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Storm Clarence

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Everything posted by Storm Clarence

  1. Kadah Coba wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: I was hoping for a fourth party viewer, but I'm kinky that way. I think all the forks of Firestorm can be considered forth-party if you want. lol I have a hacked viewer that in the words of Skills Emerald: "would make you creme in your pants". But I don't use it in-world because I despise public displays of affection.
  2. Maryanne Solo wrote: You've got the non creating griefers warbling Jumpy! bwahahaha Poor thangs worshipped another who was relegated to -less than Waisted status and have had no one to spread their joy to for ages now. Offer them a spot in your magazines lol. That'll be one contribution theyve made Keep up the good work! Wut o.0 200L's to anyone with the skills to translate this^^ post in any of the 5 major world languages: English, French, Spanish, Brooklynese, or Chinese works for me. IM me.
  3. Kadah Coba wrote: The Third Party Viewer: Those having continued since at least early 2011 (possibly late 2010) on though 2013 really doesn't count as something Rodvik did in 2013. I was hoping for a fourth party viewer, but I'm kinky that way. PS Do you golf?
  4. I just love one of the comments on the article: "white peoples problem" . Lol and go figure.
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: An Unpaid Bill Leads to Costly Video Game Battle Perhaps he should not have signed the EVE ToS without reading it first. Just perhaps.
  6. Darrius Gothly wrote: When Rod joined the staff, I had high hopes that someone with a gaming industry background would at least understand how to handle Customer Service issues. I also hoped that his experience with managing IT-based ventures would help him stamp out the rampant and horribly damaging NIH (Not Invented Here) illness that continually causes LL to drive the Second Life wagon train off the cliff. On both counts .. fail. The BoD needs to hire someone that "Gets It" when it comes to what Second Life is, what it's about, and what makes it tick. Failure to hire someone with an inward facing attitude will result in the exact same stagnation and race toward extinction that has been the hallmark of the previous CEOs. OMG! The D-R-A-M-A that reeks in this post! I love it!!! You are such a D-R-A-M-A ho, Darrius ... you could have been a role-model for some, but you .... PS May I ask you a question, Darrius? Do you really think you are holy enough to know "what it's about, what makes it tick?" Because imo you use the game just like the rest of us ... I didn't realize you had GOD privilege.
  7. It just goes to show you can't please everyone. The man could have walked on water in RL and some would still find ways to throw stones. Yawns. We are in the era of PC and In a PC world humor is a capital offense. It's fun to read all the misery in OUR little world ... a lot like RL, eh? (and let's not forget misery loves company) I have seen nothing but improvements in my short time in SL. I am still having fun. I am still laughing and tripping over myself in SL just like RL, eh? PS I am thinking of organizing an "Occupy SL". I am protesting the presence of the UCCSL, OBR, NSA, JFK, CIA, and PJ's (I hate PJ's as I prefer to sleep in the nude ....TMI?) LL better hire a CEO soon or I will start writing letters to the BoD re above. PPS I am curious as I have not read the ToS in its entirety, is there any mention of the BoD having to heed the words of the masses? I may be just OMR (One Man Rising) against the machine of injustice, but I will not falter in my resolve.
  8. Jumpman Lane wrote: I'm convinced no one sees people like you when people like me enter rooms. Hehehehe...who are you again? Prehaps that's because all us n0n n00bs still sees [sic] and laughz when the kang avata enters a room with a freenis perpetually stuck in his ear. Just perhaps. PS Shall I take this opportunity, Jumpy, to introduce you to Dres? PPS Imo, Dres needs no introduction.
  9. Others sell rings without fingers or bracelets without arms or Lola's without condoms or trains without riders, I see no reason why you can't sell a vase without a flower.
  10. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL." THIS ! and im not sad to see him leave. . And he and Mr. Peter Gray will not be sad when you et al leave as was threatened.
  11. Jumpman Lane wrote: Hehehe Thanx! You know me! Im a tickin tickin time bomb! BOOM! If you had tlts we would call you Jumpy BOOMBOOM!
  12. Jumpman Lane wrote: Sec of State is a good place to start! Like Tommy Jefferson and all those Virginny Jimmys. You know Jimmy Madison and Jimmy Monroe. Square biz! OR we can take ova the grid and you can be Duke of Sum Dam Thang! I'll steal it. You can call it what ya like! But, but I wanna be 'kang' Stormie.
  13. Jumpman Lane wrote: Storm im makin you Sec of State of the whole shebang caws YOU are payin attention to the details! Ur guvment NEEDS ya; so, you must serve. Ask not what Jumpy has done for ya, ask what ya can do for Jumpy! Cool, Jumpy. But I, too, am a leader; not a follower. But you get my vote anyway.
  14. Jumpman Lane wrote: I used to personally tp down and and save one noob a month in the welcome area when i had a porno mag. We called the feature Noob of the Month hehehehe. Me and my merry **bleep** Magazine band took noobs under our collective wings and spitshined and sparkled them up to glitter and glow fullbright in windlight. He first noob i tranfered my very first prim thingy and took him to sex sim and got him hoppin on poseballs with dee light. Hehehehe. ( as a side story. The noob wouldnt give it back when it was just a old relic. The MAKER sent me ONE free and i was.gonna display it under glass. You know. A holy relic of Second Life: JUMPMAN LANE's first prim memeber. But it was CREEPY LMAO THE SECOND GAL we taught to use a push rifle...back when push rifles still werked. It was a freebie that'd send you zipping off into the sky. She was.doin.somekinda research and we told her she needed.to protect herself. She got an "A" but.not.before.gettting a week suspension for griefing hehehehe The third one heard about sl and wanted strike it rich. He becme an actual friend. We got him hired out as club security. A dj. A model. Finally he.quit. sl. Last i heard he was mining gold in werld of war tards. Lol that was some years ago. We stopped after that, wheb we started the feature Lindens: Who ARE these Wackjobs Anyways. The Great Watermelon was feature one. Hehehehehe So began The Great Watermelon War (which i lost) lol. Anyhows. Saps been griefing the Welcome Areas and help dumps forever. LL never really cared. Soon as some fool thouht they had a cool avi they went and laughed at noobs. Or saps too scared to.crash sims snickered and noobs pretending to be PN. Lol turdin around for the Lulz. Saps! Hehehe This^^ is the post of the year. Again, welcome back, Jumpy.
  15. Orca Flotta wrote: Jumpman Lane wrote: Til November 2016 I'm President of the United American Sims of Second Life. Just Caws! And here I thought you'd go for world domination... Well, he's the Prez of some USA sim, so it's basically the same ... or so they fink. Dyslexic? I think you may have read the name of his realm incorrectly. UAS. But either way I do not and will not make any apologies for NOT being a third world country. PS The rest of your post was very clever. PPS And who are you calling a fink?
  16. Kenbro Utu wrote: Jumpman Lane wrote: Til November 2016 I'm President of the United American Sims of Second Life. Just Caws! And here I thought you'd go for world domination... Tomorrow is another day.
  17. Toysoldier Thor wrote: LOL At least your postings are entertaining - You actually TOLD US SO WHAT? That LL hasn't stolen anything from us? Thank you, I try very hard to entertain the masses. No, I didn't say I told you so as to whether LL will steal from you. I told you that if you slap the corporate suits in the face it will hurt you more than it will hurt them. Yes, I told you so. PS I find your posts also to be very entertaining. You are a good straight man. In other words I couldn't have come this far without your participation. Again, thank you.
  18. Hey Jumpy, you should work the feeds a little more. I posted to you there. It is a playground that is chock-ful of delights: D-R-A-M-A, n00bs, pr0n, inter alia. You should feel right at home Give it a whirl you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.
  19. You still may consider yourself cool, and that's cool, but you ain't the "king" anymore.
  20. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: you are wrong, With everything she is wrong. Politics, computers, relationships, automotives, aeronautics, tri-sexuals, music, and furries. Just wrong. And this begs the question: how can anybody be wrong with music? Doesn't it?
  21. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: . May they keep your virtual reality rooted in a fluffy place. FIFY Up about 500 posts you can re-read my 'reality'.
  22. The display resolutions are really poor. I don't think you will be very happy with any of them.
  23. Oh well. Perhaps this video will keep the nightmares and/or the boogeyman away. PS Michael Jackson looked so much different as a child. It makes me wonder if he has ever had Cosmetic 'plastic' surgery.
  24. JoyofRLC Acker wrote: Not quite sure what yr 1st sentence means Storm. But moving along... pardon my ignorance but what is QoS, in simple terms. (I did a quick Google and got confused!). I have Dlink D655. Looking at the QoS page there are multiple boxes (see below) which are basicall all checked. To turn off QoS as you recommend - do I uncheck both "enable traffic shaping" and "enable qos engine"? Does this affect what I might call the variability of the connection? My point is that most of the time I get adequate frame rates in SL.So I dont think I need to improve the 'best' or the 'average'. One other question ... I assume it doesnt matter how many Ethernet connections there are? Of the 4 available, 3 are already used by my audio / home theatre set up (Squeezebox, Wii, etc) but there is one slot free. Is it ok to leave those others connected? (There isnt anything being streamed when Im on SL). ...... WAN Traffic Shaping Enable Traffic Shaping: Automatic Uplink Speed : Measured Uplink Speed : Not Estimated Manual Uplink Speed : kbps << Connection Type : Detected xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network : No QoS Engine Setup Enable QoS Engine : Automatic Classification : Dynamic Fragmentation : I didn't mean anything bad with my 1st sentence, it's just trying to figure out what you are asking. My definition of QoS may be different from others as I see QoS as a ploy by ISP's to stream (shape) your data more efficiently for THEIR network, not your network. My rule of thumb is If "I" don't know what a function is then I whack it. Yes, disable both traffic shaping and QoS engine. See what happens from there. (Do a reboot of the router and take some benchmarks before disable; prove to yourself the fruits of your effort.) By the 'variability' of the connection do you mean that you will lose connectivity or crash? I'm not sure of this term. Imo, you will only see benefits NOT adverse ramifications. Yes, it is ok to leave those other devices connected, you can even use them all at the same time I would suggest you go to amazon and get yourself 4-5 short cat6 (NOT cat5) and rewire all the connections if you haven't already done so. Enjoy
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