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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Let me translate this as best I can as I used to translate the scribble (I mean writing) of foreign doctors. "Things changed since they can (now) convert L to real money. People start to complete (with) each other. And, the more that come to SL to be gold digger (quick money). The (more) society changes." Is that a fair translation? Personally, I don't run into too many gold diggers here on SL. I am a small cat avatar in SL for one thing and don't date in SL. But, if you mean greed takes over, the society changes. That is probably true. But you can find items in all price ranges here in SL and including FREE. SL has always, imo, kept SL open to all, even those who couldn't afford it. People have many different kinds of way to make lindens in SL other than involving sex.
  2. Maybe, sort of because when all were Classic avatars people weren't as choosey about the avatar itself since we were all Classic avatars. Many mesh avatars of the past few years won't even dance with an avatar who is not mesh. This has been called "mesh snobbery". The OP is also addressing mesh snobbery in their opening post.
  3. lmao! I remember when a certain store came out...I wonder if I can put the name because it probably still exists. I think it was called "Prim Possible" and many or most of the items were 1 prim each. That was a game changer for SL along with Slink feet and, of course, that slex bed that made the creator a millionaire (and after he was a millionaire he let it go open source or something like that). This is the stuff of SL legends. Maybe someone has more info on that. A few became millionaires. Most of us didn't. lol But, I think Philip Rosedale's vision was that virtual property should retain value and it's an investment, that's why items were mod/transfer in the beginning. You could buy an amazing item, then set it for sale for more money, for example. Part of early SL was an investor's game.
  4. When SL started it was considered "the wild, wild West". We had no idea what we doing but we were doing it together. It's interesting to note, after I spoke about how many creators made custom items back in SL's beginning, that I think also that was because many or most items were MOD/TRANSFER. We used to go to yardsales or have our own yardsale and sell some of our old stuff to buy new stuff...so items must have been MOD/TRANSFER. But, I didn't understand all that at the time. I've often wondered about the yardsales were we could resell our items way before X-Street and MP existed. Wondering if it was Philip Rosedale's idea that all things should be mod/transfer so that items are more like real life? It was cool being able to sell items when you were sick of them to raise some lindens to buy something new. And, often we'd buy something new at someone's yardsale because it was new to us. Now people would freak out if the item is no copy.
  5. Oh yes, I bet it was expensive way back then to have a custom order avatar or home or whatever made. Those amazing fantasy avi's I saw looked expensive, too, they were so spectacular. Like I said they looked like something from a movie set. I have a question, I was wondering if before X-Street which later became MP, if creator's inworld just weren't sure how to market their items, that's why there were so many offering custom orders? Once, X-street (which later became MP) came out though, it was a huge hit and headed towards a big success for creators and this is when mass marketing really took off and had some direction. However, it's interesting to note we used to have yardsales so I believe most items were mod/transfer when SL began. I did shop inworld using the search guide in the beginning. I found things but it took way longer than X-street, that's for sure. I was also wondering if Fantasy Faire was the first event in SL? I thought someone said that in a post recently. I think SL, perhaps in the beginning, wanted people to explore more fantasy avatars as "Lord of the Rings" was still such a big hit at that time. Many of us loved the "elven" thing way back then and still do. Clubs want to separate human and fantasy now which wasn't the case in the beginning of SL. However, Raglan Shire is still mixed other and human and/or be any avi you want to be. So, to the OP, finding a place to be anything you can imagine does still exist and the OP doesn't have to be a mesh avatar at the Shire. There are sims that have no 'you must be a mesh avatar' requirements out there. Raglan Shire is a good place to start to find out the other sims where it's just relax and be whatever you want to be type of environment.
  6. Oh yes it is just a lot less hassle, there is way more stuff and it's MP too that has helped tremendously help us find just about anything. I just remembered something else about the "old SL", back in the day before MP came out people used to make custom order items. One could custom order just about anything that could be created at that time way back when. It's a rare occurrence, in my experience these days, to find people who will do custom order items but they are out there just harder to find.
  7. There were fantasy avatars in old SL but most of those I assumed people were making themselves and most were original, one-of-a-kind. I saw some really great, jaw-dropping, amazingly beautiful fantasy avatars in my early years. They'd just show up at clubs. I was strictly human back then and I didn't build anything either. When I came back to SL for my middle years after a break with SL, that aspect of all kinds of avatars at the human clubs disappeared and the human clubs were now all human and that made me miss the amazing fantasy avatars that used to show up in clubs in my years prior. I still remember those days of these amazing fantasy avatars just showing up at clubs; they were superb and it was like a movie set or something. But, yes, those were all mostly one-of-a-kind avi's people were learning to make back then but they were good! We used to have IM and ask each other where to find stuff until MP finally came about, and often I'd receive an answer "I made this". Wow, I was very impressed.
  8. Yes, this is the Shire I am speaking about - Raglan Shire. One can look it up in search and join free, but Small Talk is our main group that has a calendar for all the Dinkie and Tiny events. Small Talk is also free to join. Raglan Shire isn't built with mesh, it isn't built with sculpties, it's built (somehow) from the materials of the original viewer. Many people may think "ugh" but, imo, it's cute. The Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire would prefer it never change. There are some mesh deck chairs for the fishing every Sunday morning on the Wharf but that's probably it for the mesh on the Wharf. Most fishing is unbaited so you don't have to buy bait. With PBR, I am uncertain how the Shire will survive. I guess we will have to just turn off reflections. Also, most Tinies wear the prim skirt outfits for the females. Dinkies have prim skirt outfits too from way back when and they are cute too. Dinkies do wear a lot more mesh clothing than the Tinies. This old building style may not be for everyone but many love it. However, many of us have alts and enjoy all the mesh goodies too. One really can have both.
  9. Hello, I am a Dinkie in Second Life and the Dinkie's hang out with the tinies of the Shire. We are small human-like animal avatars that talk, wear clothes, and play Bingo like humans. Tinies have been around SL just about as long as SL itself and many of the "tiny" sims for us human-like animals haven't changed in nearly 20 years. We will be celebrating our 19th Medieval Ball this coming fall. Along with the Dinkies and Tinies, humans or other avatars (fairy, elf, whatever) are welcome at many of our events. Remember Petite Fairies? You may find some there, too. You could contact our main group, Small Talk, and ask where the Bingos are currently being held. Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire play Bingo a few times a week. I have never played Bingo myself but this Bingo I am speaking about must be like the old Bingo because it's for a group to play not a machine. Dinkies and Tinies also have many fishing events you could join where you make some lindens also. Check it out. If you need further help, IM me here on the forum and I can give you some contact names. We did have a kind of innocence way back then. It's still sort of there with the Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire.
  10. I would take the above to mean inworld because the terms and conditions is the one that outlines the maturity settings and what is allowed there - inworld. But, on the forums, we should follow the TOS because we don't want to post explicit sexuality on this forum, right?
  11. I never noticed that but it is confusing ah. I think one is supposed to be for the forum. I've always searched for Second Life TOS and pulled up a different link I pasted above. I dunno why. Different smokes for different folks, I guess. lol
  12. There seem to be two different TOS. They should fix that as it's confusing ah! (iv) Post, display or transmit any Content that is explicitly sexual, intensely violent or otherwise designated as Adult under our Maturity ratings, except as set forth in those ratings. https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions
  13. I know but she posted part of it not the whole thing. I dunno what she was trying to say by doing that.
  14. That TOS number VI isn't the whole term. That one you posted above might have been written for the forum maybe? Or where did you get it from? This is what the TOS regarding Adult Content says: (iv) Post, display or transmit any Content that is explicitly sexual, intensely violent or otherwise designated as Adult under our Maturity ratings, except as set forth in those ratings.
  15. Not really using your post to quote you exactly but to find something to base my post off of. In regards to panic or paranoia about bots, I don't see it that way. SL has always been a courteous world in that you opt in to whatever it may be. Even with Bloodlines you had to accept the offer to be bitten. At least that's the way I remember it. But, aside from griefers, SL has always allowed US to choose what we opt in to and what we don't want to opt in to. I object to some things about a certain particular bots on principle not paranoia. I just got to thinking that just lumping us all together as some paranoid old userbase is a bit of gaslighting and it's purpose may just be to get us to shut up. Which, is one reason it's an unlevel playing field in that we are partly silenced about it. And, two it's an unlevel playing field in that we didn't have much to guard against bots. We had a few like checking PIOF needed and going and finding out all the names and putting those names on our security orbs list. I felt we needed more fair tools and I think SL needs to remain opt in like it always has been. I've brought up bots of the future because they do seem to get more intelligent as time goes by and was just wondering what sites in general are going to do. Heck, even ChatGPT is opt in. (My post was not directed at Innula specifically).
  16. When Tilia, which is so darned hard for some of us to spell (I even forgot how to spell it, but I think it's Tilia with an extra i) but anyhow when Tilia was first created it was said to have been written with some of the best code ever and look at who came aboard - JPM, one of the most loved/hated hedge funds in the world. However, JPM, I don't think would have jumped at being involved with an exchange that could easily be hacked. Tilia is said to have been superiorly coded. We have to have some faith here, albeit nothing we do on the internet is 100% guaranteed safe. My experience overall with the internet has been a good. My ex, however, was hacked twice. Once a credit card which his bank fortunately reversed the charges. The other a social engineering scheme that created a mess of a hell. But, what bots will be able to do in the future and how social media sites and virtual worlds will protect themselves against these things is 'I don't know'. But, I'd prefer threads about bots to remain open for discussion on SL forum so we know we at least have a level playing field. But, other people need to remember some of us are not geeks. Many of us are artists. We don't know everything about everything created for SL nor how to use everything to protect our own space from intrusion or from bots that may disturb the peace.
  17. I never took that part of the profile as that we are seriously supposed to put real life information there other than perhaps some things we like or don't like, such as 'love art in real life'. I've never read a profile in all my years in SL that revealed anyone's exact rl information but then I'm not a big profile reader. I do read the profile of my business associates though. Even when I was just a social avatar in the beginning, I wasn't a big profile reader. But, maybe that part of the SL profile should just go. Some people may not understand it for various reasons. Perhaps even such as English isn't their first language and they are just trying to go by what the profile asks.
  18. What could LL, or any MMO/MMORP, or social media site do to keep from a bot contagion should it ever happen to where it costs the servers too much money, make everything either PIOF or KYC with refundable fee (one could choose one or the other). What else could they do? I'm just giving one example were it to happen in the future where, let's say, bots overwhelm the grid or any grid for that matter.
  19. Do you mean mysecondlife.com because a search of my name isn't bringing up anything but this forum? I don't even see the bot website being brought up in a search. I never opted out with that bot website. My profile is like watching paint dry so I don't care about any of my profiles but I do care about SL staying adult and not on the main web. Loggin only to access adult content.
  20. I need to answer your post as 1) and 2) cos I cannot figure out multi-quoting (I've tried enough times and don't get it) 1) I suppose you mean unseen bot griefers? Not much to do but use abuse reporting. Or, MMO's will decide to be PIOF only or KYC with refundable fee. 2) I am not involved with the Adult world but I think many assumed what they put in their profile is for those who loggin only, not for the main web. I do know SL has it's sexual freedom and this is supposed to be a place to have that freedom. At least that's how I've viewed it. It's a very tolerant and expressive place.
  21. It's all too easy to say that people are paranoid because then you don't have to discuss anything nor listen to anyone's other point of view. I never said anything about public data in this thread, however another poster accused me of being paranoid about public data which I never talked about at all. What I said was: the bots published false data about merchants incomes and presented it as true. Merchants incomes are NOT public data even if it were true, not false. I also said you have to opt out instead of opt in to where they admittedly said they will keep your username if you make contact to opt out. Which is frankly screwy, imo. One SLer has said she has a bot land in her house every day. I guess she needs to move then, and it's put on her. I don't like that idea of how one could land in my house every day. I don't see that as paranoid but I see that as a nuisance and disturbing the peace. Plus, people are choosing to put PIOF only to keep out bots which is interfering with flying and boating. Although I've heard there will be another way to keep out bots other than putting PIOF but that it's a few months away yet. I have no adult profiles nor picks in any of my accounts so it doesn't affect me the same way as others. However, I have friends who go to adult places so they feel some of their freedom is squelched. However, they need to speak for themselves about that.
  22. I'll just leave this here. I'm gathering from the discussion of bots on Twitter, it's a drain on the servers and bots cost the company in the long run, and that cost is passed onto us for the types of social media where there are fees. PIOF for all everyone? Is that the future...but starting with low cost plans according to income perhaps?
  23. It's possible "they mean no harm" but I also object to the fact that we don't opt in, we have to opt out to which I directly asked a person who works for this bot farm in question if they were planning on keeping our usernames if we opted out and the answer given here was "yes". Yes, they plan to keep our usernames. For what, to send en masse IM's with links to clicks? Don't click on any links from bots everyone, it's a classic social engineering hackers scam technique and it usually involves using blackmail. Let's say they IM you saying they saw your bf/gf at so-and-so place without you and with another avatar and have a picture of them together and want you to click on it so you can see what they were doing together without you, which is a lie but that's a classic social engineering hacker's scheme. And, that is about all I want to say for now because I think it's better safe than sorry. However, there are those whom I feel just want to "baby" the bots and SL residents are paranoid or old, which makes it all our fault. So, I need a break from this now. It's enough blaming those who were not disturbing the peace. Plus, saying we are paranoid seems a bit like gaslighting to me. So, I'm out for awhile.
  24. No, it hasn't been around that long. I think you can find SL's 2fa under ACCOUNT but it's called multifactor something or other in SL. When it came up in another thread about why ChatGPT requires a phone number to have an account I went to search a little about "bots". I came across an article that said 2fa was invented because bots became able to read that squiggly line worded Captcha that used to be sent to our emails (like in the screenshot I'll put below). Bots are more and more eluding the I AM NOT A BOT Captcha techniques. I also noted in that thread that recently, on a government website, I had to check I AM NOT A BOT twice while filling out the form. Bots are becoming more and more elusive to detection. That aspect of bots is kind of a drag. Again, the below Captcha it is said bots can now read, so it's useless. And now we have 2fa or multifactor.
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