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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I meant to write it hypothetically speaking, what would you do with my data? By, you, I meant a hypothetical YOU. I was just wondering what someone might want with profile data if not to stalk or set up blackmail via spying on yours or my significant other, not that you or I have a significant other, this is hypothetically speaking. There are good reasons possibly also someone might want to scrape data but I'd think it's some kind of way to make money. Still, I can't think of anything specific on what is sellable about my data if the scraping doesn't involve an IM.
  2. Okay, let's say this is true...what are you going to do with my data? My main thing is I don't want you popping into my home or IMing me with spam. So, if you don't do that, I'm not a worry profile-wise (but my friends might not like it), but what will you do with my data?
  3. You wrote "probably why" though. So, we don't know this for 100% sure. Hmmmmmm...? Shouldn't they perhaps have released a statement if that were true?
  4. No, I don't think it is a good idea to have security orbs. Let alone not everyone in SL knows how to make things. Then, we could have sellers all over MP and elsewhere selling security orbs at gawd knows what prices. Yeah sure, like what 1200 linden security orb made with a free LSL script to deny_bots popping up everywhere or anywhere selling on MP or inworld. No thanks! If Caspervend could possibly put deny_bots in their rental vendors or something that might be a good idea but I cannot speak for Caspervend.
  5. Well, I had thought of it for quite some time. However, I wanted it to be offered for free. IMO, if it isn't offered for free, it could seem like a money-grubbing set-up by the bots themselves. I.E., now we have to *buy* protection from them. That seems "scammy" so I didn't know how it could be assured for free. It must somehow remain free, such as no security orbs with bot protection selling on MP or anywhere.
  6. So many people have said LAG in this thread. Was that because of Dial-Up? My ex-husband and I were early adopters of cable and I had no lag. Probably because there weren't that many people on cable at that time.
  7. There are certain things that happen in SL periodically with the servers which on those days we all get a warning "during this time DO NOT rez no copy items". I'm not sure of the name of that. Maybe someone else knows. But, during that time you would not rez no copy items, not worry about the ones you already have rezzed as far as I know. As far as break, I'm not sure how something in SL could break either unless the item needs connection to a server outside of SL. And, if that business goes bust and that server closes, the item's scripts would no longer work and the item would be considered broken or defunct. This is the best I can explain. Perhaps someone can explain better. But, no copy items can get lost.
  8. Gachas are no copy items. Gachas are mostly mod/transfer with some having permissions for transfer only. So, since your items from a Gacha are no copy and something breaks, yes you would have to buy that particular part again - perhaps from the same seller if they have a few copies or from another seller who may have a copy of what you are looking for. Some Gacha sets are now offered copy/mod by the original creator. So, if you want a copy/mod version, look in the creator's store to see if they have released that Gacha set now as a copy/mod set. Not all creators have released their Gachas as copy/mod versions though, not to my knowledge anyhow. But, it's worth looking if you want a copy/mod set to see if they have one.
  9. Couldn't the tenants then ask the estate owners to WHITELIST their scripted agent, and the problem of parcel owners not being able to have their scripted agent in their home solved?
  10. I think that is one of the dilemmas here. Why would estates ban their own scripted agents they might be using as traffic bots or even not using as traffic bots? Another dilemma is not allowing parcel living residents some tool to deny_bots in their own home in case the main owner does not want to use deny_bots. This whole thing has left me drained though. I just want some common sense solutions for all and for the peace of SL to be restored. I think TOS could use an update so info is all in one place not all over the place.
  11. Well, the 2nd Life portion of the profile could say..."Write Here About Your Second Life". The one area where I see a possibility of a problem with having a 1st (Real Life) tab is especially for those where English is not their first language and they are just learning English but, more importantly than that, there could eventually be some people from other countries where they aren't familiar with net-etiquette yet or they have been raised with such extreme politeness in manners that they will fill out the 1st Life tab with an innocence. However, I am not going to advocate for the 1st Life tab to be taken away. I just had some concerns from this recent data harvesting for others. As far as me, I'm not big on profiles anything nor anywhere. I hardly ever fill them out at all nor read them much at all either. Once I become friends or associates with someone, I will read their profile to see if there are some things I'd like to know about them but their profile doesn't matter much to me. Anyhow, I just wanted to clear that up but we were told a few posts back we were off topic. And, if want to talk about other things, make a new thread.
  12. I would think so but it's worded oddly. That's why I posted the link.
  13. This is the snapshot and machinema policy of LL (b) Avatar Consent for Machinima For machinima, you must have the consent of all Residents whose avatars or Second Life names are featured or recognizable in the machinima. This includes avatars who are featured in a shot, avatars whose names are legible, and avatars whose appearance is sufficiently distinctive that they are recognizable by members of the Second Life community. Consent is not required if an avatar is not recognizable and is merely part of a crowd scene or shown in a fleeting background. Consent is not required for any snapshots. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy
  14. I think we did. Someone closed their *baby* business and they used an external server, so when the external service was closed when the business closed, the babies died. (This is not a joke).
  15. A rule? It was hundreds. Did you really watch the video? At the end, the last card reads "What?"
  16. Well, imo, it needs updating and then we should all agree to a new TOS. And, they need a specific scripted agent policy written out in the main TOS as well as what Personal Data is in the main TOS.
  17. Oh, these TOS, TERMS and CONDITIONS, Official Wikis is a bit like understanding Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues". Get back to me if you memorize all of the below.
  18. Sorry, I used the wrong word because this has been going on for months! And, not once was that Wiki brought up during all those now locked threads. I meant *official* by putting the part about our PERSONAL DATA in the main Privacy Policy, not some Wiki I never heard of. I need a break from this whole because this is a mess that's all over the place with a TOS, a separate TERMS and CONDITIONS, Wikis, and nothing much for all residents to have a happy medium is resolved. Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Why wasn't the above brought up in any of the un-namable bot numerous locked bot threads until now? In all those threads, just that same paragraph from the Privacy Policy was used in all those threads over and over. LL needs to make the above official policy and include it in the TOS (Privacy Policy), not placed off in some mysteriously placed Wiki. LL, frankly, needs to get all their terms together in one area.
  20. The bot owner cannot do anything with it outside of SL, so the bot owner collecting stuff is a) either nuts or b) has too much time on their hands and needs to get a life. What is Personal Data? To understand Personal Data, one first needs to understand Personally Identifiable Information. Personally Identifiable Information, often abbreviated as PII, is information that is capable of identifying an individual user, account, computer, or household. Note that PII need not include the actual name of an individual. That the information can refer to any of the above alone or in conjunction with other data elements linkable with that information suffices to make it PII. Examples: A username, an agent ID, an IP address, or a tracking cookie are all examples of PII. Personal Data includes all PII. Any additional information that one links to this PII also becomes Personal Data. Examples: When one of the above examples of PII is combined with the contents of a Resident’s profile page, their online status, their chat, or their in-world travel behaviors, the PII and the linked data all become Personal Data.
  21. The privacy policy or scripted agent official policy has been updated even if you use just an object with a data collection script. Personal Data and Privacy Rights Data transferred outside of the Second Life service or its supporting websites is not exempt from protection under applicable data privacy laws. This applies whether data is collected by Scripted Agents, LSL scripts, or external tools. Access to the Second Life service and access to Personal Data of Second Life Residents are both conditioned on adherence to all applicable global privacy regulations governing the collection, storage, processing, or transmission of Personal Data. These laws include Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We recommend that you seek guidance from a privacy attorney for additional, updated information before using Personal Data of Second Life Residents outside of Second Life. What is Personal Data? To understand Personal Data, one first needs to understand Personally Identifiable Information. Personally Identifiable Information, often abbreviated as PII, is information that is capable of identifying an individual user, account, computer, or household. Note that PII need not include the actual name of an individual. That the information can refer to any of the above alone or in conjunction with other data elements linkable with that information suffices to make it PII. Examples: A username, an agent ID, an IP address, or a tracking cookie are all examples of PII. Personal Data includes all PII. Any additional information that one links to this PII also becomes Personal Data. Examples: When one of the above examples of PII is combined with the contents of a Resident’s profile page, their online status, their chat, or their in-world travel behaviors, the PII and the linked data all become Personal Data.
  22. If you want too. Sure, it would be interesting what you find out.
  23. Well, I'm lost. The policy has been updated to mean what? I may bow out here, Phil because I don't use bots nor currently have a problem with bots or scripted agents. Thankfully, I'm good but do not understand what changed but I'm not even sure it matters to my SL at this time.
  24. It's on the front page of the main SL website page where after your login, you get the main page for forums, marketplace, etc. And, clicking open the links on the main SL website page about SCRIPTED AGENTS, you will find this: (stating the policy has been changed). All, this is just new, I just heard about it over the weekend. See front page of SL website for the article and links about the changes. (adding screenshot of SL website page - that page).
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