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Everything posted by SlammedSam

  1. Well, I just watched the Dean Martin Christmas Special, circa 1966, so I got Dean Martin coming?
  2. Having myself a cozy winter vibe! I have to agree. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s, and I was very much into heavy metal. Naturally I loved the solos, and couldn't get enough. From 18 - 21, the faster and flashier, the better! Having said that, as I've grown older, I find that less is more. Give me a catchy bit I can hum. Yay for treat! =D
  3. I could be wrong, but I think those are all group owned objects? Other than that, I've no other explanation.
  4. And now, I went and painted x-wing markings on a modern jet fighter. Cheers!
  5. Oh goodness yes! I have quite a soft spot for that era of sci fi. Heck, I'd settle for more accessible prices at this juncture. Having said that, I never understood the logic in the 256 x 256 area.
  6. Freshly snapped while roaming a Winter Wonderland.
  7. Cheers, folks! Just relaxing in my own space station. I might even be enjoying a Moonlight Serenade. ♥
  8. As a kid, the very first Alien movie scared me witless. It was a Sunday night, Spring 1984. I was 11 going on 12. I had an idea of what Alien was, albeit largely from a Mad Magazine parody. So I reckoned that I could handle it. Wrong! Mere parodies very much failed to prepare me for the actual dark film that was! After a terrifying couple hours - did I mention it was a school night? - I simply could not get to sleep. I was well and truly convinced the honest to goddess alien was in the closet, or under the bed. Ironically, 3 years later, I watched the second Alien movie with my cousin, also on a school night. And I was fine with it.
  9. Spending time with my better half. Being creative. Discovering a new artist, musical group. Pizza.
  10. Quality and price go a long way with me. Mod perms are also preferable, if I want to re-colour or re-size a bit. I occasionally find new creators by way of events, like Collabor88, Uber and the like. If something from said events impresses me, I'll be happy to check out the native shop, and if a favourable impression is made, then congrats, you have a new customer! As for MP, if I need something specific, I will search first and I'll buy if the pics look like something I want and the price is right. I"ll also investigate if they have an inworld shop, and give future business if I like what I see. Also, I keep my eyes peeled for sales. Sometimes you'll see something for a price that's just too good to pass up.
  11. Oh neat. I have a Star Wars/Star Trek/Transformers mix myself. =D
  12. I sometimes get compliments on my mode of dress. *^_^* I tend to be tomboy-ish, girly girl, or sometimes cosplay. Easter time with my homebrew "U.S.S. Cygnus" tee. And me in the "garage" standing next to an X-wing.
  13. KC Couture has a flat called Amy, and it's my go-to for flats. =D https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KC-AMY-Ballerina-for-Slink-Flat-Maitreya-Belleza-Eve-Meshproject/6288620 I have several alts as well, so I know that feeling as far as budgeting and so on. That said, the price is right if you wish to treat yours as well. 😃
  14. It varies, depending on what I am doing. Just relaxing at home is in the neighborhood of 32 - 50 Out shopping, I tend to go to 64 ish. Will dial down to 32 if it's super laggy or crowded. Might crank up to 80-ish if i need to cam. When building, it depends on the build, and how far I need to "see". Taking pics, it pretty much depends on the locale, and what I want in the picture. 32 - 64 for closeup, 128 or more if I want a lot of scenery in the background. Flying, I crank it up to at least 256 if not more.
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