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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I'm not in the Session Discord or in-world group, but according to someone in the Maitreya Discord back in December, Session is working on the V and they estimate it'll be about a month. Won't be a free update, will be a brand new paid product, but there will be a short promo period where you'll get a 50% refund for leaving a review on the MP. VAW is working on an update, no ETA, and that will likely be free.
  2. I wouldn't say "barely anything." There's a lot showing up for the body, but nothing I'd personally wear. I have one gown so far. 👀 Mod support isn't looking too hot, though. AP updated the Boldy Bops and accessories for LaraX, but I don't think the Feety Peets, Hoofy Toes, or Faux Paws are done yet. Zii's pretty good about updates, though, so I'm not concerned. It's my non-furry mods I'm worried about.
  3. The mouths can be rather difficult to shape, yeah. And there's me trying to shove orc tusks and third-party tongues in there, so it just doesn't quite work out as easily as it does with a brand that gives me a bit more flexibility in that area. Oh Mac - that's a good way to look at it. I do find many of the heads to be rather cemented in their look and difficult to "break." Not all - I've had the most success shaping Lilly and Raven. Had they not been free, though, I probably wouldn't really know that. Yeahhhhh...definitely not a fan of the HD SLUV MegaK whosits whatsits. Moving everything over to EvoX, though...ew. I cannot tell you how much painnnnnnn and sufferinnnnnnng I go through to find female EvoX skins I don't want to throw out the window. Not to mention the makeup. I'm picky. Peeve. Yeah, that seems difficult. I do love Catwa's extra sliders and wish more heads had that, but yeah - our current sliders in general are a thing. I'm always bouncing between heads to get different looks instead of trying to mold all my preferences into one.
  4. Gross. Crazy unpopular opinion that I've mentioned quite a few times by now I'm sure, but I think Lel creates some gorgeous and very flexible male heads, but their female line is definitely not my favorite to shape. Not a fan of the eyes either, as a person who wears entirely different ones on more occasions than not (and not just different colors - I'm that weirdo who wants little symbols and animations in them, requiring some additional addons and fiddling). Third-party eye appliers need to have that "Left, Right, Both" feature built in to work with Lel's eyes (what is that, Omega or whatever?), and many of my appliers just don't, so I wind up yeeting them out of my head and fully replacing them. And then...I don't like the face animations, but I'm not even getting into that again, lol. Thing is, if you like Genus - rock Genus. I wear Catwa, AK, and BeSpoke on my female avatars alongside a few Lels I managed to shape into something I can live with sometimes. Catwa and AK primarily for human (Catwa's eyes fully support my mix/match shenanigans, so...human-ish), and BeSpoke and Lel for fantasy. Oh and furry heads, of course. I also don't like Evo X much (shock and awe), but have no trouble finding skins, makeup, tats, addons, effects, and layers for my SLUV heads. Genus is in a slightly unique position having their own brand new UV, but if you like SLUV mode, you can totally stay there and be fine! I've never had anyone try and push me into wearing more Lel (or anything else, for that matter), and if they did, I'd simply laugh and do that incredibly unattractive thing with my tongue that I can't do with a Lel head and turn my stank face on. The point is to create our own looks - let me live! Big peeve: Let people live.
  5. Flickr. It's the only site that comes to mind with an active dark fantasy/horror community to share with (on those rare occasions I do). Basic account. Never needed to upgrade.
  6. It's funny because it's so so so so so rare I'd need another body size, but when I think about switching to a new body entirely, I'm so happy I wouldn't lose much of anything I'm already wearing on a regular basis (including the more expensive body mods). The mermaid tail is the sole exception to that, but I'd already lose that switching to Lara X anyway, so no biggie there. I don't wear petite/perky/enhanced chests for anything (just classic/standard or flat), so I haven't noticed who carries/dropped Perky. If I got anything, it'd be the base version. That's the one that's supported everywhere I shop. I couldn't switch to Reborn. I'd lose quite a bit of content (some places I shop don't carry it) and no number of deformers is making a shape I'd be happy with. I have more issues with the legs (I absolutely loathe them) and overall shape than the butt.
  7. I'm really not enjoying this transition period, I'll tell ya that much. 🤣 I'm pretty much the opposite of you right now. I walk right by things that are labeled Lara X, mostly because I know if I buy it, I won't be touching it for months (or longer) and by then, I'll forget I own it entirely. I just don't have the wardrobe to accessorize outfits properly yet. I did wind up buying one of the gowns Astralia had out for Happy Weekend (thanks Stephanie!), ONLY because it has glitter, but was suuuuper disappointed it only included X (I know, I know, designers should not have to rig for both, but stillll). For a minute, I did consider skipping it. Instead, I'll just toss it into the pile of things I won't be wearing until next year, if that. At this rate, it'd be easier for me to just stay male all year until things catch up. Option 2 is to bite the bullet and switch to Legacy, which...might not be the worst option considering my entire inventory would stay the same (this is why I don't buy separate body packs) and that would actually open more doors to Legacy-exclusive shops. HMMMM. Grrr. Decisions.
  8. To be honest, I so very rarely ever pay attention to a store's layout. I park myself off to the side from wherever I land and alt-cam around the interior. Or, just Area Search whatever I'm looking for if I have a name (I do a lot of pre-shopping on Flickr). Make your stores red orange purple or teal, have rainbows shooting from chimneys, park NPCs out front, toss chickens around the lawn, toss a massive water fountain in the lobby, it's all good. I'll barely notice it. The only thing I ask is for the vendors to show me exactly what's for sale. Sometimes it's so hard to tell whether I'm looking at a skin or cosmetics or hair or eyes or what until I zoom waaay in to read the tiny text or hover to get the tooltip. Ack!
  9. I reallly don't buy unrigged jewelry at all these days. I just absolutely hate it. Takes up too much time positioning it for photos, too. My go-to stores for jewelry are Secrets and NaaNaa's since the rigging is so nice. Which reminds me...I don't know if they've updated for X either.
  10. I knowwww, I'm late with my reply. Most or all of those will likely eventually pick it up. Those are rather popular stores, many of which do events. I'm not overly confident I'll be seeing much (for me) in the way of adoption, which is actually fine. For regular use, I'm good with 5.3. I shop for a lot of older products (clothing, jewelry, accessories, and mods) in the dark, dusty corners of specialty shops I've found over the years, and there's very little chance of those getting the Lara X treatment. My dream wishlist includes Over, David Heather, Stop, Gild, Dernier, Vulnus, Moon Amore, Cureless, Static, Human Glitch, Petrichor, Tori Torricelli, Elegance Boutique, Style Pantyhose, Sofia, Celestina's, Son!a Edge, Irrisistible, dM, and Les Sucreries de Fairy. Also, all my favorite mods that I own or have on the "to buy" list (torsos, hands, claws, legs, etc.) may very well never be updated, and I have no idea what I'll be doing for my mermaid stuff yet since Cynefin is gone and I'm not fond of any other tails on the market (none of which are updated yet anyways). Re: rigged jewelry vs. unrigged, I'm always going for the rigged option. I like my necklaces pretty long and it's super obnoxious when they don't move with the body and instead poke through my clothes/chest.
  11. I don't shop there at all for a few reasons, but that's definitely one of them. Other than that, though, I haven't come across any store I'd avoid based on design/layout alone.
  12. The Valenne tail by Petrichor has a Gianni rig. That's the only tail I know of that does, at the moment. Petrichor's SLURL is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lune/137/126/1515 - the tail can be found in the room with the body mods and skins. You can find BOM skins for the tail at Krature, Zen Child Designs, and perhaps Mermade.
  13. Patiently waiting for Lara X to come to my stores/styles.
  14. I don't have a horse in this race whatsoever, but Scylla's entirely correct. Yes, there's a massive population of people, including gamers, who know how to get into their PC and swap parts and do it all the time - 5 mins, done, boom. There's also a massive population of people, including gamers (waves), who might know how to do that, but have little to no desire to unless absolutely necessary (parts fully dead, upgrade or go without entirely). And there's a massive population who have no clue at all. You've also got to think about compatibilities and know how to use sites like PCPartPicker, or else that fancy new GPU may not work with your motherboard or PSU without an additional upgrade. Not to mention if you're using a PC from a place like Dell, HP, etc., you're going to have a VERY bad time with the upgrades thanks to all the proprietary parts and general weirdness they toss in there. The cable management in my last ancient HP was atrocious and the mobo didn't even have UEFI mode, so no possible way to just toss a much better card in there. I had to buy a whole new rig (lest I hunt down a GPU with a BIOS switch, and ain't nobody got time for that). For those reasons, I do hope PBR eventually does get optimized so people who don't want/cannot afford/don't know how to upgrade can continue using SL until they're good and ready to upgrade to a new PC. I personally wouldn't go diving into mine just for some SL PBR. Wanting to run the latest games in 4K on Ultra - maybe. 👀
  15. I will 100% agree with this. I'd personally never scoff at a "first time listening to Merzbow" react video. They feel a bit unnecessary for Thriller and Pearl Jam's Jeremy, however. I'm just going to shake my head at the lack of exposure. Mini peeve: Speaking of Rammstein, I saw them live years ago in NYC. Tiny venue, though, so they weren't allowed to set us on fire. 😒😩Amazing show, though. They absolutely kick butt live. Eisbrecher is similar, if you're at all a fan of that style. Some great live shows for them on the YouTubez. LOL, unboxing videos are something else. I do watch the occasional $$$$$$$ Collector's Edition or press edition unboxing video because they include some wicked stuff in those, but on the whole, they can be rather silly.
  16. Totally agree, though for me, the worst videos I run into (not limited to shorts) are the freakin' reacts - particularly to music. Yes, sure, let me sit and watch someone "reacting" to their "first time" listening to *insert iconic song/band here* that changed the entire face of *insert genre here* and who has been famous for at minimum, 30-40+ years. Who the heck hasn't heard "Thriller" before and why do we need to see you reacting to it?!?!?!
  17. I do! Velour does make male skins. The Eros line can be found in the same store as the female skins if I'm not mistaken, unless they moved the shop slightly. It'll be in the same sim, though. https://www.flickr.com/photos/seutaseong/52426326453/in/dateposted/ There should be a link to the store there - if it doesn't work, lemme know and I'll grab an updated link in-world. Edit: I was heading in-world anyway. Here's the correct link - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/87/125/83 When you land, turn to the right and you'll see Velour Homme. Male skins are in there.
  18. Yay, I'm glad you found a head you like! As for skins, yeahhh, they can be very hard to find on the marketplace. I never shop there for skins unless I'm hunting down old gachas. Try in-world - you'll find a much larger recent selection. I believe all of those places are easily found in the in-world Search, but let me know if you need any SLURLs.
  19. The real question is who are you following? 👀 I get mostly product ads, cute fashion and couple photos, lots of boudoir shots, and hot menz. Ya gotta curate those follows a bit, my friend! Actually to be fair, so do I. I don't need all these lingerie fits in my feed since I never wear it. Ohhh, we absolutely do. *glances at Flickr* 👀👀👀
  20. I'd actually go in a different direction and say given the way things are now (with how many bodies there are and how many designers are rigging for), a brand new body would have to win creators over, first - ideally before its full public release. I've seen some new releases that customers absolutely loved, but went unworn due to lack of available products. In my own personal case, Anatomy fell into that category for me. I was ready to switch day 1 and we were all pretty hype in the Discord, but I can't consistently build the varied wardrobe I get with Legacy, so I haven't yet invested. Still holding out hope, though, because it's got every single feature I could ever possibly ask for (even body GLITTERRRRRRRR) and some fun shoe designers that adopted it alongside Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, etc. A body really needs to give creators a reason to adopt a fourth (fifth, sixth, seventh ack) rig into their workflow. There are already way too many bodies to rig for. Even just on the consumer side, I'm looooong over the way the body system works in SL in general (everything else I play gives you a single body that's highly flexible and everything just fits - so nice), so I would imagine those making clothes might get a bit burned out from time to time, too.
  21. Lol, and funny enough, I'll actually buy items without demos IF I like the store and the designs enough. A lot of furry and fantasy items and of course gachas come without. I'm not the most difficult person to get a sale out of if I like what you're throwing down. 👀 Having clothes fly off my body, tho - this is not the way!
  22. Thank goodness I demo clothing at home. I didn't even notice the timer message and the thing flew right off my chest like WHEEEEEEE. 😒😂
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