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Carole Franizzi

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Everything posted by Carole Franizzi

  1. You've got to hand it to the bright spark who thought up the concept in the first place. How to make them pay as much as possible....? Can't say ya gotta pay a purchase price AND rent...nobody's daft enough to fall for that.... I GOT IT!!!! CALL THE RENT "TIERS"!!!!! That way nobody'll ever catch on!!!!!!!!
  2. Harlee Fallen wrote: oh i didnt know that, again i feel as if there being blanketed as usual....why should they be? it truly is a shame. oh and she made it VERY public...she was going to 'ruin' my life...so its not much of a he said she said. I disagree. If she made it public, and you are making it public, then it's very much a "he said, she said" situation. Can't get much more "he said, she said" than that, actually. The thing is, unless she published some nastiness about the RL you in a national newspaper, I can't see how it can damage your RL. Going public is not writing the odd article about an anonymous avatar signed by an anonymeous avatar in a blog that maybe a handful of people will ever read. I don't know you or her. Never heard of either of you. I suspect for most forum readers the reaction will be the same. Maybe some of her cronies will read her blog. Some of your cronies will read yours. That's not quite the same thing as going public, to my mind, so the damage is pretty limited It's not a question of blanketing anyone. This isn't the place to get official action done. It's a forum for residents. The forumites wouldn't be able to help you at all, other than cluck sympathetically over such meanness.My suggestion is mute, ignore and move on. Unless she's revealling RL info, in which case AR her sorry backside.
  3. Gosh, Harlee, i'm not sure linking to an external site where you name another resident to discuss in a negative way is even permitted. I've a sneaking feeling it might be against the ToS. Strictly speaking, it's a sort of "your word against theirs" situation. Your "enemy" could open a new thread claiming that it's you and not her doing the harrassing. I think most people would choose to stay well out of something in which only the two direct participants know exactly what happened. My 12 cents worth (inflation...).
  4. I mute all of those who.... dare to contradict me do not laugh at my jokes do not admire my latest hair-do do not spell correctly do not propose marriage within the third date use text-speak make cultural references I do not understand have talking tummies or privates have prim babies in tow are dressed as vamps, nekos, doms, subs, fairies, elves, furries, barbies have fluorescent blonde flexi-hair have orange skins wear bling don't wear AOs use voice My mute list contains 25,882 names. Hello? Hellooooooooo!!!!!
  5. Alors, nous pouvons etre francaises ensemble...sur le rive gauche...avec les gauloises...et les berets tres, tres chics.... Je t'embrasse
  6. rotpaulette Carter wrote: If i may write somethin!! Void is very, very good in French.... Carole, Eloise.../me look up .....down.../me scratche my head.....Look at you ,smiles and whispers.... they are very good too!! We are, indeed, tres, tres bonnes. Though I am more bonne than Eloise...
  7. Bandito Razor wrote: Hey, some of us Americans kick ass thank you Just.. you know none of the ones in power....v . v I rather like the one who's in power, actually... Doesn't mean I'd give up my actual citizenship to be American...or anything else, truth be told. I quite like being what I am. In my next life, however, I intend coming back as French. The accent is soooo sexy....
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: Dito, Carole. That's what I said: vous êtes la crême de la crême! God bless you! And damn this Atlantic ocean! Let's pretend we're having a café in Saint Germain des Prés... Hugs you! Atlantic Ocean??? ATLANTIC OCEAN???? Oh my God, you think I'm an American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints* (i'm not quite so far away, actually...just a bit of a drive and the English Channel. Pardon. La Manche.)
  9. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Okay, now you're both being rude and obnoxious. Get a room, you two! Forgive me Mother for I have sinned. I have committed the sin of derailment many times since my last confession. If you'll excuse me, I feel a little self-flagellation coming on.
  10. As I said, Valerie, whenever I have felt that an SL friend was real, I’ve treated them as such and have never worried that they turn up on my doorstep with an axe in their hand. Obviously, we’re talking about a very limited number of people – but then, not many of us make a dozen new friends a week in RL either. I’ve met a couple of people from SL and, God willing, if the circumstances allow it, I will hopefully meet others, as I firmly believe that you can meet total gems in the oddest of places. There are some people I’d actually love to meet and would jump at the chance, including several forumites, although in a couple of cases, it would be in to have the pleasure of beating them over the head with a rolled up newspaper. If my finances and time permitted a more jet-setting lifestyle, believe me, I’d like nothing better to come and give you that hug in person and then sip a cafe’ au lait with you at a bar on the Rive Gauche. Or any rive, for that matter. As long as it was French. And chic. Having said that, there are several I wouldn’t meet even if accompanied by a 10-man armed guard. Take that Eloise Baily, for example. There’s something very shifty about her. I suspect she really is an axe-maniac thingy…. à toi, ta santé, et tes postes...mwah!
  11. Eloise Baily wrote: OI! Qui est mon bisous? EH? Well, where are mine then? Here you are. All for you...pucker up now...
  12. rotpaulette Carter wrote: I am sooooo sorry Lady, je vous aime tres fort , bisous partout. Oh, de rien, cherie (Don't mention it, darling) Bisous partout a vous aussi (kisses all over to you, too) Simultaneous translation kindly supplied by Pepe' le Pew
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: I make no mystery I am seriously ill in RL, Ishy. The most amazing thing is that I get more care, tenderness and support from my SL friends than from the RL ones (who are very few and most of them colleagues, more worried about my ability to remain performant at work than about my chemio and scanners...). Ironically, it has been my disease which made me realize how much my SL friends are real to me. They help me keeping on walking on the sunny side of the street and I have no words to say how much I am grateful for that. :smileyhappy: My most heartfelt best wishes to you, Valerie. An immense hug to you.
  14. rotpaulette Carter wrote: Seem to me ,somebody is not just attacking spelling and grammar, but report person too.....Well carry on mister Arazo. Who you calling mister? I'm a laaaaaaaaaady!
  15. I’d challenge the idea that to qualify as a friend, you have to be concretely available to help move house. To my mind, it’s sufficient to be willing to lend such support, whether or not it’s factually possible. We don’t always reside in the same area as our RL friends for the full course of our lives, which might make popping in for coffee, packing crates and offering paper tissues impossible on the spur of the moment even between the dearest of old pals. Having said that, if we never ever manage to organise face-to-face meetings, I’d assume that even the oldest, dearest RL friendship had run its course. No tragedy in that – people do grow apart – it’s a fact of life. Therefore, to insist on calling a “true” friend a person you not only have never met, but have no intention of attempting to meet, or even just genuinely wish you could meet, had you the money and time (the only factors which stop me seeing distant old friends as regularly as I’d like), is, I feel, an exercise in self-illusion. Since a whole load of the most superficial of acquaintances and work-related contacts know my full real name and my e-mail address, I’m not entirely convinced that my SL friends knowing my real first name or e-mail address is any sort of indicator of deep friendship. My “true” SL friends know my full real name, postal address, skype number, e-mail address and I have/would/will met/meet them in RL without hesitation. So, if one or both SL pals conceal RL data of the sort which is commonly known by RL friends (phone number, surname, address, etc.) then I’d agree that what’s actually going on is what somebody (Ishtara?) in the thread called “role-playing friendship”. Holding back because you suspect your “bestie” is a raving lunatic is, indeed, the wisest of moves, but has to be recognised as a sign that the friendship is truly not on the same level as those in RL whom you can invite round for coffee without worrying that they plant an axe in your back when you turn to put the kettle on. (PS Sorry, Valerie, I responded to you but my answers were directed all over the place to points I saw in different posts)
  16. Gosh. Not sure that I’d embrace the “Europe = white” formula at all. Many southern Europeans (Spanish, Italians, etc.,) have a good old (and when I say “old” I mean hundreds or even thousands years old) dose of Arab and African blood in their veins. And nowadays, many French, British, German, Dutch etc. are even more different shades, thanks to more modern immigration. That would mean, if we had a national history day in the UK, and in the midst of it somebody cheered, “Yeah! It’s great to be British! Great to be white!”, he’d probably get some really nasty looks from Britons of all shades, including the very, very pale ones. Now, I’m not saying I’m ashamed to be “white” (assuming that I am indeed 100% white), but proud of being white? Nah. However, I would be proud of being British if a white pride celebration took place in the streets of London and was fiercely challenged by my fellow citizens. I don’t mean to be cheeky but - how can you celebrate being something you don’t have much knowledge or understanding of? (ETA I'm referring to the European bit, not the white thingy, with my question) ETA # 2 Sorry bout this. I’m back. Was pondering (whilst drying my hair. I’ll soon be off. Promise) and I just felt the urge to point this out. The differences between European countries and cultures is ENORMOUS. Trying to find cultural similarities between a Swede and a Greek, is a muuuuuch bigger task than finding cultural similarities between a southern Spaniard (European) and a Moroccan (North African). So, what I was wondering was...who the heck gets celebrated in your “Euro” American Day? Because Europe is composed of about 50 completely distinct nations and even more languages. How do you celebrate something so vague, vast and varied – since there is no single easy-to-define European identity. And why would you want to anyway? So what if your great-great-great-great-great-granny was from Auchterchoochty. You ever been there?? Nothing to celebrate. Believe me.
  17. rotpaulette Carter wrote: Now you are talking a foreign language on purpose, it is rude and obnoxious.:smileyvery-happy: Please be nice and get back to our french official language.:matte-motes-nerdy: Oh, cherie, mais, you see, there have been des protestes – apparently it is not au fait to faire les postes en francais. Personalment, je ne comprend pas. Pour moi, it is a kerfuffle over rien, mais what do I connaitre? bisous, Carole
  18. Oh, pleeeeeeease God, don't let me be affected by the avatar effect....
  19. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: @Carole....just read your profile and ROFL. You are too much girl :smileytongue: Ha! Oh, ah iz, ah iz.... (I always think it funny when I get labelled an old farty stick-in-the-mud. I'm actually a naughty rascal.)
  20. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: But I realise I’m preaching to the converted and that you’ve probably had loads of brushes with people who play SL in a completely different way to how you play. Carole...is this, by any chance, a snide remark? :smileysurprised: Absolutely not. I play SL as you do - as myself (not to be confused with how I "play" the forums). I've had brushes with people who RP their bums off and remain perplexed and confused (although, I do try to be tolerant) by their ability to keep ther RL selves out of it. I never managed it in-world. Ah, okay...sorry. I read it a different way (in another tone...shame on me) and was confused as to why you would say it like that. My apologies :smileywink: No need to apologise. I can be snidey at times, but I was 100% deadpan sincere. Being, like yourself, rather "genuine", I know what it means to be at cross purposes with those who RP both their lives. I'd still defend their right to do so with my teeth, but it does cause a bit of upset at times.
  21. Eloise Baily wrote: Oy Carole! Who'd have pensed all this le kerfuffle eh? Et quel kerfuffle!!!!! Hey, if ya gotta let off your aggressivity-steam, ya gotta....
  22. Carole Franizzi reaction to Ima Rang accusing Eloise Bailey of being aggressive and trolly:
  23. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: But I realise I’m preaching to the converted and that you’ve probably had loads of brushes with people who play SL in a completely different way to how you play. Carole...is this, by any chance, a snide remark? :smileysurprised: Absolutely not. I play SL as you do - as myself (not to be confused with how I "play" the forums). I've had brushes with people who RP their bums off and remain perplexed and confused (although, I do try to be tolerant) by their ability to keep ther RL selves out of it. I never managed it in-world.
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