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Everything posted by yestothis

  1. Why don't you just talk to them? What is quietly monitoring? Not breaking rules if you don't say it.
  2. That broke which rule? People have alts, they can roll 5x a day, let them. Since this rule was just implemented 5 minutes ago, they can easily just delete the dupes without branding people cheaters. Perhaps going forward, NOW THAT THIS IS A RULE, people will know. I like to think of SL as a democracy with justice.
  3. This response by a Linden is damaging to the community. You could have simply said, we're sorry we didn't clarify this (non-existent) rule earlier, but if you have duplicate clicks from the same owner, those will be deducted! Have fun trick or treating everyone! Nobody would be mad at that message, even if you just made up a rule. Instead, you made it sound soooooooooo shady. This is virtual trick or treating, chill out.
  4. The rules should have been clarified before you run an event. And, to call your paying customers cheaters is in poor taste. You could have worded this better. And the fact that some resident already discussed this in a group means that you have Linden employees that blabbed to people not involved, or they're secret Lindens parading as residents, oh my.
  5. Somehow an event that’s meant to be fun, is being turned into something malicious by some residents. I just saw this morning in a popular Bellisseria group chat, someone claims to have knowledge of cheaters and made a threatening comment that the cheaters will get “a surprise”. Did a Linden Lab employee confirm this? Does this resident have any right to spread rumors and cause people to be suspicious of each other? There is NO way to cheat the system. It’s irresponsible to make allegations without proof. If you believe the system can be rigged, ask a Linden. As far as I know, you can only collect from a pumpkin on a parcel ONE time. It’s honestly making me feel like these people are preemptively raining on the winners parades by spreading unfounded rumors.
  6. Time to remove bans from Linden Homes. Lindens own this land, and some residents use this as a way to ~make a statement~. Your ban list should not be a statement.
  7. Agreed. lol! I don't want to be an aimless wandering child! Also, to all the weirdos with invisible prims around your pumpkin, may your day be ruined.
  8. In the spirit of trick-or-treating, people with excessive ban lists should not be participating. I noticed one house had over 50 names of various residents on this forum in it.
  9. Thank you. You didn’t say your sim came with anything. Thank you for your explanation. your sim is actually $146 more expensive than linden lab. Because 375-229 free tier is 146. And then people have to pay transfer fee of $100 so it’s $246 to buy your sim over LL. It’s called math.
  10. How are you more expensive than linden lab? Only $349 on the land store, and that comes with free month of tier. And no transfer fee.
  11. Trick or treat is at the door. IRL, do you go into peoples homes for candy?? Let’s not complicate things. Standing 5M from the bucket is fairly close and can get tricky if you get too creative! Also, this is a game. People want to collect lots of candies to get a bear, not explore your parcel.
  12. These last names are like cheap novelty gifts.
  13. You do know 7k week or roughly 28k a month is less than break even when tier is 109$US. Most estates are charging closer to 30-32K simply because LL have easier cashed out fees. Some land barons still paying 95 grandfather tier can charge 28k but most cannot.
  14. Underwhelmed by all the boats. I guess all the Chalets people are moving now that their unfinished coasts are not beautiful waterfronts.
  15. What does that island look like to you??? Do you see a sperm too?
  16. Buying a used region is almost always a bad investment unless you’re getting nearly a month tier. And the transfer fee of $100 nobody gets to keep except Linden Lab. I already mathed it for you, the actual “cost” of a region is $120 US because of tue month of free tier? So is the seller going to sell the region for $20US + transfer fee of $100 that he doesn’t keep? With exactly 30 days tier left. Keep your snark to yourself
  17. Calm down and read. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/managing-private-regions-r50/ You have a regular region or a grandfathered region? Grandfather is $300 to transfer, regular regions are $100. How much do you pay in tier each month? If it's a regular region and you pay $229, just submit a ticket to turn it off (FREE). If you sell it, you'll hardly make any money, and besides, if you bought it recently, you only paid $349 and they gave you 1 month free tier, worth $229, so you actually "paid" $120. So you're out $120, but you could also be out $229 tier again, so just let it go. Resale value for non-grandfather is kind of nothing. The Wiki is a great source of info.
  18. Implementation may not be perfect for everyone, but it is a step in the right direction. For those of us with thousands of real life money attached to our accounts (business owners, estate owners), this is a welcomed addition. For everyone else, use it if you want it. When LL makes it mandatory, see ya. But I doubt you’ll leave so, shhh.
  19. If you are on disability, you can get a free cell phone from many companies. Just saying edit to clarify that you get a free cell phone and service. Please use google.
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