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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I'm not sure what memory has to do with it. Gopi mentioned being hit on a lot with his female avatars and turning off his IMs to get some peace - that all sounded fairly recent by my reading of the first post. At any rate, as to attractiveness, you're asking me about what men find attractive? *gigglesnorts* I don't know, but I do know SL beauty standards have shifted a bit (don't they always?), so tall, lanky girls are kind of *out* these days. I doubt my old look would still be receiving attention right now.
  2. You can get eyeshadow and eyeliner like that from just about anywhere. It's very common. Try MILA, Fontaine, Jack Spoon, Nuve, MJN, Velour, Goreglam, Samia, Sintiklia, Izzie's, Top1Salon, Alaskametro, Dotty's Secret, and Pout, for a start. Depending on your mesh head, you may also be able to get that look through your own HUD. Set the eyeliner on one layer, the shadow on another, and tint them independently via the color picker.
  3. Lol, too right. There are plenty of fearsome creatures roaming around. Now that you mention it, though, I rarely see goblins at all. I think I've come across one.
  4. Yes! THIS is a whole THING! I'm not surprised whatsoever about the centaurs. I've heard that before, definitely! 🤣 Also, male werewolves seem to be a fan favorite, as well, from what I've heard, lol. Minotaurs, too, I think. People are just silly, sometimes. I even got hit on (teasingly, doubt it was serious) on my frog, and the puns were sooooo stupid, lmaoooo.
  5. Yeah, BUT, a lot of it comes down to a combination of avatar appearance and sometimes profile. Some looks tend to get hit on more than others, too. If I go out somewhere with my friend in a human avatar, she'll get hit on once or twice (or more), but I will not. Her avatar is more traditionally attractive and definitely more on-trend (shape wise) than I am. Look at Flickr or the weekend sale ads - yeah, like that. I'm tall in Maitreya with natural curves, a small chest, tomboyish, and very alternative. She's shorter, very curvy/thick (GenX Curvy I think, or Reborn, I dunno one of those), long hair, and very classically pretty. She's just more inviting, methinks, than the chick with full body tats and a dozen rings in her face. 😂 Prior to changing my human look, back when I was just mildly alternative and a bit more feminine, we'd both get hit on - often by the same dude simultaneously (lol). I eventually made the decision to do a makeover because the IMs in general were just too gross past a certain point AND they were starting to come in when I was at home on my own private parcel, so guys were definitely fishing through groups looking for random women to message. I also noticed a sharp drop-off just by adding "genderfluid" to my profile for a bit, before the makeover. I was curious if that'd make a difference and yeah - IMs died entirely, so I could have technically just stopped there, but yolo, shaved mah head anyway. 😏 I'll also say you can be TOO pretty for IMs, too, if guys feel you're intimidating in some way. Avatar type can matter somewhat, too, depending. Very pretty fantasy avatars may or may not get hit on. Furries do (can confirm, lol). Anything a bit too extreme, though, like the weird stuff I tend to run around in - not a chaaaaaaaance!
  6. I never took stock of which clothing I own has autohide, so I don't know which stores do it. I believe Bartimeu does, but don't quote me. I'm also not sure if they create anything for Jake as I'm Legacy. Though it's important to note - if you use outfits to change, autohide isn't always going to be reliable, either. I've had to tweak things manually when swapping avatars via Outfits on occasion. Autohide is not really something I've ever felt was necessary, though. Fiddling with alphas is just part of the game, unfortunately. No clothing can account for the entire range of avatar movement, and my avatars move a LOT due to me liking very active AOs and dances. I still may have to jump in and hide parts of my shoulders, chest, or back, despite the top hiding the more necessary areas automatically. HUDs do make the process considerably easier, though. I have no desire to mess with bodies that solely rely on alpha layers. That's TOO fiddly for my liking.
  7. Works for me! I like being in the aisle seat so I can scope the cute guys on the plane without having to find reasons to get up and walk around like a dork. 😂 Peeve: I miss traveling. I haven't been anywhere in YEARS. Unacceptable.
  8. Yeah, that seems a bit extreme to me, too. I typically welcome random IMs, though funny enough, I never get any anymore. The last time someone jumped into my IMs was like a year ago and I was a deer at the time. He just wanted to compliment me on being cute, which I didn't mind one bit. That avie IS damn cute. 😂 My human female avatars are never approached these days, so this isn't something I have to worry about anymore. Back in the day, I'd get some obnoxious IMs here and there, but once I started wearing more piercings and tattoos and shaved hairstyles, men are no longer interested. Well, maybe it's the jacked up eyes and skull tattoo on half of my face. Whatever. It works. I'm happy. The fastest way off the random IM radar - head/face tats.
  9. Yes and no. You have to buy feet that are rigged for the body you're wearing, or else you'll get unsightly gaps/mismatches. Slink can no longer be purchased. For human feet, I only know of some high heel feet for Jake. Everything else I can think of would be for animals/furries/fantasy avatars (paws, hooves, bird feet, dragon/lizard/raptor feet, frog feet, etc.).
  10. Well that's horrifying! This also reminds me that I haven't really taken a good deep dive into an apocalyptic book in a long freakin' time. Ballard's The Crystal World is the last one that unnerved me. I read King's Cell long after that, but that one was just silly. Opening sequence was kind of fun cheese, though. I do have some fun books I still need to poke through. Peeve: remember when Ebay had great sales on paperbacks often? I bought a bunch back then. Feels like ages ago!
  11. Nope. Not that either, LOL. From Blavity: On a Twitter thread about the coronavirus vaccine conspiracy theories, one woman floated the idea that Dec. 21 would feature Black people gaining special abilities. Black folks on Twitter not only roasted the woman for her outlandish theory but turned it into a meme that spawned days of top-tier jokes. Even Missy got in on it, lol.
  12. No no, not that. Nooothing to do with that. LOL, the superpowers bit. 😂😂😂 It's possible you missed it since that was a very inside joke, LMAO. I do remember quite a few people being completely lost as to what 99% of those tweets even meant. 🤣
  13. Lol, that's cute, BUT...this eclipse has nothing on Dec 2020. I dunno if you remember that, but those memes had me falling out of my chaaaaaaaaair. There was another event where some guy predicted the end of the world. Can't remember when that happened, but Twitter was completely out of pocket that day, too. 😂 Today's memes feel so mid! I'm gonna need Twitter to wake up a bit.
  14. I get what you're saying. Queen does feel like a pretty big improvement in a lot of ways. It's just I was able to achieve such an adorable (and somewhat unique) look with Freya that I just can't get with any other head. It's mostly in the nose and cheeks, I think. Not to mention, male Freya was kinda hot, I'm just sayin... 👀😂 I still might throw it into rotation despite how much I loathe that HUD. Maybe it's worth it to get my old face back on occasion. Maybe, lol.
  15. I've been mostly ignoring it, but I am sad to report the social memes aren't even funny. Twitter fell off! They're usually way more on top of this stuff.
  16. Hey @Maitimo - curious, since we're on the subject. Do you ever find yourself missing Freya? If I could have ANY head upgraded to HDPro or EvoX, it'd be that one. I miss her so much, but that older HUD drives me too bonkers to dust it off, lol. Her nose is just too adorable, though. I keep thinking about throwing that head back into rotation.
  17. Similar situation for me. I also think Catwa ages up a lot nicer. 30s-40s is so easy to pull off with them for me. Funny enough, the male Lel heads age just fine, too. It's only the female Lel line I can't get into my preferred range.
  18. Wait, what's wrong with that? Most of the better third-party videos are hosted on the Second Life YouTube account anyway. They could stand to add more content creation and decorating videos, though. I've seen some decent ones here and there, but they can be a pain to find.
  19. My alt (former main) feeds Aya money, since she's old enough to still get a weekly stipend. She's also the one with the MP store. Occasionally, I'll do more than just raid her wallet if I need a second model for a photo shoot, but that's very rare. As to your bonus question, nope, it's not bad. I took my old main from system to mesh for very little. Free Lel Lilly head in Evo mode. Pumec Evo skin from the MP from their old gacha collection (under 100L, includes the body skin). Lucybody + BOM relay - 299L or whatever that costs now. I make all my own shapes, so nothing there. Joined groups with a 35L or less fee for a ton of free makeup, shoes, hair, nails, tattoos, skins, accessories, and clothing. Joined AK's group, too, for the head gifts. Self-built AO using Oracul bento anims (uhhhh 20L-25L or so per anim?). Ran her through every free gift event I could stand running twice - FLF-O-Ween/Birthday Bash, Shop & Hops, Lelutka events, advent events/calendars, and more with a focus on grabbing and spending gift cards/store credit. Blew up her wardrobe with that alone. Joined groups with high fees when they made them free during Lel holiday and other events. Weekend sales and Hello Tuesday for clothing, hair, and accessories. Also hit up some stores I know with cheap clothes. Limited the spend to nothing over 100L per item (mostly get away with 50-75L). I splurged twice, but only because I wanted to - took her to an old favorite tattoo shop to grab a hairbase/head tattoo combo and ran her to my favorite alternative hair store for a super cute punk hairstyle. I just can't resist shaving my avies' heads. She now owns a lot of free heads from everywhere and tons of EvoX stuff for future makeovers because I make it a point to grab everything free on her, whether she needs it now or not.
  20. I feel like this exists, but I'm currently drawing a blank. Wait, I lied. Try Princess Nokia (not the safest for work - language): Now this I can help with, if you find yourself in need of more to listen to. Fair warning: genres are all over the place. My personal faves - Sevdaliza, Angel Haze, Lady Leshurr, Peaches, Greentea Peng, PJ Harvey, Björk, Fiona Apple, Vernon Jane, M.I.A., Janelle Monáe. Two random vids from that bunch: Lady Leshurr (a huge Missy fan): Greentea Peng (she's a whole VIBE):
  21. That's just so pointless, especially if other non-human avatars are generally allowed in. If it's exclusively human, okay, I guess? If not, though... So what height should I make my frog? Or my Sphynx cat? Or my candelabra? Granted the whole chandelier and cat on my head gives me a ton of added height, but if I shrunk her down...wut happens then? 😂 A manual review would be a lot better than a height detector, IMO. Lots of obvious things they could miss just going by that (plus, teens can be tall as hell, too - have you seeeen some of them?!).
  22. This issue is so uniquely SL. I can't recall seeing discussions about this type of thing anywhere else. Then again, most platforms don't have playable underaged characters/avatars, so there's that. As for the height thing, it wouldn't even matter for me (yeah yeah, realism yeah yeah - this is me we're talking about) to just blow out my height slider if someone's that worried about it (never met anyone who was, though, as I typically aim for 30s and up). Most of my houses and furniture require that sort of thing anyway, if I don't want to roam around my home feeling like a Greenies alien. Thus proving this is such a silly thing to go by. On no planet does your avatar look even remotely like a teen or younger. Not in the photos I've seen of you here and definitely not in-world. Zero. None.
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