

  1. Eloise Baily wrote: I may be Barbie, but I try not to be boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............... Mmm? What? PS Did I ever tell you that I think you might just be the best human being I ever met in SL?
  2. Jo Yardley wrote: My avatar also looks like RL me, so no issues there. I get annoyed when I play other games and only get to play with boring models and barbie like avatars. I don’t mind Barbies. Hell – I am a Barbie in other accounts! It’s a hoot! But I’d hate to be stuck as one. I love the scope that having a realistic-looking avatar affords. I meet all sorts of interesting people. Did I ever tell you that I love your sim?
  3. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Eloise Baily wrote: There are too many ways not to be yourself. That's the idea. It's a SECOND life, not an extension of the first. People roleplay romance here. They lie about themselves, they have five husbands/wives and none of them know about the others... Not to all of us, Eloise...I am the same here as I am in RL, in character, personality (well, except that I'm a little older than my avatar It's not a second life to me, I don't pretend to be something I'm not or roleplay. For me, it is an extension of socialization of my first life. The problem is, of course, as you are well aware, that not everyone plays the same way you do. That’s where the issues lie. And where all the upset (I hate the word “drama”) originates. But I realise I’m preaching to the converted and that you’ve probably had loads of brushes with people who play SL in a completely different way to how you play.
  4. Eloise Baily wrote: You know what Ian..I'm going to do just that. Dunno why I haven't before tbh Ha! :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Four principal reasons I guess. (1) A somewhat odd (at least that's how it seems to me) obsession with privacy. I’m anything but obsessed, personally. If you make friends with me you get bombarded with RL pics, RL info and RL news. Whether you want it or not. In the forums which are open to the non-SL public…nah. I prefer not to. (2) Disclosure of their RL image would impact negatively on their SL image. Nah. Not for me. Nobody can seriously think Carole is better than RL me. You do??? Nooooooooooooooooo! Honest, injun. I swear I’m a tiny bit better. Just a teeny-weeny bit, mind. (3) The activities of their SL avatar would seriously embarrass the RL them. Oh jeez, yeah. You bet. Wouldn’t want my off-spring to connect Carole to “mum”. Having said that, all my RL-SL cross-over pals are well aware of the nonsense I can sometimes get up to in here (I produced what might just be the only illustrated geriatric porn novel in SL history). I suppose I can’t be that embarrassed. It must mean that I assume that people who understand SL, understand why you sometimes do odd stuff here. One of my dearest RL pals is an ex-SL chum and he knows exactly what I’ve done here, since he was often there while I was doing it, and although we sometimes joke and giggle about it, it’s certainly not an issue. (4) Their RL is as fake as their SL. I take exception to that, sir! My RL job as a shop-window mannequin for over-size fashions is very meaningful to me! To summarise – I suppose I differentiate between in-world and the forums, since in the forums, I have no control over who sees what I write. Doesn’t mean I play “No RL” in-world though.
  6. Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Eloise Baily wrote: Void, there are few here as helpful as you. I look up to you in that respect and help wherever I feel qualified, but you are a help legend, no doubt. On the down side, I don't even know what nationality you are, or what language is your first, but, as an English educated person I can assure you that I can speak bugger all languages, but I can kind of read and understand French. The French have words like le weekend and we have breakfast in a cafe...but we pronounce it caff. Please don't even get me started on what chips are! Rude and obnoxious is what I think your reaction was IMO. You could have turned off, muted, ignored as you often advise. I still don't understand. It saddens me though because I like your posts. Hmmm...and your response was polite and socially acceptable in every culture? This thread kind of reminds me of that time a poster nearly stroked out because someone suggesting that the FC was an excellent place for noobs to meet people that were kind and willing to help them on their virgin journey into digital life, was violating the CS and TOS because they saw it as a commercial interest even though anyone, free of cost, could participate with or without joining the group and with no associated costs. But, here, now, it is perfectly ok for this person to violate the "no posting off topic" community standard and chastise those that point out that it appears to be a mockery of sorts. Forums are so interesting, yes? Ima you were not the only one that saw this. She was being a petty troll that was spanked by Hippie. She knows it, you know it, Hippie knows it, we all know it. Peace Say what? Who? When? Although there’s a chance a handful of people reading Eloise’s and my posts might have felt excluded and unable to take part (cuz they haven’t been to the “Google School of Fronch” and can’t speak such fluent French as Eloise and me), I suspect there are a good few more who have read your and Ima’s little exchange and are totally at a loss as to what your little private conversation is about…I know I am. Careful. You can get sent to the corner round here for stuff like that. C’est quoi?? Oui? Quand??
  7. Ah, oui, sheee eeez jest like me. Eloise, ma petite Onglish friend - 'ow do you like my new accent? I 'ave decided to become Fronch as zey 'ave ze most zexy accent in ze world and I zink zat eet zuitz Carole to parfaction. N'est pas?
  8. What she said. Except the falsities about fugly trees, obviously.
  9. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: KellyFitz10 wrote: I've only been using second life for a little while now (about a month), but I have found how easy it is to make friends on here. But is anyone else feeling like bc maybe you made your avatar a better version of you (like i did), that you cant live up to the standards you created for yourself? Like it's kind of depressing knowing I've made all these male suitors on SL, but it's never going to happen offline, IRL? If yes, can you tell me what you did to stop the problem? Like it's kinda depressing. Make your avatar really revolting, then when you log out and look in the mirror, you'll think, "Well, hello there, hottie!" ROFL, Carole!!! recent photo of me in RL: :matte-motes-kiss:
  10. No. Me too. Actually it's not the only web site I'm viewing which just went haywire though I assume that's only a coincidence.
  11. KellyFitz10 wrote: I've only been using second life for a little while now (about a month), but I have found how easy it is to make friends on here. But is anyone else feeling like bc maybe you made your avatar a better version of you (like i did), that you cant live up to the standards you created for yourself? Like it's kind of depressing knowing I've made all these male suitors on SL, but it's never going to happen offline, IRL? If yes, can you tell me what you did to stop the problem? Like it's kinda depressing. Make your avatar really revolting, then when you log out and look in the mirror, you'll think, "Well, hello there, hottie!"
  12. Dillon Levenque wrote: :-). Since this thread is in fact in total derailment I'll take the derailment further. TY for the advice in a thread that has now been locked, and in which I posted something I actually did think would be helpful (ty Carole, too; you commented on said post). As for disagreement, I've never tolerated that from anyone, nor should any forumite. Even a HINT of a raised eyebrow should invite a duel to the death, as you suggest :-D. BTW, I'm pretty sure I heard that Carole has walked through the fire. It can change a person. Didn't change me, but I've heard some people are more sensitive to the flame. Death??? Death is too good for them! It should be a long drawn-out agony. Like being forced to read the full collection of my epic wall-of-text posts. Fire? You referring to my 80-a-day smoking habit? Can’t give up now – have just discovered the tres chic Goolwurz. They make me look like a young Catherine Deneuve.
  13. "If I'd have thought it was worth an AR I'd have just done that...." Well, “rude and obnoxious” is quite a strong label. Maybe worth ARing, if that’s your view of our posts. It's just a click or two of a mouse, after all. "I expressed an opinion…" So did I. "…feel free to disagree…" I do. I did. More than once. "…..it's not as if I have any say in what anyone here does or does not do." But you do. You can AR any post you feel is breaking ToS rules. "Unless of course you think no one is allowed to disagree with you…" And maybe you feel the same. And maybe we could go on and on hypothesising what the other thinks and feels. Might be fun! "…in which case, have fun with that." With what? Ah! The thingy you think I think, right? Well, thank you very much. Problem is, I actually have more fun when people disagree with me. You get interesting discussions that way. The alternative is writing daft posts in faux French to my old pal, Eloise. Though that’s fun too. She’s a hoot.
  14. At least ESLers make an effort to make themselves understood! If you can’t speak universally comprehensible English then you shouldn’t be posting on an English language forum! *ducks and runs for the exit*
  15. Psssst! I got a snazzy new signature! It's like DEAD chic 'n stuff! I feel the urge to light a Gauloise coming on....
  16. I’ve already stated that I feel it’s bang on topic, and though I have doubts that a couple of posts from Eloise et moi in bad French will traumatise anybody but actual French speakers, if you feel so strongly about it, then might I suggest hitting the AR button?
  17. Eloise Baily wrote: And anyway, I can't speak Fench very well. This is all Google translate and other rubbish. Pah! Moi je parle francais (mal) sans M. le Google! Et, n'y a pas personne qui attende l'inquisition espanole!
  18. Void Singer wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: [...] (PS How long do you think we can keep this up? How are you on Monty Python?) at least until someone mentions how rude and obnoxious it is to use a public message board as your own private coded chat room by speaking in a language foreign to it's purpose.... oops It's bad French (language spoken by several squillion inhabitants of the planet - only they all speak it better than Eloise and me) used to quote classic British TV comedy (again seen by oodles and oodles of folk). Unless they start banishing non-American national cultural references, I reckon we're okay. Plus...consider the OP has long since abandoned the thread. (Did he/she ever answer at all???). Consider our banter a working example of how difficult it is for EFLers to cope with English language forums. Nowhere near as obnoxious as taking up permanent residence in the SL forums and discussing other SLers and past forum history which new forumites will not understand, even with a google translator, and which is pretty common practice here.
  19. Suis-je bovvere'??? Gardez mon vis! Suis-je bovvere'???? (PS How long do you think we can keep this up? How are you on Monty Python?)
  20. Eloise Baily wrote: Pardonez Moi pour ma cheek la missus, but vous avez un tres grand derriere. Oui. C'est Vrai. ) OMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh, mon dieu....)
  21. Ian Undercroft wrote: /me thinks twice about telling Mayalily that some SL men have a tendency to "perv" cam up women's skirts when in SL clubs. I’ll avoid pointing out to her that there is no real privacy in the Internet at all, then. It seems unnecessarily cruel, seeing how flustered she's got realising that her SL avatar could be watched. PS Do you think she knows that all her chatlogs are LL property too?
  22. You go for the baldy-bods if that's what rings your bell, and leave the natural men to us old-school gals.
  23. The only thing that is likely to get you into trouble with me is saying that agreeing with me will get you into trouble! Oi!! Have I been black-listed or summat? (I’ll pretend that I didn’t notice your comment about women and brains due to the fact that you kinda agree with me). The epitome of lip-biting lust to me? An intellectual with a caveman physique. Male, naturally.
  24. Eloise Baily wrote: PAH! Comment TRES dare-ez vous ami de femme! je voir votre papa vendez le butts de cigarette dans le dockyard pour un funny foot creme glacee. Peut etre je suis un marron glace', mais au moins je n'ai pas un grand pate' de foie gras!!!!!!
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