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Canoro Philipp

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Everything posted by Canoro Philipp

  1. there should be a mass media. without a mass media we are all disconnected, and the cooperation is minimal. we are getting a comment stream service like facebook and twitter in the new profiles, its a great idea, but we should be able to make the comment in a space that reaches more than the people we personally know. it may be a better way, but the forums, this place where we come together and post to the public knowledge, seems to be the closest user mass media we got.
  2. it could be any form, the forum software is a system that has a lot of potential, the forums are something like groups, but public.
  3. @Keli @Sylvia that was a great solution maybe we dont see it anymore because the old GD was the wild west. now that the forums are more family friendly, we could have them back.
  4. should the forums be more promoted? many people has discovered the forums when they have a problem and return to the website, and looking around for help they find the forums. calls for help is the most ones we got. if the forums would be promoted not as a tool for help, but as a form of comunication between residents, all residents would be more united, it would be as a massive communication media, the usefulness of the forums would increase, because what happen mostly here is that we all learn from each other, reading in articles, real life experience, our own reasoning, and the SL forum posters must be around 1% of all the residents. if we have the forums as a popular form of communication, we will all learn from each other, there is so much that people would share, with so many different backgrounds and perspectives, the wisdom of the masses will increase, the acceptance to each other. there would be thousands forum posters, it would be a constantly alive place. how to implement this? we are in the process of evolving the profiles, we should have the option of that what we comment in the forums appear also in our comment streaming service, answering that comment would bring them to the forums, people would use the forums as hangouts, and the forums would evolve to not only be a place for help but a place for massive communication between residents. it would be like the internet is to real life.
  5. it would be better if the person knows that it has been muted, that way some would not stay worried about not having seen that person in a while, sending messages waiting for an answer back, worried if something have happened to that person.
  6. they could be copybots downloading the things of people close to their range.
  7. you dont need land to have a roof to live on. you can get this home anywhere kits: the whole grid becomes your home, no need to pay rent or buy land.
  8. i miss the old GD regulars too.. just a few hours ago i went to a place in rl to meet someone and the people there said that that person doesnt hang out anymore... that person moved to a different place.. i came to realize that people come and people go in life, and we have to enjoy them while they are avaliable, like you are right now Hippie. i came to accept the painful truth that some people that leave our lives may not gonna come back, but its their choice of how much of themselves they are going to share with us.. also i decided to celebrate the new people that we have now, and the great people that is gonna come this year, the 2011 generation of forum posters. old GD posters, if you lurk this, thank you for what you shared with us, you rock!
  9. if you go to jail, would you like to know the reason why you are being punished? would you like to have a chance to defend yourself? there should be a rule to protect residents against unjust practices of land owners, there has been cases of land owners that let residents build a business and once it becomes popular ban the owner and keep the business, residents must have the right to defend themselves under LL law. i suggest that linden lab charges a certain amount to the land cost for every unfair ban.
  10. they should make bots more visually appealing, trying to match with the environment, for example they could be wearing a tiny avatar, or be a vehitar.
  11. i dont believe in giving up my rights in fear of the criminals because our government cant protect us. that is not an acceptable solution. if the government resource to that, the criminals win taking away our freedom.
  12. no esta prohibido escribir cosas en otro idioma en los foros, por ejemplo hubo un tema en general discussions donde alguien escribio en arabe y se comunico con gente que hablaban arabe tambien, cuando sucedio el desastre de japon, algunos escribieron en japones y en ingles, creo que limitar que se use un idioma en un foro no debe ser tan estricto, puesto que a veces las respuestas pueden ser de combinaciones de varios idiomas.
  13. it even happens in rl. people try to portray themselves as more succesful, happy, good looking as they really are, buying some clothes because they saw a good looking model in an ad that look great in it, they buy makeup to hide who they really are, or pretend they dont have as many problems as they do. we seem to be uncomfortable with our real selves, im talking about how we see ourselves instead of how we look socially, mainly because everybody does that, and being humanity social beings we can not allow ourselves to be left behind in the success of our peers. so we buy this and that to "enhance ourselves" hiding who we really are, "lying" about ourselves. Second Life seems to be the ultimate presence modification tool to increase acceptance and fill our social hunger, when the real real self comes out... well.. it can be dissapointing. i wonder if people that got married and see their girlfriend/boyfriend without all those enhancements feel the same.
  14. i agree. the user should be in control of his/her information. the user should have the right to hide its username if s/he desire and be known as s/he wish to be known.
  15. it happened. it happened a lot of times in SL with some variations, some people have their own standards of external beauty, its easier to move forward a relationship when you have the visual base of the person, they feel comfortable because their interest matches their visual preference, its easy to fool yourself idealizing one person when you are very interested, minimizing or ignoring defects and maximizing virtues or inventing ones that the other person may have, when the idealization is shattered, all the admiration based on the fantasy dissapear, you have adjusted your reality about that person, and you only keep admiring the things that were not based on that ideal. if your partnership is more an ideal about a person, then the love gets reduced to the non ideal level and it can get close to nothing, if the love is more based on facts about a person, then the love has more possibility to survive. of course there are many reasons why when people show their rl side to each other the relationship ends, maybe one of them lie about a fact, maybe they realize that they want to keep the relationship SL only, they enjoy it most this way, maybe they werent prepared for the rl step. im sure it happened countless of times.
  16. ok, lets add a system that filters out the groups and picks based on the maturity ratings that they already have, and we are going to use the word filter from the forums to add a bleep to the adult words it finds in the profiles.. mm.. now residents are complaining that some words are not adult, like lolita (its a fashion) and **bleep** (its a rooster)... Eureka! we could have the banned words system applied unless someone has a good reason to have that word and we deactivate the filter personally for each resident, and also we could add an Abuse Report so the resident tell us if theres any profile that have that word in an adult context... this is gonna be great
  17. I absolutly agree and can be easely implemented! before single names we were forced to have a last name, i didnt want one but oh well.. i was forced.. if you didnt like any of the last names avaliable, you had to choose the less worse, and it would stick with you forever maybe having a last name was a good idea in part, but if you were forced to have a last name at least they should give the ability to create your own, and we would be able to see how creative residents could be with their last names. allowing a space to be added it would be the best solution for names, if the database for some reason cant allow spaces because it will mess with the code, the space can only be visible, for example, when you register you could write in your name field "Canoro Philipp", the field could convert that input to "Canoro.Philipp" and store it in the database, replacing spaces with points, and at the moment of displaying it back from the databse, the conversion of point to space could be performed. thats what display names basically does but are separated from account names. they should not have been introduced as separated, but as an enhanced replacement. the display names implementation should have been done like this: that any new resident create their name like "i am so cool" writing spaces in the name field and having it stored like i.am.so.cool thats what it needs to be done, allow more points in new names and we will see a flow of amazing creativity.
  18. yes, the data streaming service is going to be inworld, or it can be managed offworld is you wish too, in case you dont want to log just to add a post. its in demo stage, pre-alpha, and its working. i guess more features like adding videos and pictures is going to be added, and some other ideas that may come out from resident feedback in the future. Linden Lab is going to give us privacy controls to define who can see what posts and who cant. its going to be very improved, better than Facebook, because Linden Lab listens more to their customers than Facebook.
  19. some people care about connecting their profiles to Facebook, Flickr, and every entity possible on the web, they just have to have it all. Facebook bring us some advantages, the posts stream is a good idea, unfortunately, Facebook played with our data, irrespective of our needs for privacy, and that leaved a scar on many people that think that a data streaming service is an invasion of privacy. i see this move, creating our own stream of data as a separation of Linden Lab from Facebook, if Facebook dont want to provide us with the service, we can have our own, and inworld, if some people see advantage in a data streaming service for their clients and friends, they dont have to have a Facebook account, where their data can be in danger. for those who still prefer to have a Facebook account, they can do so. if Linden Lab denies them that because some dont want to use a data streaming service it would be unfair to them, why taking off a feature because some users dont use it?
  20. puede que tengas un virus que haga todo mas lento, a veces hacen esas cosas, o quizas sea tu firewall que lo detiene un poco. revisa que programas fueron instalados desde ese tiempo para aca, y cual de ellos hizo la diferencia. el visualizador esta preparado para correr en computadoras mas antiguas, donde puedes encontrar problemas es 1) la transferencia de datos que entran a Second Life, revisa cual es la maxima velocidad que le tienes permitido recibir, en Yo > Preferencias > Configurar > Ancho de banda maximo, quizas tengas un cuello de botella alli. 2) puede ser que tu compu no este dando suficiente poder para procesar la informacion que recibe, podrias ponerle el ultimo controlador a tu tarjeta de video. 3) puede ser la memoria, verifica que la memoria no este saturada con varios programas abiertos que le dejen muy poco espacio a Second Life para correr.
  21. Perfiles Hemos estado trabajando en mejorar la funcionalidad y opciones de los Perfiles, una gran forma de expresar tus intereses, compartir tus actividades favoritas, comunicar tu excepcional personalidad, y conocer a otros Residentes de SL como tú. Algunas de las cosas fenomenales que agregamos incluye la opción de "Páginas" que te deja agregar páginas a tu perfil para diferentes temas, intereses, regiones y otras cosas divertidas. Como siempre, tú controlas el nivel de privacía de tu cuenta — puedes ajustar precisamente cuanta información quieres que se muestre — ¡o que se mantenga privada! Puedes esperar una opción que te permitirá auto-postear a Twitter y Facebook — así como una nueva corriente de actividades, incluyendo un sumario de las actividades de tus amigos. Esto te permitira revisar los mensajes o fotos en los que tus Amigos de Second Life han comentado, avisandote cuando un amigo cambia su foto de perfil, ¡y mucho más! También estamos trabajando en integrar otras identidades de redes sociales — incluyendo sitios populares como Plurk, Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr y Foursquare — para que puedas optimizar tu red social de SL, todo bien refinado para compartir mucho o tan poquito como prefieras. Tú eres quien maneja, ¡pero nos alegra acompañarte en el recorrido! Marketplace Para todos ustedes que les gusta comprar aparatos nuevos, ropa, avatares — ¡y todo lo que haiga bajo el sol! — hemos implementado algunos cambios a nuestro Marketplace que va a mejorar tu experiencia en las compras y va a ser el proceso más suave. Una de las opciones fenomenales en las que hemos estado trabajando es en Entregas Directas. Lanzamos la fase Alpha de Entregas Directas a principios de Junio, ¡y los vendedores participantes nos han estado dando una gran retroalimentación! ¿Qué sigue? Más enfoque en mejorar Entrega Directa, y trabajar con los Vendedores Beta en la plataforma Alpha. Hemos estado trabajando en una aplicación que pueden usar los visualizadores no officiales para mostrar listas de artículos del Marketplace, y continuamos recogiendo retroalimentación mientras desarrollamos esa capacidad. La participación en el Programa Beta esta abierta para los visualizadores no officiales y para los desarrolladores de sistemas de ventas, y nuestro enfoque primario ha sido traer Entrega Directa al mercado.  Correos Promocionales En el lado de correos promocionales, hemos mejorado la funcionalidad de las preferencias de subscripciones a los correos-promocionales. Para desubscribirte a cualquier correo promocional, solo dale al enlace “desuscribir” en el mensaje, y podrás escoger que tipo de correos quieres recibir de Linden Lab — en vez de "todo o nada." Esta opción te permite apuntarte a los mensajes que te gustaria ver más — ¡y desuscribirte de aquellos de los que no! Todavía podrás recibir otros mensajes, como notificaciones del mundo y correos del Marketplace. Buscador A finales de este mes, la nueva funcionalidad del Buscador que fué incluida en la versión mas reciente del Visualizador va a ser lanzado como la experiencia primaria de Buscador para todos los Residentes. Cada búsqueda en Secondlife.com y las categorías de "Todo" y "Grupos" en el Visualizador de Legado van a usar la nueva tecnología, y se beneficiarán de las mejoras en la relevancia de los resultados. Los usuarios de los visualizadores no solo contarán con resultados actualizados — también podrán aprovechar todas las emocionantes opciones que hemos incluido en la nueva interface del Buscador, incluyendo más fácil búsqueda de Eventos, Venta y Renta de Terrenos, y Clasificados. Si aún no has explorado Second Life con la nueva-y-mejorada funcionalidad de búsqueda, ¡descarga el Visualizador y pruébalo! ¡Haznos saber que te parece! Comparte tus experiencias con estas nuevas opciones en el Foro de Tecnología. Y, no te olvides de ir a Twitter — Síguenos en @Secondlife y tweetea usando la etiqueta #secondlife. Ahora, ve y explora Second Life, toca tu lado creativo — ¡y haz algo increíble! ¡Saludos! Linden Lab
  22. Está formandose un verano caliente aquí en San Francisco — em, ¡cuando menos en Linden Lab! — y Julio nos trae muchas actualizaciones emocionantes — incluyendo grandes noticias para todos los Residentes que experimentaron problemas con lag en Pláticas en Grupo, formidables nuevos avatares, ricas nuevas funciones en Perfiles ¡y mucho más! Avatares No-Humanos Una vieja pregunta sobre los avatares por defecto que el Lab provée es "¿Porqué solo ofrecen humanos?" Bueno ¡no se preocupen más! Revisen en Biblioteca > Ropa > Vestuario inicial en cualquier visualizador ¡y estarás gratamente sorprendido al descubrir 36 avatares nuevos! Hemos trabajado con tres creadores formidables y nos hemos enfocado en balancear atractivo visual con diversidad y eficiencia. Creemos que vas a encontrar que este fresco grupo de avatares esta más orientado a desempeño que los anteriores por defecto — y mucho más divertidos. Series de Animales por Damien Fate  Series de Robots por Renn Yifu Series de Vehículos por Xenius Revere Para los Residentes que usan el modo Básico, la nueva colección de avatares aparecerá pronto en el seleccionador de avatares. En un corto tiempo, también estarán disponibles al registrarse. Estarás tentado a escoger tu favorito. Prueba Second Life como robot o dragón — ¡o hasta como auto deportivo! Lag de Pláticas en Grupo Aquí hay algo pequeño que ha sido un gran dolor de cabeza, Lag de Pláticas en Grupo. Ya sabes como es esto: estás dentro del mundo, pasando un buen tiempo platicando con un grupo de amigos, pero en la plática desaparecen palabras o aparecen en orden incorrecto. ¡Es como tener a un desagradable compañero de cuarto, interrumpiendo tus conversaciones y arruinando tus bromas! Algunos de tus amigos ni siquiera van a intentar hablar cuando ese perdedor este presente, sabiendo que sus impecables chistes saldrán viéndose como poesía libre. Excepto, que por alguna razón, no hemos visto a ese tipo por aquí en estos días. ¿Sera algo que hicimos? Podríamos decir que vamos a extrañar al viejo Lag de Pláticas de Grupo, pero sería una total mentira. En vez de eso, como dice el dicho: “Cuida que la puerta no te de en el trasero cuando salgas de aquí.”
  23. te deseo mucho exito en tu proyecto, quizas salgan mas sugerencias en el futuro, ya veras que se hira perfeccionando con el tiempo, como todo software.
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