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Everything posted by yestothis

  1. I agree we need more prims. I don’t think they’ve ever tried to landscape one of the massive homes and also have a yard too. Regions used to be 15k prims or something like that, now it can be 30k. Who says it can’t be 40k? Who determines these limits? LL does. They don’t want to give you more prims, I believe the limits are deliberate to drive you crazy lol.
  2. Just do your best and ignore the upper levels. Also, you can save prims by getting rid of your fence
  3. It’s not wrong. It’s right if you going 26th as first day. Just ask google.
  4. They will release by January 6th. The theme this year is 12 days of Christmas, and the 6th is the 12th day.
  5. They said by end of year. Did they mean THIS Year?????
  6. The playing field is so leveled already, how’s much flatter are we wanting?? Unless you’re asking linden lab to kill off their cash cow by limiting one account per billing address.
  7. If the lindens are reading this and need some ideas to make premium plus appealing… 25 abandons per day ability to share prims if same land group in same region double prims!!!! ability to rent out linden home, Airbnb style More interior/exterior colors than normal ability to delete WALLS
  8. Hey dumb question but.. what exactly are we deciphering to win the challenge? Just a sign or all of the symbols around all of fantasy? Help!
  9. As they say, “you can’t go home again” except in second life you can! lol!
  10. Would it be a better idea to remove the content packs entirely from mail boxes to ease the server burden? A simple landmark to a location clickable via mail box would suffice. I like the idea of all contents available always to any home owner and/or all premium.
  11. In Australia Christmas is at the beach so.. yes
  12. I’m not that much of a pessimist! I do believe they tried their very best, but their best wasn’t great. Maybe it’s time to refresh the talent pool.
  13. thanks for the recap nika! It would make sense for an end of the year release.
  14. There’s no point trying to decode colors and such.., it seems like the lindens release on a whim without any consistency
  15. I googled la perla thinking it’s a pretty resort town, and it is the slums. A colorful slum.
  16. Seems it’s designed so people can’t go hassle or help newbies
  17. I like it even less with the random Easter egg colors
  18. So linden lab should release premium lite, for those that want only 512.
  19. Surely the moles can give team feedback. Some are residents with successful stores so they know what residents want.
  20. You bring up so many good points! I feel like the feedback part should have happened way earlier than at the reveal. The lindens chose charity expos like the Christmas expo to give them exposure, and now the whole reveal is interrupted. I’m not sure if decorating reveal homes is the way to go. We want to see the homes and imagine our stuff in it, not walk through someone else’s dream.
  21. People will definitely Frankenhouse. Have you seen the trad-vics? Monstrosity.
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