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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. Thank you! I love, love, love the kitchen and the fridge! PERFECT!
  2. I just rezzed the Chesapeake to try it out and the doors are indeed locked. C'mon over and debug to your heart's content!
  3. I'm having a really hard time going for super tacky when I've fallen in love with the insanely beautiful Shenandoah model, but I did manage a wee homage to T-Swizzle and her tack-o-rama trailer park (and Cher!) on the inside. And for those of you youngsters who don't know where this comes from...
  4. The answer is three posts above yours... and it's already been going for a week... and it's available 24 hours a day.
  5. I always thought it was 20. And this part bothers me: With food in your mouth, close your lips and start chewing. Your tongue should move the food from side to side and your jaw should rotate slightly. This is going to haunt me every time I eat now. Thanks, Madelaine!
  6. I had a little wiener for lunch. Or chicken strips. I'm sure it was one of the two.
  7. I am. In my (unpopular) opinion, the enormity and rampant speculation of this thread has pretty much killed the LH forum. And who needs to know every single time someone sees a Bellisseria home on the land page? As Alyona pointed out, itā€™s gone by the time someone tries to grab it. We all know there is churn. This thread is just repetitious and unhelpful at this point. Go ahead and throw rocks at my head now.
  8. If they're like me, they'll by all the things and then go look at the houses!
  9. I saw something somewhere that the next theme is being announced at some Christmas festival or something. That was vague and helpful, wasn't it?
  10. BOOM! You win! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  11. A week to clothe your avatar?! Are you trying to weave the pixel fabric yourself?
  12. I was on the edge of the world for ages. I hung on, and now Iā€™m right smack in the middle of @Quartz MoleLake with an extraordinary view of the new trailer regions. I got to live the build as the lake was finished, and the lands and hills first appeared, and morphed into these new regions. Living on the edge of the world is the best!
  13. I'm on the northwest side of that little island and I love it as well. Perfect spot! It's a hilly area with lots of nice big rocks making it secluded, but not terribly cut off. Stop by for a cocktail anytime!
  14. I got one of the first ones. No idea what was odd about it - I figured they would be released either yesterday or today so I had the land page open on my second monitor at work, and refreshed it every few minutes. When I saw Bellisseria popping up with no theme, I figured the website server was populating the trailers, and started refreshing in earnest for a couple minutes, and suddenly I had a trailer. I wasn't paying any attention to the forums, or map, or anything. By the time I switched over here to see what people were saying, Patch had made the announcement and all was right with the world.
  15. Congrats to everyone. I'm on the Beaten Path for those of you who want to make sure you're not... lol! I'll be covering my parcel with all manner of Pepto Pink horrors tonight!
  16. That was easy. What's all the fuss about it being hard to get a place?!
  17. I almost posted that version but wasn't sure anyone else would enjoy Gene Kelly on roller skates!
  18. I don't get set on fire? I got all wet for nothing? I want to pick you up and smoosh you with hugs... especially watching you stomp your way over to me. Who's a cute widdle demon? Madewaine is a cute widdle demon, dat's who!
  19. Remember, I have seen you up close now, Madelaine, and found you to be quite adorable and cuddly-looking! ...dousing myself in water in preparation for being set on fire...
  20. I generally dislike any of the gender role stereotypes, and these types of things also fail to take into account that anyone we encounter in SL may or may not be the gender they appear to be on first glance, or in the real world. But this thread is all about the Moles so... ...Is this the stuff I need to spread all over @Quartz Moleto get him to lift the restraining order?!
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