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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. But all the best bathroom stalls in SL say I'm the Goddess of the Release. 😂😂😂
  2. It really makes me twitch that some of these things are capitalized and some aren't.
  3. One of my all-time favorite MP skits. "Good afternoon, sir. How're you doing?" "Better." "Better?" "Better fetch a bucket..."
  4. Okay, mint + chocolate = WRONG! Do not be soiling my delicious chocolate with some nasty mint! I'm not trying to freshen my breath, I'm trying to numb the pain of... whatever it is that's bothering me! If I'm forced to eat M&Ms, give me a couple pounds of those peanut butter ones. I can work with that. I've never really seen the point of candy that isn't chocolate. Same with desserts in general, unless it's cheesecake. And while we're at it, white "chocolate" is wax and should be banished from Earth forever. The Goreans on their counter-Earth can have it.
  5. I tried to find them for you, but best I could come up with is a recipe... http://www.guavarose.com/2011/10/horlicks-malt-cookie-tablets/
  6. Other reason why being an American sucks. M&Ms are all fine and good, but they just do not compare to Smarties. It's the candy coating on them. It's slightly more delicate, and the crunch when you bite into them is so much more satisfying. And the chocolate is much better, too. Americans get screwed when it comes to candy. We have nothing comparable to Crunchie bars which are the all time best candy bar ever created in the history of all time ever. I need to move. 😋
  7. You have made the correct choice. Kit Kats win above all others, especially those that are nice and cold. My second would probably be... hmmm... well, crap. Also peanut butter cups. TL;DR - We're right and anyone who disagrees with that is wrong. 😝
  8. I believe that SL is a safe haven for introverts. You can be as sociable, or not-sociable, as you want. Like in the real world, I think that the key (or one of them) to happiness is learning to enjoy being by yourself, and accepting that there isn't a damn thing wrong with that. I spend probably 90% of my time in SL alone, and I'm good with that. It isn't that I don't love my friends - I do. But human interaction, RL or SL, wears me out. I keep my away message on all the time now, and the people who matter to me understand what that means and don't get butt-hurt because I don't answer them all the time, or right away. As for interests, the things that I've grown to be interested in aren't the things I initially thought I would be so many years ago. For many years, photography and blogging were my things, along with activities of a more adult nature. Recently I've taken an interest in learning a bit about mesh, so I'm teaching myself Blender. I'm interested in scripting as well, but haven't found a good starting point on that yet. I need to check out Builder's Brewery but haven't made my way there yet. And when I'm not doing anything, I enjoy decorating my homes and playing dress up with my avatar and trying to keep up with the elebenty bajillion shopping events. The most important and best part of my time, that 10%, is spend with that one special person in my life. All of those things combined make up the reasons I come to SL nearly every day. And it's important also to remember that if you don't feel like logging in, then don't. It should never, ever feel like an obligation or something you have to do even though you'd rather be doing something else, even if it's just sitting on the couch binging something on Netflix. Second Life is a wonderful world and it can be anything you want it to be. I truly believe that there is no one that it isn't for (except children). It takes a while to find your footing, though, but I believe it's worth it in the end.
  9. It's not always a fight. We can debate things and discuss things and have different ideas and opinions, and yes, it can sometimes get heated. I see nothing wrong with that until we start throwing personal insults around like "forum mommies". I don't know that I necessarily see that as an insult, though, even though I'm certain is was meant to be. The actual forum mommies and daddies are pretty awesome.
  10. Hi Alt! Did you create yourself just to insult me? I truly feel honored! Thank you!
  11. No, it's not being disparaging. We all like different things and want what we want, be it sand, or grass, or traditional, or whatever. But just because a particular parcel isn't the one you're looking for doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with that parcel. Sorry, this response was supposed to be to @ZsaZsaZahira!
  12. Nothing is perfect, Leora, but what is the point of being disparaging? What does that get you?
  13. Oh FFS. NONE of the Linden Homes on Bellisseria are "old". Every single one of them is less than six months old. None of them are boring. None of them are uninteresting. Why do people need to be so disparaging about parcels that aren't to their particular liking? Just abandon it and move on. Why do you even need to tell everyone the reason? The people who built those parcels actually do read these forums, you know...
  14. My RL first name is Beth and Macbain was the first normal sounding name that came up on the list (after refreshing a few times). Beth Macbain is my second avatar. My first one was my RL middle name and the first normal sounding name that came up on the list (after refreshing a few times). Beth is an awesome name and I like being me.
  15. Agreed. Who knows who is a Mole? Patch, that's who. Maybe a couple others in HR. Anytime you buy something, it's entirely possible you're purchasing from a Mole.
  16. YOU are the only one who can decide if a spot is good enough for you... Don't listen to anyone else's opinions. If you are happy with it, that is the only thing that matters.
  17. I wasn't going to because I thought someone else would but no one else did so now I will. The Moles and Lindens are perfectly capable of creating homes that are equal to, if not better than, anything Cory creates. And I do love Trompe L'oeil, but there is no need for LL to look beyond the immensely talented pool of creators they already employ.
  18. I feel confident you'll be able to find a nice, steady rhythm... for your refreshing. 😎
  19. Leora keeps some sort of a log, but Patch is a (lovable) monster who will switch things up in a heartbeat if people start thinking there is a method to his madness. I can hear his maniacal laughter from here. Isn't it cute?
  20. My cats wouldn't have the foggiest idea of what to do with a mouse other than make friends with it and offer it some cheese and the family jewels.
  21. Your floof looks like one of my floofs!
  22. Torley is responsible for that? Dear god. Also, I'd pay extra to see a Patch/Torley buddy series of vlogs.
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