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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. That screenshot shows the term 'Experienced' with a d rather than 'Experience' without a d in the text box.
  2. Maybe a development of something like FURWARE text or xyzzy that handled the gamut of ANSI characters?
  3. Might it be something to do with the ANSI characters in the experience name not getting translated to 'Aa'? Have you tried copying the experience name and pasting it into the Choose Experience text box?
  4. Once deleted, the script no longer uses any server resources. The server will have to tell any viewers in range about the animation, but it's up to the viewer to apply it. (Or not: there's a debug setting, AnimateTextures, that can be used to disable texture animations in the viewer.)
  5. My fault. I read an issue into some of the comments that wasn't what I thought it was, and ended up wondering why it wasn't affecting me.
  6. I'm probably misunderstanding something here, because I'm using a script that does have a couple of permanent listeners open, but also opens ad hoc listeners for dialogs and RLV responses, and these ad hoc listeners are removed at the start of the if/else if blocks that process the code: listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == dialog_channel) // ad hoc { llListenRemove (dialog_listener); // stuff still gets done } else if (channel == rlv_channel) // ad hoc { llListenRemove (rlv_listener); // stuff still gets done } else if (channel == comms_channel) // always open { // stuff gets done } else if (channel == status_channel) // always open { // stuff gets done } } (To the OP: sorry about the sidetracking here, but incidental snippets of information like this can be extremely interesting too.)
  7. I have never seen this happen, and I always remove the listener at the start of the listen event when it's appropriate to do so. And this is the first and only suggestion I've ever seen that doing so might be problematic. Could you point me to anything that describes the issue (JIRAs, forum posts, etc.) in any more detail?
  8. Thanks, Oz. I've fixed the issue by installing the server script in a different region. Because restarts are a thing, I have a backup server in the other of my two parcels that kicks in when the main server doesn't respond after three failures at ten second intervals and closes down when the main server comes back online. The active server URL is saved as an experience KVP, and the client scripts read that URL and retry after a failure. Because the clients are in the same regions as the servers, their backoffs are enforced by the region's downtime.
  9. Thanks, Rolig. I don't think this is what's happening here because it happens at any time of day, and usually intermittently and several times during the day.
  10. This is the local avatar tracking system in Firestorm that lets you attach the tracking beacon to an avatar in your People floater. As with using the tracking beacon for map locations, it's turned off when you get close enough to the target. This can be controlled using the "Deactivate tracking beacon when reaching the targeted avatar (<= 3m)" in Preferences/Firestorm/Extras. Maybe there's an issue here, but then again it's not really doing anything you can't do just by highlighting an avatar in your People floater and seeing where it is on the minimap.
  11. Over the last couple of weeks an HTTP server script of mine has started occasionally returning error 503: And yes, after a few more attempts it starts responding normally. Nothing at my end has changed between the time this never happened and the time it started. When I move the script to a different region this doesn't happen, which solves the problem, but doesn't answer the question, why? Are simulators or servers limited in the volume of HTTP traffic they can handle? Could there be another script (or scripts) in this region (or another region sharing the server) especially busy handling HTTP traffic? Any ideas? Is this a JIRA or a support ticket issue?
  12. Another possibility: are you running at walking pace, or running at running speed? Is this an animation thing? An animation overrider issue? Does the problem persist when you detach everything you're wearing?
  13. Ah, but what about a What Are You wearing Today (in RL) thread? But on second thoughts, there's more than enough of that already in in-world chat. (Or is that just in the places I visit?)
  14. Ctrl+R toggles the Always Run setting, which also appears somewhere in the menus (Me/Avatar, Movement, or something like that, depending on your viewer). That's the first thing to check, anyway.
  15. As Ron suggests, I can only think of using an llRequestAgentData/Username/DisplayName function. These, however, do not raise a dataserver event if the key isn't a valid agent key, so you might also need to set up a timeout to catch that. I've no idea what a sensible timeout for a dataserver request might be. Maybe a second or two. Oh, in this post: Rolig suggests it might be that agent UUIDs have a "4" as the 15th character. I cannot confirm or refute this, but it might be worth further investigation.
  16. Going on the absence of indentation in those lines, I'd guess that you're trying to do this as part of a global declaration. You cannot perform a calculation in a global declaration, though you can assign a constant value, as you do with size_original. Without seeing the rest of the script, I'd suggest you just declare the vector size_shrinked as a global, and assign it a value in the state_entry event. vector size_original = <blah, blah, blah>; vector size_shrinked; default { state_entry () { size_shrinked = size_original * 0.1; // etc., etc, } // etc., etc. }
  17. Isn't that exclusively a Firestorm/other TPV option? I think the LL viewer only allows one dialog per object (I seem to remember bitter recriminations and JIRAs about this flowing freely when it became a thing). However, using Firestorm with the single dialog option set, it seems a script in a link can open an additional dialog without replacing one from another link, including the root. Maybe that'll work in the SL viewer too.
  18. The maximum object height is 4096m. I'm wondering if when you try to rez them on your platform, the thickness of the platform plus the height of the object takes its root over 4096m. Ditto when you try to drag them to above the platform.
  19. You can use the RLV command adjustheight to set hover height from a script, but that does, of course require an RLV enabled viewer.
  20. Might it be easier to make a list of people not flogging BoM compliant stuff?
  21. Pure curiosity, but is that version designation a microsecond-precise timestamp, or is it a second-precise timestamp with an incrementing number appended?
  22. That is encroachment. Linden Lab don't seem to be too bothered by minor encroachment that doesn't interfere with people's access to or use of their land, so your tree should be OK. If it were to offend someone and they submitted an abuse report, someone from LL would eventually take a look and decide whether you were taking liberties. About the worst that could happen would be having it returned and maybe facing an admonishment from the Lab. If your tree were to overhang someone else's property they could, if they were so inclined, return it to your inventory.
  23. As when you create a new clothing item or a new alpha, right click on a folder in your inventory and select "New Universal". Edit: that's New Clothes/New Universal. Sorry
  24. Well, it's a wearable, in that it's something you wear. And it's universal in that it supports all the channels available for bakes on mesh, including the new ones that go beyond those used by skin, tattoo and system clothing layers. I don't know if you're a fan of tattoos, but, for example, BoM now allows a separate left arm texture so you aren't limited to a "MOM" tattoo on your arm. "I ♥ NY" on one arm would show as "YN ♥ I" on the other arm. Using the universal wearable with a tattoo image on your left arm you can fix this.
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