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Quistess Alpha

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Everything posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. FWIW You can set the object's gravity to 0 to stop it from falling, either through the build window or with LlSetPhysicsMaterial . I don't know if you can llSLPPF an object onto another region or not.
  2. Use a boolean search operator so for example: pants NOT "name of store" to search for pants not from "name of store"
  3. I assume you are looking for system/ BOM clothing? I'm not an 'experienced graphics person', just curious.
  4. integer price = 10; // price in linden to add 1 inventory item. default { state_entry() { llAllowInventoryDrop(FALSE); //wait until state money to enable. llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [PAY_HIDE ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT) state cash; } } state cash { state_entry() { llSetPayPrice(price, [price ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); } money(key id, integer amount) { if(amount != price) { llGiveMoney(id, amount); llInstantMessage(id, "You paid "+(string)amount+", which is the wrong price, the price is: "+(string)price); } else { llOwnerSay("secondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)id+"/inspect opened me"); llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); llInstantMessage(id, "You may add 1 object of any kind (must be transferrable) to my inventory"); } } changed(integer change) { //PUBLIC_CHANNEL has the integer value 0 if (change & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) { llAllowInventoryDrop(FALSE); llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Thank you for your input."); } } } is a basic modification of http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAllowInventoryDrop and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPayPrice anything more complicated and I try to charge about 2k linden per hour of my time spent writing the script. I probably should try and be more consistent about that. . .
  5. I hate to be 'that gal' but what is your expected budget? default { state_entry() { llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); } } technically fulfills the requirements of #1, but any nice features while not hard to add are rather tedious.
  6. If 'several' is less than 30, the above arguments apply.
  7. point 1. particles can be made to end up at a target prim by adding PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK to the particle flags, and PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, target_key to the parameter list, so for example llParticleSystem( [PSYS_PART_FLAGS, /* other flags*/ | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK| 0, /* other particle parameters */ PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, target_key]); still having a play with the rotation thing. not sure if llRotLookAt() works well for linked prims. the wiki has an example for llLookAt for linked prims :http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlLookAt
  8. If this is a particle effect, why not just set the target as the particle sink? failing that, it wouldn't be too hard ot convert the vector from the source to the target to a rotation(quaternion) do some magic to make the axis point in the correct direction, then divide by root rotation.
  9. Certainly the most interesting name I've heard in a while. . .
  10. "24 Greenwich street" is a place you could take a look at. I'm fairly sure it's unpaid (and specifically asks patrons /not/ to tip. . .) though.
  11. Until then, these overview pages may or may not be helpful: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Pathfinding_LSL_Functions http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Pathfinding_in_Second_Life
  12. FWIW an example of setting a media texture: //-- from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkMedia#Useful_Snippets //-- expand media textures greater than 1024 pixel in a direction to fit the media face //-- does exactly what the "align" button does in the edit window //-- original by Edelman Linden (or Kate Linden), tweaked by Void Singer uExpandMediaTexture( integer vIntWidth, integer vIntHeight, integer vIntFace ){ integer vIntTemp; vector vSizScale; while (vIntWidth >> ++vIntTemp); vSizScale.x = vIntWidth / (float)(1 << vIntTemp); vIntTemp = 0; while (vIntHeight >> ++vIntTemp); vSizScale.y = vIntHeight / (float)(1 << vIntTemp); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXTURE, vIntFace] + llListReplaceList( llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXTURE, vIntFace] ), [vSizScale, ((vSizScale - <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>) / 2.0)], 1, 2 ) ); } default { state_entry() { integer link_number = 0; llSetLinkMedia(link_number, 0, // link number, face [PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL, "https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/535-5359631_big-smiley-face-clipart-png-download-excited-smiley.png", PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS, 860, // doesn't work as expected, which is why we need uExpandMediaTexture() PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS, 881, PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_INTERACT, 0, PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL, 0 ]); uExpandMediaTexture(860,881,link_number); // x y link_number } }
  13. you can't delete a post. you can sometimes rename the title (adding the word 'Solved') or add another post like you just did.
  14. As a new resident I just thought the forums and whatever else uses the blue instead of green logo just had a different logo and I didn't think about it that much. I didn't know the whole rebranding was a whole thing. . .
  15. I summon @animats to explain how he does it.
  16. If the items are modify you can just set them for sale and place them in-world. next easiest to implement would be using the marketplace. Otherwise you need a vendor system. CasperVend seems to be the gold standard, but it's expensive (actually, that seems really reasonably priced.) and has a load of features you probably don't need. you could pay someone to scipt something specifically for your needs but I don't think many people could beat the price-quality ratio of a big-brand product.
  17. 1. log into secondlife 2. open the (inworld) search window 3. search for the name of the person you want to message. 3. look at the profile of that person. 4. click the send IM button. Perhaps you should take a bit to learn how to use SL before looking for a job.
  18. Have you got help yet? 😄 Perhaps if you read the edited op you would know that they did indeed get help.
  19. Pretty sure that's a feature limited to certain bodies, notably ones that rhyme with 'Himalaya'. Try looking for tutorials on appliers.
  20. It's not /hard/ to do, just confusing, especially with the fact that for overlapping squares, order matters. if it were me I would have at least ordered the numbers x1 y1 x2 y2 for lower left and upper right corners, which would make it easier for me personally to use, but it's not my project and not a script I see myself using so not going to bother.
  21. Just to be clear, with llLinkParticleSystem, the script doesn't need to be /in/ the prim that's making particles. it could have been in any other prim in the linkset, and like llTargetOmega() once the property has been set you can remove the script and the particle effect stays in the prim until it is removed by another script.
  22. So there's this weird feature/bug with particles that's probably causing your issue. The first thing to understand about particles is that they are essentially a property of the prim, just like the prims shape or texture, so even if you remove the particle script the prim will still have particles. now the feature/bug: when you set PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE to something other than 0, the particle effect will become a sort of 1-time particle blast. this 1-time blast doesn't go away after it's done blasting though, it goes off every time the prim is loaded into the observer's viewer. things that can cause the prim to be reloaded in the viewer, most noticeably in region-crossings and teleports, and apparently in script-saves/resets. From the wiki : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlLinkParticleSystem tl;dr add llSleep(0.15); // (where 0.15 is your PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE value plus some fudge) llLinkParticleSystem( link_number,[]); after your particle call to make it only go off once and never again. EDIT: if you've accidentally added particles to something you shouldn't have, you might want to try scrubbing them out of everything: default { state_entry() { integer index = llGetNumberOfPrims()+1; while(--index>0) {llLinkParticleSystem(index,[]); } } }
  23. Does being gay have anything to do with the kind of work you're seeking?
  24. --Classic Rigged-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FULL-PERM-CLASSIC-RIGGED-MESH-Mens-Blue-Medical-Scrubs-Set-Outfit/5358154 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CLASSIC-RIGGED-MESH-Womens-Female-Ladies-Medical-Scrub-Uniform-with-Open-Front-Lab-Coat-2-TEXTURES/4305031 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FULL-PERM-CLASSIC-RIGGED-MESH-Womens-Female-Ladies-Doctor-Uniform-Shirt-Pants-Scrub-Set-Outfit/4217594 --Common bodies (Maitreya) rigged-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Meli-Full-Perm-Fitmesh-Ladies-Scrub-Slink-Ocacin-Maitreya-Belleza-AllFitmesh-5-Size/13103379 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Full-Perm-Mens-Medical-Blue-Scrubs-Uniform-Slink-Male-Signature-Gianni-Belleza-Jake-Ocacin-Adin/18772895 --BOM (for complete representation...)-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SJ-SCRUBS-AND-ACCESSORIES-MEDICAL-FULL-PERM/2241518 Just for reference, I'm not a mesh creator, but the going cost of someone making something like that from scratch seems to be in the USD $50~150 range.
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