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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I believe, though I could be wrong, that may be referring to Flickr and new rules about commercial activity on free accounts that are affecting Second Life photographers/bloggers who post there with credits.
  2. Brief off-topic - this reminds me of my constant arguments with one of my old bosses (the actual president of the company) who would demand I waste my time producing the most hideous, ineffective logos/ads and then complain I was being too much of an artist for attempting to adhere to universal design standards and how dare I expect a real salary (which I couldn't even survive off of to begin with). His Vice President slapping him around a bit didn't help much on that front, so I quit and moved overseas in sheer frustration with the entire industry. 😂 Back on-topic - I did attempt, briefly, to bring those skills into SL and enhance them into other areas (eventually into animation, as 3D modeling is just not my forte). After realizing I could easily blow 5-10 hours (or more, depending on the complexity and my patience) just perfecting a single static pose or very, very basic animation, and realizing I may need to branch even further into mocap if I really wanted to do what I reallllllllly wanted to do, I stopped that shenanigans. All I can say is creators are very dedicated because I just can't justify spending the time/energy for what little payoff there is (unless you're extremely popular with a large customer base - I was not and my competition sold for...what...like 30L-50L?).
  3. That would work for some, but what would a ... I dunno... jewelry or hair designer do as a Mole?
  4. Wouldn't be surprised if we had some of those in SL, either. I'm kind of tempted to ask around. I've seen some modeling work in the fantasy and horror realm that falls into the "Why the hell aren't you working for FromSoftware or somethin'?" range.
  5. This is very true and what usually takes a $1,000+ USD commission down to a 2000L+ product in-world - the ability to resell. Problem is, I've then turned around and gotten those 2000L items for under 200L during a few wheee yolo sales - and these aren't hugely in-demand items, so I know they're not making a killing or anything, and considering how few buy/use them, they aren't that far off from a private commission anyway. At that point, I started to feel as if I was ripping off the artist, lol, which is definitely more of a ME problem than a THEM problem, but ya know. It's how I am. So - raise ya prices don't sell me this thing for almost no money iz u cray? Oh hi Aya, have some free.. nuuu u stop dat! Etc. Just to point out the absolute obvious for no reason whatsoever, Etsy sellers grossly undersell themselves, too. Of course, that varies by market/niche, but when Etsy is allowing shameless dropselling to occur, some of the real artists lowered their prices to compete and yeah - it's a bad time. That's not even getting into the digital products that may or may not even be "handmade" in the first place vs. bought on Envato or some mess - pour one out for the illustrators.
  6. While I agree with some of this, for a lot of people, SL is just that - a way to make real income and survive. Should it be like that? Absolutely not. Honestly, given everything I've seen and the conversations I've had, I've said we should take Lindens out of the equation entirely and play with fake game money we can't buy or convert to real currencies and have to earn in-world just to kill the temptation to even begin that cycle (yes that's a terrible idea - I know - no I'm not being serious). But that was just me riffing after several depressing convos about 3D creators doing full-time work here as it's one of their few remaining options to provide for themselves (for various reasons across the board - some have challenges that make doing other work difficult, etc.) but still struggling to live. With SL's relatively low barrier to entry (meaning you don't need to jump through hoops and write resumes and pitch to companies/projects and pay for "connects" and all that garbage just to get started), I can see why people try to make it work here, when they probably really shouldn't. It's not really a unique-to-SL problem either. I've had the same discussions with other skilled creatives and contractors and freelancers pouring their hearts and souls and hours upon hours of work into projects only to be paid the saddest wages that ever did wage (if they were ever paid at all). Hell, there were times just starting out in freelancing where I was paid $7 for a fully researched article I put a good day into. That was pretty much my rock bottom turning point, though, and I managed to get out of that nonsense real quick. For many, they struggle with that part - even after years of that. This is a really good point, but you'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't!) at how many creatives absolutely suck at self-promo and marketing their skills. I've seen this so often. I've learned pretty much you absolutely have to reinvent yourself and conduct yourself entirely as a business with a full logo, website, brand, contracts, etc. (not just a sole freelancer/creator/contractor/etc.) otherwise, you'll never make a living wage doing anything. Customers, clients, and companies take you far more seriously once you start doing that. The problem is so many people can't do it (or so they tell themselves) due to a lack of self-confidence.
  7. I agree with this. I don't think changing the L is the answer. It's hard though, because @Persephone Emerald made a great point about inventories going poof, too, so how much do we realllllly want to spend on virtual goods? It's a tricky issue.
  8. You're conflating roleplay with someone actually doing work and earning money that gets taxed (again, assuming one is doing real DJing and moving money out of SL). I can use a better example, though - a creator or team who makes mesh heads/bodies/clothing/mods/what have you and spends weeks (months) doing intense 3D modeling and animating selling items for $1-20 USD in-world where their custom SL and out of SL commissions would cost thousands (in USD) for the same time spent - if anyone actually paid for that. Easier comparison there. I don't know about revaluing the L, but I do know I've told people to stop spending hours for pennies.
  9. Nope. There's nothing reasonable about $17 an hour anywhere (assuming we're talking USA) with rents the way they are. A DJ right smack in the middle of NYC or Philly or Vegas or Chicago or any major city trying to make it on $17 an hour is a bad time. DJ equipment is thousands of dollars. Buying all that music and paying licensing fees. Rent. Taxes. Healthcare. Food. Car or public transportation between gigs. Travel expenses if they're doing festivals. Etc. In no world would I ever sign up for $17/hr for all of that. Doing it at home/in SL doesn't really relieve the expenses too much (assuming we're talking about real DJs and not just the "lemme toss on my Spotify playlist, music artist rights be damned" variety. Maybe travel costs, but the rest is still a burden. Now, if a DJ wants to work like 4 jobs in addition to that, sure, that $17/hr in Second Life is fine, but that's not something anybody should be doing (but don't go by me - I'm a strong advocate for self-employed freelancers not getting crushed while just trying to live).
  10. $17/hr for a DJ is shockingly low and I certainly wouldn't mess with it. Where they're doing the work should have little bearing on that. I wouldn't take less money for my own freelancing just because I can do it from anywhere. I get no benefits, no paid time off, pay all taxes on every cent, and have to maintain my own equipment. That said, though, I've talked to a few SL creators about raising their prices, but they were happy with what they're currently charging. Same could be said for the for all of the writers, designers, musicians, Etsy crafters, and artists working for peanuts. Raise ya damn fees. Taxes are spensive, yo. Hey, I tried.
  11. Ehhhhh... Here's kind of what I had in mind for the lich (robes/armor with skelly accents, cuz of course!). Oh god, here comes the AI art (don't get me started on THAT peeve) but whatever: And I've got zero ideas for styling my Nemesis, which adds a whole other layer of nightmare fuel to the fire. 😂 I have an entire crab body to go with that, but, she's difficult enough to style without a sitting on a bunch of legs.
  12. Old avatars, probably not. Newer mods can be BOM enabled, though. Mermaid tails are, for example, for scale designs/patterns. I'm mostly just peeving about the monsters I wear (I don't wear giants or complete dragon avatars) being difficult to dress for style reasons, since I'm certainly not yeeting my lich or nemesis into clubwear or cutesy casual or even fantasy wear.
  13. Here''s their Flickr if you want to see what they've got so far - I actually haven't tried FlatX on yet at all. I'm just waiting to see what that market does before deciding anything. Curious how FlatX handles male skins now, but I'll wait before I start playing with all that again.
  14. BOM works fine, but I always pair it with mesh if I'm going to use it. I mostly just use it for lace or something. For some avies, it's a necessity, though. I can't pull off the skeletal torso without it since the entire midsection needs hiding. That means normal mesh dresses are out, but I can wear mixed mesh dresses with BOM bodices.
  15. How dignified! *peeks into your train* Okay actual peeve time: I have such a hard time shopping for clothes for my monster avatars, I swear. Like, what can they actually WEAR? I've got some fun ponchos and dresses and gowns and suits work well. Not stuffing those bones into crop tops and booty shorts, tho. Nobody wants to see all that. 😂 I need tattered clothing - now there's an untapped market.
  16. I can't say I know any aliens or demons, though I am in a general fantasy community on Discord where we've got a few. I never see any horror/fantasy avies in-world outside of stores and events, though. I think most of us are in hiding and spend all of our time doing photography. 😂 Where the hell are you guys, even? I haven't seen a vampire in-world in a bazillion years. I've seen more skellies like me than you bitey folk.
  17. Awww, I get this. I don't roleplay or even have a set community since I shapeshift so much, but if I'm not human or some type of animal, I usually land somewhere in the monster realm, and I couldn't even begin to tell you where the other undead, lurkers, demons, or Lovecraftian monstrosities even gather (if at all). I usually just see them in stores and at shopping events, like Fantasy Faire. Edit: Maybe reach out to some on Flickr. I know I've seen Na'vi photos on there in various fantasy groups.
  18. It's always been a very small market. You're talking about people who are either trying to fit Maitreya into menswear made for male bodies, wear unisex fashion (same item comes in male and female body sizes with chest support for those of us in the middle - AsteroidBox does this often), are non-binary, are trans, wear drag fashion and want access to Maitreya's large wardrobe, etc. We're a tiny group compared to the "girls out/skirts up" fashion market. There are a handful of stores who serve this market, but that list recently shrunk after Maitreya and V-Tech parted ways. Stores who followed V-Tech currently seem to make for Legacy and Reborn's V-Tech chest and maybe Kupra Kups (an even smaller segment wear that one). No more Maitreya at all. Some happy news - I did see that Mug appears to be working with LaraX Flat now, but they did not re-adopt our V-Tech for obvious reasons. I dunno how to feel about that as I much prefer V-Tech over Lara Flat (skins just work more reliably - Lara Flat had nip placement issues for a bit with male skins), but that's something, at least. Mug's a super important creator in the market given how many options their clothing offers.
  19. That's very pretty and moves well! Flexi is difficult to do convincingly, and yeah, the older styles were often better. I have one style I kept (that I call my Whitney Houston) since it does actually still look decent and it's short enough to not cause issues. The thick volume and way the waves/curls bounce looks so good, too. Most other styles, though... the clipping and odd dragging with the floor length stuff just irks me. I see clipping in other games, too, so I know it's not something you can entirely get rid of without a lot of work, but meeeeh. I favor a lot of short/buzzed/shaved styles and updos these days. Braids and dreads are good, too. I mostly avoid anything long unless it's for a photo or my Alain head (he's the long-haired one of the pack), but I've also started giving him more messy updos and top buns and things because man, long hair not moving at ALL is also a peeve. 😂
  20. Peeve: Favorite male clothing designer joined Happy Weekend just when I swore off spending money on shopping for a while. 😒 Also, cute ducks for FLF. Ducks. Creators know how to get me, man. Why did I let myself look at the sales, whyyy? *sulks off to go buy ducks and a suit*
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