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Everything posted by cariboustag

  1. Innsmouth is one of my new favorite haunts. You'll catch me sneakin' around sometimes.
  2. Since we're committing on necro'ing, here's an actual piece and not a meme response. The Sexy Brutale is a fun little mystery game, and I don't see it talked about too much. This jazz piece slaps.
  3. The pettiest of peeves When objects don't keep their XYZ modifications and rotations, size, etc. until after you detach them. I'll fidget something to death, then either 1. Crash 2. Realize I need another, and copy-paste it from the inventory folder And have forgot to detach the original so all my fidgeting got saved. Infinitesimal in the grand scheme but man it really gets me every time.
  4. Me too, spooky horse puppet. Me too.
  5. Not intentionally, no, but I have seen some of his works before! I guess my brain stored the info of "Oh, so this is interesting composition!" and it came back through. Thank you so much!
  6. Lighter weight peeve, since maybe a break is in order "Quit" and "Save" being swapped on game UI. For obvious, painful reasons.
  7. You aren't even wrong and I'm on your side there. Gets buckwild some places.
  8. More cat explorin'. With teeny updates on the look.
  9. @Tasha Ezarael I feel like your method of interacting (or lack) is generally thought of as benign. Heck, I do that too. I hardly ever speak in local unless spoken to directly, just bark or "pose", but only briefly then give people space. That's harmless and fun. I think the sticking point is when "we" (animal avatar wearers) start drawing up long lines of text of how we react with no preamble or warning, or emoting when asked a straight forward question in IM. i.e. [IM session] "Where'd you get that skin? It's nice!" /me barks and tilts head. That's not helpful for anyone. Especially when folks like that don't drop the veil for any reason. Honestly, feral-to-feral communication isn't my strong suit either. 90% of the time I just haul tail in the opposite direction.
  10. I honestly think you'd have more luck looking on FurAffinity than on the SL Forums like this. However, there is a wolverine mod you could assemble from other parts. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/w-Wolverine-Natural/23556261 Its not a custom mesh, but I can't really provide any names of people doing custom furry mesh commissions. Again, FA is where most of those folks live.
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