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Drake1 Nightfire

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Everything posted by Drake1 Nightfire

  1. Chamber Pot - Needs Dentures - Thermometer Goes Where? - Gotta Poop - Extra Life
  2. That all depends on your state. I have never paid sales tax on digital items from Amazon as my state doesn't charge them.
  3. Let me tell you how forums work. She didn't quote you, therefore she wasn't accusing YOU of anything nor was her post about YOU in particular. Her post just happened to follow yours.
  4. Because they think if you voice verify with them that someday they can convince you to voice with them during sexytime.
  5. That's just it, Scylla. People like him can sense when a woman is vulnerable and they prey on them. I knew a few guys like that growing up, we did our best to protect any women they came in contact with. The fact that his "mates" cheered him on and no one in the pub came to her defense at his choice of words speaks volumes about the validity of the tale.
  6. He has actually lost close to 100 lbs recently and is incredibly cut.. Still terrifying though..
  7. What would i like to look like? Sadly its more like this recently...
  8. Which has absolutely nothing to do with sales tax... Same tax either way you pay.
  9. Add in the cliché red roses... I never once bought my wife red roses.. She loves sterling roses.
  10. I has the disappoint... Back on point as to not get too far off the rails.. Jareth the Goblin King was damn smexy. Sarah may have made my young teenage boyparts go all a quiver, but I am not ashamed to admit it did have interesting dreams with both of them in it..
  11. Are you a straight male? I can tell you, as a straight male, I do indeed know what constitutes a handsome male. That's like saying women don't know what beauty is. Just because i don't want to sleep with a guy, doesn't mean i can't think he is handsome. What a ridiculous statement. If that were the case then women wouldn't take their straight female friends advice on whether or not an outfit looks good. She would ask her straight male friends.
  12. That's not the government doing the taxing when you spend it.. That's state. Move to New Hampshire, no income or sales taxes. No, no they do not tax you a second time on your refund. That is a complete lie. Extremely specialized circumstances will get your state tax taxed if you itemized your state and federal taxes and were refunded more than you claimed you would be. They are then taxing you on money that was not taxed in the first place.
  13. So, you're saying that straight people dont have much of any idea what constitutes handsome? Really? That's rather bigoted...
  14. The only complaint i have of the Aesthetic body is the head.. I wore it for half an hour then went and got a catwa head...
  15. Why does the gender need to be swapped to be tremendously problematic? Shouldn't that statement using any gender be tremendously problematic? My grandad used poncy all the time. He was from England. pon·cy /ˈpänsē/ adjective INFORMAL•BRITISH pretentious or affected.
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