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Trinity Yazimoto

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Everything posted by Trinity Yazimoto

  1. lol, u didnt said i was bad and pretentious indeed. its ok. but u talked in generality and from what i know, this is never good. We all will agree on the fact that a merchant owe to his/her customers a great custom support. Indeed. (And, lol, even if some doesnt have one, they wont never claim that a merchant is able to not pay no mind about his/her customers support.... ). so all you will have here is pp that will say 'oh yes, of course, a good customer support is a must !'... Like they are in the right side and all others are in the wrong side. Of course we will all agree on this. This is the less we can do for our customers. And even if some doesnt do it by generosity or careness, they do bec otherwise a sl business cant work without such service. But the real question is how do we do this and what is possible to do ..... If my ims are often capped and i swear they are, how can i be aware about an im i never had, neither in sl, neither in my mailbox ? i tell on my profile that if pp want to be sure ill be aware about their pb, they have to come to my store and drop their nc in my info shop sign (inworld mailbox). But...... how many of them do read what is wrotten ? and how many will come and drop their nc there ? im not pessimist, but i think they wont be a bunch... So they will keep sending me ims that i wont never see neither in sl, neither in my mailbox.... and since im not God (who ?).... i wont be aware.... and if i wont be aware i wont be able to fix... etc..... I think it will be useless to talk about why SL does cap some ims to some of us and dont to some others ones... its like trying discuss about why there are stars in the sky..... i know we are trying to do all our best. for our interest and/or our customers 's interest. But the thing that is more annoying me, is that the OP asked for advices to fis his problem. Then i saw post condamning the merchants. I dont know this one and i wont judge her. This wont be fair... we dont know who is she . how does she plays her sl and run her sl business ? does she has rl pb ? is she on holidays ( we are in summer, rem) ? and does she simply has the im about the issue. ? we dont know the answers .... at least I dont know... so i wont judge and start saying she has not a good custom support (i rem you that the OP said that the group testified about a good custom support from her .... so maybe, she has a good reason for not having answered yet. (the im capped was imo the more obvious one, that's why i told about it). This is why i adviced Ceri to not give up, check her profile often to see when she's online, go in her store to see if she has assistant or inworld mailbox; drop nc again and again, join the support group and ask again and again in it... and at last, if this doesnt work after all these tries, to leave a review on the mp. Another thing : a lot of merchants have an account in Facebook or Google + and even flickr or Twitter... what about trying if she has one and contact her by this way .? After all ... the goal of Ceri is to get the item bought not to slog away the merchant. So i think that advices to Ceri would be more usefull than discussing about those evils of merchants lol.
  2. ok,. so to avoid any misunderstanding. i ve the ims to mailbox feature on since my first day in sl. nevertheless, one day my ims started to get capped after something about 3 ims. since the start of the year, ive also noticed that some nc or objects sent to me while im not online are not delivered either. Also : i know i can answer ims with my mailbox and i do. but i mostly come online and fix online with the customer, even if its full night for me, even if im not at home, (i do it from my rl work pc or from my mobile with the mobile client). i also check often my mp orders to see if smth has not been delivered, and refund everytime when sm1 did a multiple purchase by mistake, even if i know LL will refund aswell. And well, im never afraid to refund sm1 that made a normal purchase while it was supposed to be a gift card puchase. i gift, a lot...... i refund pp when they buy the group gift .... i refund them when they buy the item that is in the meantime on the MM board.... and yes, on my profile i tell to not leave ims bec they are capped.... and they are... and till now, i never found a way to fix this.... so well.....im bad and pretentious.... ok.... as for my picks and store policy... do u think i will tell publicly that i gift often ? do u know how many times pp pop up in my store and ask for free stufs. ? i never say no.... but no need to tell it in my profile either... this is yet enough.... there s a difference between being a good person and being stupid... i think im part of the first ones, and i try to not be part of the second ones... is this so bad and pretentious ?
  3. well... so sl does it for some residents and doesnt for some others. but mine get capped after smth like 3 ims. And if there is a way for this doesnt happen ill be more than happy to be aware.;-)
  4. i dont want to defend this merchant, since i dont know her and since i know from my experience that some dont behave correctly at all. But the thing about im capped isnt wront at all. indeed, i know i can have my ims in my mailbox. and i do. but this works only for the first ims u recieve after being offline. SL doesnt save ALL ur ims because it would need a huge memory. So when u log off, ur first ims are saved and they can indeedly be sent to ur mailbox. and of course,you can answer witouth logging in sl, but from ur mailbox. but after a few ims, depend their size, the following ones are lost.THATS WHY A LOT OF MERCHANTS ASK PP TO SEND NC, bec these ones are normally saved. But this doesnt work sometimes. I often see that pp have sent me objects or nc and when i log, there is nothing. Well, since i had a notification in my mailbox, i ALWAYS contact the sender and ask him/her to send again. i dont think sm1 can say my custom support is bad, since i log as soon as i see smth in my mailbox about an issue with my vendors or products. i often check my marketplace aswell, and check if smth hasnt been delivery, or if sm1 bought 2 times the same items without purpose. but the fact is that my ims are OFTEN capped and my nc not delivered in my inventory. Thats why i bought and rezzed an info shop sign where my customer may leave their nc. No need to tell that i check it EVERY DAY. And saying we can have all the ims in our mail box is not true. first i was like you and thoutght that that was false and purely pretentiousness. But from my experience, its not. you can see ur ims in ur malbox, but let me tell u this works only for the first ones u recieve after logging off. And since u didnt recieved the following ones bec they got capped, u dont even know they have been sent. So you cant say that ALL ur ims are saved in ur mailbox. And if u know the secret for SL deed you all its memory and save ALL ur ims, let us know, bec i think we are a bunch to be interested. So Ceri, keep checking the support group, ask for the merchant in it, check often her store, send nc, again and again.. and if she doesnt answer soon, i would leave a bad review in her marketplace. At least it will aware the other potential customers. And... dont forget that we are on summer, so a lot are on holidays and so off sl. and even sl merchants do need some vacations smtimes :catwink:+ Good Luck anyway.
  5. well, as a lot of merchants she has surely her ims capped and note card eaten by sl aswell. it happens to me a lot. so maybe she has a mailbox in her store. u should go and check and if there is one, drop ur note card in it. that way sl wont eat it. you can see also if she has a partner or friends mentionned in her profile and try to contact her through them btw i wish u good luck.
  6. Sighs .... I have the same nightmarre than you. And even after spending a looooot of time to settle the color, one person will come with another windlight setting than you and tell you that your feet are not the same color than your main skin, even if you see them fine. So well, i gave up and i mostly wear boots lol. But i agree with you on the idea that skin's merchants should put a nc with the skin, with the exact RGB settings. so it will be easier to use these damned color huds. ive also planed to make the same style of shoes with feet and to add a hud for the color for adding with the clothes i design and sell. But when i saw the mess it was, i prefered to give up. :-(
  7. to avoid the pb to waste your l$ when you upload texture for testing how it will behave on your avatar, you can upload it as temporary file for free. I dont know if this feature exists on the official viewer, but on Firestorm yes. so you can download temp textures for free and try them. Then when you are happy with it, you upload it as normal textures. i think you can do it on the beta grid also and even with the official sl viewer.
  8. well, i think its a shame to spend so much time to settle all for it looks fine from my head to my feet, and to know that others just dont see me fine. im always sad for pp when i see them with feet with different color than their main skin. Well, some pp doesnt mind their aspect, some never changes clothes, never changes anything on their avatar. Some others doesnt even settle things for they look good on them. Indeed. Some others give a lot of care to their appearance. And this needs a bit of time to settle all fine. Im glad to give time for this, but not if it doesnt serve for nothing. I can give time to my sl, but i dont agree for wasting my time. Time is what we cant get back when we loose it. and waste time is always a shame for me. As im creator, i have full perm shoes with feet indeed. i recently wanted to add some to an outfit i sale. But well, to ask my customer to wear smth that will need some bit of time to be settled but without the effect to be seen fine by everyone, is just something i cant do. As a lot of creators, when i create something i want it looks great on my customers. When i see someone with one of my items not well settled on her, i always run to help and fix. So well, for now, i just can accept i will see my customers with feet with diff color than their main skin. id just like that the color could change same way for prims or meshes and for skin. we are at the age of glasses pc soon, we do not need joystick anymore when we play on consoles, they are even talking about software that will command our pc without hands needed, but we just cant make the textures change the same way in sl ..so shame... So i will keep wearing my prim or meshes feet shoes with lont pants, and boots for the rest.
  9. i love boots in rl and sl. Im glad to prefer boots in sl. I have tons of great shoes in my inventory. Old one display my avatar feet, that are ugly. Ok, i never wear them. i have tons of more recent ones with prim feet or mesh feet. I dont wear them either. why ? Because whenever i will spend hours on these horrible huds to find the perfect texture skin color for my attached feet, i wont never find the perfect one. I mean, i wont find the one who is still the same if i just turn my cam on the side and so change the shadow lights. i wont find the good one, that will still be same as my original skin color if i change my windlight settings. I see a lot of pp with these kind of shoes. I have no doubts on the fact these persons spend time and lot of care to settle their feet the same color as their main skin. But honnestly, i see them with feet with not the same color as the rest of their body. Because im surely using another windlight setting. Prim or mesh textures doesnt change the same way than the layer textures and so than skin color, when we change our windlight settings. So yes, you are certainly conviced your feet skin matches perfectly with your main skin color. but it doesnt if you change your windlight setting. So why allow us several windlight settings if SL cant change exactly prims or meshes textures and layers textures the same way ? This is simply illogical. It doesnt seem to worry any of the sl dev. well... perfection in sl is an oxymoron, i know... but id really like to wear some of my great shoes with feet, i just cant stand the idea people will see my feet another color from my body. And so for now, i keep wearing boots instead of shoes... that way i avoid a lot of headaches.
  10. Its incredible to see how LL doesnt care. ive submited a ticket some times ago. I had an answer : the ticket is not the good way to warn about this issue. sent to jira. Ok. so i went in the jira, and writed about this issue. Ive noticed we are legion with the same pb. Every day new pp leave a new comment about this issue. and ...... Still nothing.....my Market place store is displaying wrong pics, with no links for the items and even, no price either. This Jira has been created on the 28th of March....and we are in july ! So it sounds they dont care..... at all...
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