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Quistess Alpha

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Everything posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. I don't, want to be too rude, but A) I don't think there's a lot of paid work in SL fitting that skillset and B) It really sounds like you're damning yourself with faint praise.
  2. should be under 'prefferences->general->do not disturb response'. Then, turn on do-not-disturb. (top-bar me->do not disturb)
  3. The more complex/high-poly/"bad" a mesh is, the more Li it "should" have. The "point" of the Li system is to incentivize creators to make simpler/lower-poly/"good" mesh, which is not as simple as just pushing the "make my mesh good" button, it requires extra skilled labor. The 'problem' is that it's possible to 'abuse' the current system by making the lowest LOD (or in some cases lowest 2) a single triangle, then tell their customers to "fix" their LOD settings so their fancy stuff doesn't disappear when viewed from more than a few meters away. You can't have your cake and eat it too, If you 'cut out the loophole' creators and their customers will be angry the Li went up. If you leave the loophole in, no creators are incentivized to change their workflow, which is the whole point of making an new Li system.
  4. Yes and I'll 1-up you by posting a link and mentioning that it happens to be free. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/West-Village-Americana-Bunting/19895753
  5. If you can get your avatar's head to move, it's not a stretch to put a fullbright green screen behind yourself. but agreed that it'd be nice if LL/some SL creator were to make that use-case as easy as possible.
  6. Stripping out all the irrelevant stuff, @Qie Niangao's suggestion is roughly: //attachment: gChannel = <some number>; // many different ways of syncing this between the 2 things. default { attach(key ID) { if(ID) { // was attached. }else { // sending a message to an avatar relays it to all their attachments, // if you've stored the key of the rezzed HUD, send to that instead. llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),gChannel,"I'm detached."); } } } // HUD gChannel = <the same number>; // must be the same between HUD and attachment. default { /// where this goes depends on how you sync gChannel llListen(gChannel,"","","I'm detached."); /// listen(integer channel,string name, key ID,string text) { llRequestPermissions(ID,PERMISSION_ATTACH); } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if(perms&PERMISSION_ATTACH) llDetachFromAvatar(); } } Which as he points out, has a possibility of not working if the region is too laggy. Another option is to keep the HUD and attachment in a communication loop: (rough sketch) //attachment: listen(...) { llRegionSayTo(ID,Chan,"Pong"); } //HUD: gPonged=FALSE; listen(...) { gPonged=TRUE; } timer() { if(!gPonged) { // detach. }else { llRegionSayTo(ID,Chan,"Ping"); gPonged=FALSE; } }
  7. https://assets-global.website-files.com/60a83025d932b623a6a61ff8/630fe340050f1115dab79a01_SLLPSept2022-3-transcode.mp4 ETA: didn't see Animats had already posted it, woops.
  8. Not to be cynical, but the only thing can see when I watch the video is that animations are a bit janky; people's faces don't move, or move in creepy ways, there's no ease-in ease-out on the most visible neck movements, the guitar player isn't strumming in quite the right place (I'm a tad iffy on that one), the cat-walker moves too quickly with each step, etc. I don't notice it much/have more lenience when actually in-world, but I would kinda expect better from a cinematic.
  9. Just a note, if an avatar "enters the pool" via an animation while sitting on a diving board, as far as LSL is concerned they're probably still on the diving board, not actually in the pool. A 'splash effect' when entering a pool wouldn't be too hard (depending on how picky you are about how "good" it looks), the main problem would probably be integration with other things.
  10. AFAIK linden experiences are unblockable and auto-accept without the popup. Maybe I'm misremembering.
  11. Some of the fees have a maximum USD cap though, so as Randall pointed out above, if you cash out an amount exceeding 10,000 USD, your effective percentage rate decreases. Anything ~below that amount is equally expensive though,
  12. There are several good resources, such as the wiki (I can't vouch for the tutorials specifically, but it's the only accurate and up to date reference for language features) ; Builder's brewery often has classes on scripting topics ; and I think there's a few other places in-world with self-guided tutorial/courses. Nothing is specific to food though.
  13. You're mostly out of luck; send the merchant an IM and a notecard (Yes, I'd send both), explaining what you bought, and when, and that the box was empty. If they don't respond in a day or two, leave a bad review on the product's MP page.
  14. Not obviously apparent, If anything it might be more efficient than "regular particles" due to not having an alpha channel. A particle waterfall of a waterfall video (Stock video by Videezy.com) I might leave it up for a bit for anyone who cares to check it out and doesn't have easy access to land settings. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Girotte/127/131/3501 results may or may not vary by viewer/OS/gfx card/wine configuration.
  15. Surprisingly, you can see the parcel media stream on particles, which ~almost counts as an animated texture on a particle, but it's more of a party trick than something useful.
  16. FWIW I just tested it, and indeed, you only get the text from the specific prim specified, and the function is not limited by restricted permission objects. (There was no indication it would be, but it never hurts to check.) As far as I can tell though, while you can get some info on a prim's linkset status with OBJECT_ROOT, OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT, and OBJECT_LINK_NUMBER, I don't see any obvious way to iterate through every link in a foreign linkset (in order to get the hovertext of every child).
  17. but it's specifically about images appearing in the feed. the 'how many users' part is technically off-topic in that thread.
  18. but none of it in the correct forum category
  19. What this still doesn't get across is how flashy it is with a not-so-subtle animated brightness increase and decrease. When stuff is over-engineered to grab my attention, it's that much harder to concentrate on the stuff I actually am interested in (contents of posts and the like).
  20. @Lucia Nightfire Has been doing a survey for a while now. pretty sure there's a link to see latest stats in her profile. ETA:
  21. Did the doctor tell you how long you had been pregnant? It might not show on the HUD until about 4~6 weeks in.
  22. Firstly, check your logic by putting in some llOwnerSay() statements. Is the llStopAnimation() getitng called when you expect it to be? Secondly, bento bones (face and hand movements mostly) don't move back to their default positions after an animation stops unless the animation explicitly puts them back where they belong. If you start and stop the animation manually, does your face go back to normal?
  23. llInstantMessage() can also send a message to an avatar that appears in (only) their local chat even if they're not on the same region, although it has a forced script delay of 1 second.
  24. This sort of thing happens to me every time someone sets something to full-bright and one of the shininess presets (low/medium/high) (but not a specific shininess texture).
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