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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. Decided to make a little brekkie for @Quartz Molein case he happens to wander through the trailer park in the morning... Er... how long does it take to cook an omelette? #domesticgoddess #crispyontheedges #trailerlife
  2. If you want to know the rules for any particular website or platform, read them yourself. If you want to know the rules for being a decent human being, don't post anyone else's photo anywhere ever without their permission.
  3. Nope. I still think that's a crappy thing to do to another human being.
  4. That includes literally anywhere that anyone other than you can see them. Profile, profile feed, picks, Flickr, Yahoo, FB, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Grindr, Wikipedia, Google, Reddit, Kik, Nextdoor, Plurk, Bing, Chrome, YouTube, and every other website and platform in the entirety of the ever-expanding universe for all time plus infinity.
  5. Yes. I'm not even going to try to separate morals, ethics, laws, TOS, content licenses, etc., etc., so on and so forth. I'm not going to separate RL and SL. It simply doesn't matter... the answer you are seeking is yes, unequivocally, you need to get permission from the other party before you post pics of them. If you don't ask that woman for permission, and she doesn't explicit grant you that permission, do not post them.
  6. Are you responding to me, Scylla, or someone else?
  7. When you say "my avatar and another without permission", do you mean you don't have the consent of the other avatar in the photo to post the photos?
  8. I haven't... I'm far too introverted and shy to ever show up at a group thing like that!
  9. Why would anyone want to go anywhere if it's unlikely they will meet you?! Watching you stomp up to me and Henry will forever be one of my favorite SL memories. You looked so evil and determined and adorable all at once! I really wish I'd gyazo'd it.
  10. I was going to hang more pictures today, but then I looked out the back of my trailer and realized I have a view no picture could top! I love trailer life!
  11. DO IT! Especially since I just searched the MP and came up with not one single Daddy Long Legs spider. I would like some sort of trip-wire spawner thingie that will send a cloud of Daddy Long Legs spiders scurrying towards anyone who steps foot on my parcel.
  12. The chicken is clearly a hen and not a rooster, so she's Jolene. You can't tell from the angle of this, I don't think, but Henry is most definitely a stallion and enjoys letting anyone near him know that! It gets embarrassing but he's still young and I'm not fond of gelding anything.
  13. Henry tossed me and moseyed back home but thankfully we’d made it to the lodge and Jolene and I were able to snag a boat ride. She flew the coop (faithless faux pheasant!) during a rough region crossing, and I finally found my way back to the trailer where Jolene and Henry had hacked into the access panel (I suspect @Quartz Mole taught them how), locked me out, and were snuggled up in my bed. I had to bunk down by the campfire but somebody’s dog started howling and it startled me and I rolled down the hill into the river. All because YOU were watching Big Brother. #trailerlife
  14. Now Henry is getting impatient as well. We've been here for like two whole minutes and no train. https://gyazo.com/db2dd1636f48355cb26cf8a434b01796
  15. I had to make a decision between catching myself in a good pic, or catching Jolene in a good pic. I chose Jolene.
  16. @Sylvia Tamalyn, Jolene heard you mention the train ride and I'm afraid she's not going to give me a minute's peace until you make good on your promise!
  17. The keg is full of grape Kool-Aid. Not a drop of alcohol, but twice the sugar!
  18. Good thing we're neighbors. We really must have a Beaten Path kegger!
  19. I, too, have chickens and I LOVE them! Flamingos at the boat, chickens at the trailer.
  20. I wasn't going to have a kitchen in my trailer because there is a bonfire roaring outside, but I flipping love this so much! I used a different fridge that I bought a few months ago and promptly forgot about from Kei. It has (dirty) magnetic poetry on it that can be changed. I want to live in this trailer forever and ever and ever. @Patch Linden, I'm sorry but I'm really going to need my 351 li to get this place as perfect as I want it to be. Do some sort of wizardry or something. I know you've got a big magic wand. 🧙‍♂️
  21. That would mean logging out of SL, though... I love trees as much as the next person, but we have to put our foot down somewhere! I'm not addicted... YOU ARE... ...twitches...
  22. Bumpity-bump-bump... Not for nuthin', but it's Sunday and @Quartz Mole and @Dyna Mole just spent several hours working on fixing an issue with the trailers. I know @Squeaky Mole was working today also. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. I know I'm somewhat biased, but the Moles really are a very special group of people. If they were only doing this for the paycheck, they could have easily waited until tomorrow and still clocked the same hours and gotten the same paycheck but that's not at all what they did, or do. We're pretty lucky to have this gang being awesome for us.
  23. But she isn't joking... My parcel has one. I didn't notice it until she posted the pic. It's owned by Mystic and created by Ancient.
  24. Way to be an ass to people trying to help you. Never mind. It's too lovely a day to be icky to people.
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