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Canoro Philipp

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Everything posted by Canoro Philipp

  1. not at all, this is an expereince that many residents face day to day, more common than it seems, specially if you are an immersive user immersion is a high level of integration with the world, and they way you percieve you avatar, is the perfect immersion state, beyond roleplay
  2. the destination guide is a great idea, i always recommend exploring it to the newbies i help, so they can have a better idea of the variety and beauty of Second Life, and is more easy for them to find a place they feel comfortable in and make some friends
  3. the "Like" button doesnt have any influence on what places make it to the Destination Guide, and dont make a place more or less important than another, just gives the creator an idea of how appreciated is the destination another thing that the "Like" button does, is that allows those who have a Facebook account to easely share a place they like with their Facebook friends, they just have to click "Like" in a place of their preference in the Destination Guide there are some people that dont mind mixing their real life with their second life that have a Facebook account, its great that those residents that prefer not to have a Facebook account, are free to not have it
  4. why dont you talk to him and tell him that it would be more appropiate to get a teen account, that you are glad to be his friend but he got the opening of a new account wrong. there is no clear form for teens to specify they are, he must have heard teens were welcome so he signed up. dont be harsh to him for not knowing what to do. i think he is innocent, it just needs orientation. also, he has no adult interest in you, just as a builder partner, his heart is with the girl in school, he is totally safe.
  5. recommendation: be careful using third party viewers, the developers of phoenix have a record of comitting crimes using their users and collecting their information without their knowledge. for a more secure experience, use Linden Lab official viewer.
  6. in viewer 2, the way to get rid of the cloud is: go to the advanced menu (if you dont see it, press ctrl+alt+D) in the advanced menu, choose "show debug settings" the debug settings window will appear, and type "RenderUnloadedAvatar" choose "true" as its option, and close the "debug settings" window. the cloud will dissapear immediatly. --------------------------------------------------- once you are unclouded, you may notice that some part of you is not loaded, may be your shape, your skin, your hair, or anything else, the part that you dont see loaded is what was holding you to stay in the form of a cloud your avatar dont come out of the cloud until all your avatar is done loading. you can go now to your inventory and replace the part of your avatar that refuses to load with another one, for example change to another skin, or shape, or maybe the eyes.
  7. simple answer: you wont get in trouble with Linden Lab, as long as you dont use it for anything sexual.
  8. Linden Lab Official: Clarification of policy disallowing ageplay We've had a number of questions from Residents regarding Linden Lab's policy regarding sexual "ageplay" (depictions of, or engagement in, sexualized conduct with avatars that resemble children). This practice has been disallowed in recognition of our Community Standards, complaints from Residents, and international laws, so it's important to understand the definitions. Under our Community Standards policy, real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of sexual or lewd acts involving or appearing to involve children or minors are not allowed within Second Life. When detected, individuals and groups promoting or providing such content and activities will be subject to sanctions, which may include termination of accounts, closure of groups, removal of content, and loss of land or access to land. There are three key aspects involved in these materials or acts that are in breach of the Community Standards: Participation by Residents in lewd or sexual acts in which one or more of the avatars appears to represent minors (or the depiction of such acts in images, video, textures, or text) is a violation of the Community Standards. Promoting or catering to such behavior or representations violates our Community Standards. For instance, the placement of avatars appearing to represent minors in proximity to "sex beds" or other sexualized graphics, objects, or scripts would violate our Community Standards, as would the placement of sexualized "pose balls" or other content in areas depicting playgrounds or children's spaces. The graphic depiction of children in a sexual or lewd manner violates our Community Standards. We understand that in some cases there may be an element of subjectivity as to whether an avatar (or other image) appears to be a minor. Objective factors which will be used to decide, including whether an avatar has childlike facial features, is child-sized, has clothing or accessories generally associated with children, and whether, based on the circumstances, an avatar is speaking or acting like a child ("My Mommy says..."). Note: Merely having a childlike avatar does not violate this policy. It is not our intent to banish childlike avatars in and of themselves. If you are in doubt as to whether an activity may be interpreted as ageplay, we request you err on the side of caution and desist. Please note that some countries' laws may impose penalties for graphics, drawings, or anime that resemble child pornography, even where no children have been involved. Linden Lab reserves the right to immediately terminate the accounts of Residents who violate these standards.
  9. I answered your questions in your other thread here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/Researching-SL-subcultures-Any-input-would-be-helpful/m-p/834859#M1379 i'll do your survey too
  10. like Marcus said, you need to load a bald base for your head. I'll explain: the short hair you see is the default hair of an avatar. when your avatar enters Second Life, it loads first the default avatar and transform it into your avatar, if theres something that it can not change, the default avatar hides under a cloud until you are completed. take note of what is different from your usual avi, the short hair hairstyle, how about your skin, or your shape, your eyes, are they allright? load from your inventory the parts that you see different, if you have more than one skin or shape, or other characteristics use that one, the problem seems to be that a certain part of your avatar is not loading into your inventory and therefore it can not complete your avatar, so changing what does not appear in your avi for another, may solve this problem.
  11. in viewer 2, go to the advanced menu (if you dont see it, press ctrl+alt+d) from the menu, select "show debug settings" and the debug settings window will appear in the search bar of the debug settings window, type "RenderUnloadedAvatar" select "true" as its option and close the debug settings window the cloud must dissapear immediatly
  12. IM them and tell them that they have 5 minutes to come up with a good reason to be there or else they will be banned.. and wait.. if they dont respond you can ban them they cant say that you didnt warn them and you didnt give them a chance to defend themselves
  13. go to the Advanced menu (if you dont see it press ctrl+alt+d ) and at the bottom of the menu choose "show debug settings" the Debug Settings window will appear and in the search bar of the window write "RenderUnloadedAvatar" select True and close the Debug Settings window your avatar should appear immediately
  14. there are many reasons to enjoy SL, more than you and I could ever imagine. I think what you want to know is some form that You can enjoy Second Life by catching suggestions in our answers. Second Life is a very flexible platform that offers opportunities to socialize, roleplay, and whatever else you want to do, so, the point of Second Life it's pretty much in your individual taste.
  15. Tolya, many things: i was like you, at first i came and didnt comment for a while, confused to where things were, learning the new dynamics, a forum newbie, once you learn how this new forums work, you get the flow of posting. this is just starting and its starting to step up now that the posters adapted to the new format. learn about it as you wish, you tried to test the new boundaries by starting a "naughty bits" thread, pep also has tested the boundaries with "helping teens with their gender bending", now you know them, and its not so hard to adapt to them. remember what attracted you here, where's the real value, you didnt came to admire a nice website, you came because of the people. some of those people that keep the forums interesting was you. if you dont post in the forums you are taking with you what you are looking for.
  16. te van a responder, ten paciencia porque los creadores tiene differentes horarios que entran, concedeles un dia, porque no sabemos de que parte del mundo son. suerte
  17. esto me suena sospechosamente a fraude 1) la maquina del amor es un sistema creado por Philip Rosedale con direccion a crear una inteligencia artificial. 2) en Second Life no manejamos monedas, transferimos lindens. y no indicas cuantos lindens recibe tu sistema. 3) tienes que llenar un cuestionario, eso quiere decir que te va a enviar a una pagina web, y si te envia a una pagina web, porque usa LSL? lo refieres como "mediante complejos calculos" para desanimar a las personas a que indagen su operacion. 4) de que forma "la maquina del amor" va a avisar a la otra persona? 5) hablas de "probar la Máquina del Amor de manera totalmente gratuita", no dijiste que es con una moneda, articulo que no se usa en second life? 6) tambien hablas de una comision con palabras muy inexactas como "importante" preguntas: en que forma va a "unir" personas? buscas unir avatares o personas del mundo real? todo esto me suena a fraude, cuidense usuarios, no les vayan a desaparecer su dinero.
  18. yo tambien he comprado cosas en el Marketplace y a veces no me llegan. lo que hay que hacer es hablar con el creador y dale el numero de recibo, para demostrar que si eres cliente, el numero de tu transaccion lo puedes encontrar entrando a marketplace (sign in), y enseguida de tu nombre, en la barra de arriba vas a encontrar "my marketplace", entra alli y en la barra de opciones de la derecha entra a "order history", ese es tu historial de compras que has hecho en el marketplace, busca el producto que no recibiste, abajo de la fecha en letras grandes esta el numero de tu recibo, tambien si quieres enviarle al vendedor de ese producto el numero de su producto ( Item ID ). los creadores estan concientes que a veces el mecanismo de entrega falla, asi que de seguro van a poder enviarte el producto que te falto, porque el recibo indica que ellos ya recibieron tu dinero.
  19. thats very strange, try uninstalling and reinstalling the viewer, if you are using the current viewer try switching to the latest beta, if some file is damaged, that may correct it.
  20. tested in the latest beta and the current and what i find out is that that button isnt there in private groups, not meant for anyone to join. also in the groups i already joined. probably the groups you want to join are not open for the public, or you may have joined already. you can check in the people tab on the side bar, under my groups to see if its already there
  21. the "join now" button is on the side of the group picture once you open a profile.
  22. i have been using group chat and i never had any problem with it from the time the first viewer 2 beta came out to this second. can you be more specific about what the problem is?
  23. las configuraciones locales de ambiente Windlight vienen en camino, lo dijo rodvik aqui: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/general-sl-discussion/57344-my-not-so-humble-suggestion-3.html a los 10 posts hacia abajo
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