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Trinity Yazimoto

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Everything posted by Trinity Yazimoto

  1. For menu Develop you may do ctrl + Alt +Q otherwise if you have the advanced menu on, you can enable the develop one from it, last line at the bottom of the advanced menu. To enable advanced menu its Ctrl + Alt + D both menu should show at the top of your screen at the right side of the help menu.
  2. You have to unlink the frame around the door. they are phantom prims but it doesnt work if its linked with the whole linkset. So just select the doors and the frame with the invisible prim and let them unlinked. Then you 'll be able to walk thru them
  3. I am a bit thinking same than Rhys. Among my 2 product lines of clothes, there is one i create from my artworks and one of its specificities is precisely to be material enabled, and omg, i love it so much everytime i apply them and the magical miracle happens before my eyes. Idk what percentage of my customers actually can see that or not. The thing is that most of the ppl being able to use ALM doesnt know how to use it correctly. So well, even with ALM on, i doubt a lot can enjoy the product fully anyway. This is the reason why i made a lil notecard explaining how to get the best of materials with firestorm viewer (as i am only using that one). That said, on my 6 years in SL ive been almost 5 years using a laptop with an horrible graphic card, so i wasnt able to enable ALM; i was even running most of the time without the basic shaders. So i cant forget there are still ppl having those limits, and it may be they are customers too, bec i was already a shoping addict myself. So i keep being really careful that my textures without ALM are looking perfect. As anyway, even if im using now a good computer, i dont run ALM full time. So of course, without ALM my clothes doesnt look shiny, or bumpy, or whatever effect i can give to them thanks to materials, but they look great anyway. Then of course, the ALM ability is a bonus. A great super bonus lol... (well if u havent noticed yet, im a total fan of materials, and i wish more creators used them)
  4. coucou bienvenu dans SL Ecoute, moi je veux bien t'aider mais : -- je suis généralement très occupée par mes activités SL -- je suis introvert, ce qui veut dire que j'aime mes moments de solitude et que je ne souhaite pas etre en train de bavarder à temps plein. -- j'utilise le viewer Firestorm. Donc, si tu es ok il te faudra telecharger firestorm (en fonction des capacités de ton ordi). si ton ordi est trop faible, je peux quand meme t'expliquer des trucs pour SL mais il y a beaucoup de choses relatives à ton viewer (l'officiel SL) pour lesquelles je ne pourrai pas t'aider. Si tu peux grouper tes questions à chaque fois, c'est mieux. tu peux me contacter sur sl et je te donnerai mon skype. je suis en general sur sl tout les soirs (heure de Paris) et egalement le dimanche et lundi toute la journée. à bientot peut etre, sinon bon courage et bonne découverte :smileyhappy:
  5. Derek Torvalar wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: it didnt took really long for one of the persons (harrasing) i was talking before come here and makes the demonstration of what i was saying. SL is not only for english native ppl but it looks like the non natives doing the effort to talk another language than their own are just not welcome here as this person seems to think. So it should work, according this person, like this : ppl with same language talk together and don't mix with other ones. So sad ... So well, i have no regret to not participate to this forum.... i have better to do with my time... Have a good end of day ! Don't let anyone get under your skin like that.. You've got at least two languages that you know,which is more than a lot of people can claim.. That's pretty awesome..=) Perhaps she should first grow a skin, and then worry about people getting under it. i don't need to grow a skin, i have already one, thank you for your concern. i wans't saying ppl are getting under my skin either. i was just saying the reason i find this forum boring is more the childish and agressive behavior from some posters than the moderation and then, since i am entitled to, i prefer to spend my time doing other things than to hang out and contribute regularly here. One should be fool to find smth super boring and keep staying at it instead to try something else, dont you think ? So yeah, let's keep on the topic please : is the forum boring and why ?
  6. it didnt took really long for one of the persons (harrasing) i was talking before come here and makes the demonstration of what i was saying. SL is not only for english native ppl but it looks like the non natives doing the effort to talk another language than their own are just not welcome here as this person seems to think. So it should work, according this person, like this : ppl with same language talk together and don't mix with other ones. So sad ... So well, i have no regret to not participate to this forum.... i have better to do with my time... Have a good end of day !
  7. well not specifically about the review system, but since someone mentioned it id like some changes on the keywords system. First, keyword list should be visible on the page directly, that way maybe some unscrupulous merchants would be less at ease to use keywords that are not fitting with the product. At least their practices will be obvious at the first glance. Secondly, i say it for years now, we need a keyword thesaurus. A list of keyword we must use and no way to add any other word. Of course if we need one that is not in the list, then we may do a request for it and if its relevant, they ll add it to the list. Keywords system cant work without a thesaurus otherwise its a jungle. It always piss me when i type a keyword in the search bar and i end up with a gazillion of items not related at all with my request... Everyone using a database with keywords use a thesaurus. Idk why the hell the MP has none.
  8. well for some maybe the cause of their absence is because of the moderation of this forum, but this is not true for everyone. I ended up losing all interest for this forum because of harassement from some forumers because my english is not to their taste. And also, it was no longer possible to have a serious discussion on a topic here, whatever was the topic, without being interrupted and flooded by some peoples who seems to enjoy to behave like kids in a kindergarden. So THIS was boring. A lot. To the point i prefered to stop reading this forum. So well, rarely, when i have a bit of time, i come and read here and i dont find it so boring. Recently i found some threads super hilarious. Of course, one could cry reading these threads because, yeah, that's just pathetic to see human nature like that. But well, if you are in good mood at this moment you can laugh super loud. I noticed indeed there is less threads, less activities in this forum, but imho, moderation is less to blame than those ppl who rotted this forum for years.
  9. Also check if u are wearing some pants or underpants layers. Sometimes they may be badly set for the bottom of the leg and so looks like you are wearing invisible pants. Check also what shoes base you are wearing and try with another one if needed.
  10. coucou désolée de ne voir ton post que maintenant. il y a des cours pour blender gratuit en francais si tu veux, on a deja commencé depuis quelques semaines mais tu peux peux etre rattrapper ton retard avec les videos. essaie de trouver et de rejoindre le groupe France Blender et demande des infos là bas. Sur youtube tu trouveras la serie de cours deja faits sur le stream de pouletfritesmayo. mais demande sur le groupe, on te donnera les liens. bon courage.
  11. weird that im seing you start a lot of threads here with questions then i see that one about you supposedly being trolled by a customer on the MP and when i check the MP, BANG ! you have no store at all. So unless you have this store with an alt, i think Irihapetti here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/How-much-time-does-it-take-to-create-a-product/td-p/2895728 is right. You look like a student asking question for a homework. while i am often ok to answer surveys and help students, i think your hypocrit way to do is dishonest. Most of the forumers here are hostile to surveys, i know, but this way wont help and just show your immaturity.
  12. mais si ! moi aussi je vais te repondre, car j'ai 5 minutes à perdre, j'attend la fin du téléchargement d'un programme. après ca, désolée, j'aurai mieux à faire que converser avec toi bien que ce soit rafraichissant et drole, j'en conviens. d'une part, dans la mesure où je ne te connais pas, et donc toi non plus tu ne me connais pas, je ne vois pas ce qui te permet d'évaluer si je vaux la peine d'une réponse ou pas. D'autre part, tu sembles penser que rappeler à la personne qu'on ne peut pas comprendre sa question parce qu'elle est tout simplement illisible c'est lui manquer de respect (c'est pas juste quelques fautes d'orthographe hein.. la question est écrite en phonétique dyslexique et c'est dont très difficile de la lire. Ne me balance pas de liens à 2 balles, je suis moi meme dyslexique je sais de quoi je parle, et j'ai enseigné à des dyslexiques, et tu en parleras à tous les instits et tu leur demanderas si ils arrivent à lire les copies de leurs élèves dyslexiques à 100 %. je te renvoie à mon premier post pour complément). Mais tu sembles super prompte à juger les gens et carrement meme les insulter (si si , relis toi.... ), c'est pas mal aussi comme bonne lecon de respect, en effet. Tu dis que je l'ai blessé. Qu'en sais tu ? Il te l'a dit ? Parce que ce n'est pas du tout ce que je percois dans ses reponses. Il semble plutot content que des gens prennent de leur temps libre pour lui venir en aide, et pas qu'une seule fois. Tu ne sais rien de l'historique de ce sujet figure toi. la personne avait d'abord posté sa question dans la categorie "general discussion" là où tout est en anglais. Des personnes non francophones ont voulu aider ou du moins comprendre doit quoi il s'agissait, mais quand google a traduit, je te laisse deviner le beau feu d'artifice de n'importe quoi qu'ils ont eu en resultat. Dejà que google ne sait pas traduire le francais quand il est correct, là c'etait l'apothéose. j'ai donc conseillé à cette personne de reposter dans le forum en francais et Val et moi on a essayé de savoir de quoi il s'agissait . Et comme je le dis dans mon premier post, je veux bien aider, sans probleme , mais si ca doit me prendre 3 plombes pour dechiffrer la question, ben non.. j'ai pas assez de temps à consacrer au forum pour cela. Ensuite, Val et moi avons fait notre possible pour aider cette personne. Plusieurs fois. Et pis, ensuite, si tu as bien lu, il y a les personnes qui justement causaient des problemes à la personne du début qui sont venues et qui l'ont insulté, trainé dans la boue, harcelé... Mais ceux là, pas de problème pour Noisette ! non vraiment, on n'a surement pas les memes valeurs. mais c'est pas grave, je ne te connais pas, je n'en ai pas l'intention, donc, je m'en fiche completement. C'est bon, continue de t'émouvoir à propos de mon soi disant manque de respect... Les gens qui me connaissent savent que c'est pas vrai et leur opinion m'importent beaucoup plus que la tienne. Et tant que tu y es félicite les personnes qui sont venues ensuite harrasser la personne qui demandait de l'aide. et à propos : Felicitation pour ton 2ème post dans le forum ! je suis super honorée que tout cela soit à cause de moi ! on devrait se rencontrer et sabler le champagne pour fêter celà .... Allez on attend ton troisième post et on fait la fête ! ah mon telechargement est terminé ! bon ben je te dis pas à bientot, car maintenant j'ai mieux à faire! mais amuse toi bien ! Et allez je t'envoie une bise pour la route !
  13. oui c'est clair, mes propos sur l'orthographe ainsi que l'aide que j'ai pu apporter dans differents posts sur ce sujet, accompagnée de Val et de Chloé, c'est vrai c'est carrement choquant... Beaucoup plus que la salve de posts aggressant cette personne qui a suivi ensuite... Carrement.... Ouais... on doit pas être choquée par les mêmes choses.... Moi tu vois, j'ai essayé d'aider.... Et toi qu'est ce que tu as fait ? non pas la peine de repondre.... tu t'es juste offusquée parce que j'ai rappelé à cette personne que si elle voulait qu'on la comprenne, il fallait dejà qu'on puisse la lire... C'est tellement plus utile ! je suis sure que la personne va apprecier ton aide. Merci pour elle. Remarque c'est bien, ca t'a donné l'occasion d'écrire ton premier post dans le forum...
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: We've lost many voices here because of the childish way Moderation was handled in the past. Sorry to pop up here .... As you noticed and some others did, i'm now a "reader only" of this forum. It's not the moderation that made me leave. It's the constant harrassement i got from trolls about my english language not being enough correct for those ppl for i am entitled to express my opinions in this forum. That was childish too, but was not coming from moderators (althought i had to deal with them sometimes too).That was also really aggressive. Even if most of those trolls are no longer here, i don't feel to come back in a forum where someone can harrass another person just because their "english level" is not enough correct according to them. I found better to do with my time now. and I keep reading the forum, sometimes posting in the merchant or creation forums but that's all.
  15. Well this happens to me a lot. As i am joining groups for events, some unscrupulous merchants thing they are entitled to add all the members with a "blogger" or "designer" tag to their list. And it's really irking. I usually start by sending an IM, telling them i dont remember having suscribed to their mailer and asking if they can remove me from the list, asap. if i have no answer and the spam goes on, there is a second IM, less polite, teling them this is the second request i am doing for they remove me from their list and next spam they ll be blocked and reported. usually the first IM is enough for they remove me from the list. sometimes the second request is requiered. I rarely go to the block and report bec its fixed before. Last week i recieved a new spam from a mailer own by an avatar who was obviously an alt created for this purpose as his name was showing clearly he was here for mailing. i first sent an iM and noticed in the profile there was a pick saying i can remove myself from the list following a slurl and slapping a board. I went there and found not less than 100 mailers rezzed (a bit more). Each were able to spam 10 k person so u can do the maths. I imed the owner of the sim telling him that if it was his mailer he had to stop that right now, and if there wasnt his he has to close the rezz rights on his sim to avoid same pb again. he repplied politely saying it wasnt his mailer, he sent back a fist time, so he s going to sent back again and ban the person. the spam was about a gatcha event, so i imed the managers of the event. She said they are not doing that and are suspecting one of the merchants joining the event and are currently investigating. of course i reported the spamer. Whoever is guilty, ill probably never know. As the spamer was an alt. But well i know the mailers are not transfer, so at least i wont be spammed again by this one since ive blocked him.
  16. Dresden Ceriano wrote: The Arcade, which offers a good concentration of them from many quality creators, is opening back up on December 1st. ...Dres Oh no Dres !!!! and why do you feel the need to say it here, publically, in a thread ill be likely to read by total chance ? awwww ..... And again.... This will be a tragedy...... long days to wait before being able to tp there..... hours to wait before rezzing all the machines..... and so many money spent ... and my inventory growing dramatically again....... wooozaaaaa !!! i can't wait !!! *jumps up and down and does an happy dance Thanks for the info sweetie :smileywink:
  17. thank you both. Well for now i gave up this idea bec the problem is also on the size of the picture. After some math explanation from a friend, and since my original size are not all the same and not multiple of 1024 X 1024, it appears i have to rescale the canvas in pshop with a multiple of 1024, then center my pic on it and cut the pieces in a size that will match with SL ones as Coby explained and then adjust the pics on every prims with the texture tab tools. Too much maths for me now, as i am a lot busy on other things. Ill keep the 2 methods above to align the prims and will work on the size of the pieces of the pics, but later. I'm not a math person, and no doubt this step with the size of the pics will give me migrains lol. So i keep this for a quieter time. Thank you everyone for your help. It helped a lot
  18. thank you Coby. well i guess its different when its about a seamless texture and a non seamless texture. As you know, my pic's parts are not seamless. i get what u say about the size, and yes, its probable, this is the problem. My original textures are not multiple of 1024 either, so well i still can expand the canvas, then crop at 1024 with a color all around and play with the textures settings inworld. I think that maybe that will work. but for now, its way too much energy for what i wanted to make. someone came this afternoon and adjust the prims better than i did, so the lines are almost imperceptibles when they are visible, and often they are not. So im going to stay like that and anyway, i will only work on 2 or 3 textures for that. I thought it would be easier and less time consuming when i got that idea. i wasted almost my whole day on that, smth that i cant afford lol. so Ill keep that in mind and will work on your solution soon. Thank you Coby
  19. hi thank you for your answer i did that. but lines are even more obvious. however, it seems that after hours twerking the textures setting on the 4 prims frame, i reached to make match both upper prims. So now i have to see if i can reproduce this miracle for the bottom prims and do it for the other pictures without spending monthes on that. i cropped my pic parts a bit larger too, (just some pixels more) so i dont know if this helped or not. i ll have to retry with the first crop version. Well this is way a lot more hours of work that i wanted to deed for that initially... lol ETA : Argggh ! when i put my camera far from the frame, i still see a thin line...
  20. Hello I've been invited recently to exhibit some of my artworks in 2 galleries. For those ones, since i won't have a lot of new pics, i wanted to take that opportunity to display my pics at their original size wich is way more than 1024 pixels (between 3000 and 4600 pixels on the larger side). Thus i started to divide my original pics in 4 pieces and just tried with local textures, on 4 prims linked together. My problem is i cant get ride of the thin line between the prims. I tried to make the sides transparent. I tried to modifly the repetition of the pics to 0.995 till 0.999, i tried to modify vertical and horizontal position of each face. I even tried to make a mesh frame with 4 faces but its even worst. Sometimes, i get the line if i come close with my cam, and not from far. Sometimes it's the contrary, i don't see the line when looking from close but i see it if i put my camera about farer. I think there must be some frame with 4faces on the front side, but i cant find any of them on the mp (well im only at page 34) Does someone know if i can find smth to buy to solve my problem, or can someone help me giving me a lil trick to get ride of those pesky lines ? thank you in advance.
  21. it's a bit hard to give you the right info without knowing exactly what kind of support you need. but check that thread : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/how-do-i-contact-linden-labs/qaq-p/965625 You ll get here some useful info for some kind of help you may need.
  22. On the registering form it says at the bottom "I have sent my fee and full perm logo to TheGalleryGiftShop Resident" So the person to contact is probably TheGalleryGiftShop Resident. It is probably an account created for managing this kind of stuffs. if you check its profile : https://my.secondlife.com/thegallerygiftshop/#about_tab ,you ll get on top 2 other names as contact. The profile is in english (picks too) so they must be able to understand you if you contact them in english. So send an IM and copy and paste on a nc if they arent online. And you should get an answer soon or later. good luck ETA : Autumn was faster than i ve been lol
  23. sven is right. in addition, you can also try to uncheck the "hardware skinning" button in the preference menu/graphic tab/advanced settings (as explained by jeffrey) after having at least updated your viewer (this absolutely necesary) The update shoud fix, but as explaine by sven, according to your graph card, its possible that it wont be enough. then unchecking the "hardware skining " button may be a good help. good luck
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