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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Oh, this is SUCH a good point, too. I always imagine avatars just smell like Drakkar, to be honest. Or Axe. Omg. 😂
  2. I've never done that. I make a huuuge distinction between a crush and just a casual "oh, he's cute," though. Many, many times I've "oh, he's cute"-ed a celeb or someone who turned out to be an absolute jerk during an interview or public appearance or something. Ew. No crush fer u!
  3. No. Avatars have no personality by themselves. Same reason I never crush on celebrities or anybody else based solely on physical appearance. My crush on Pedro Pascal has everything to do with him being a super sweet dork (who also happens to be a very cute and adorable dork). Adorkable, as they say.
  4. I've probably demoed a zillion heads by now and yeah, Freya is tough to match. The issue is (at least for me) so many heads look completely wrong in darker skin tones. Freya and Queen (and Catwa Jade and a few others) actually allow me to shape to a bone structure that works for me. Many, many heads struggle with that. I can also get there with Lel Raven and AK Pride, but that usually results in a younger (mid 20s) look. I typically aim for mid to late 30s for humans. Still slowlyyyy (read: barely, lol) working on my older avatars, but I have a whole different head for that.
  5. Big mood. Nothing in Lel's female line or any other brand gives me a similar look to what I've done with Queen (or Freya, for that matter, which was one of my fav faces to style). I still rock Queen and finding makeup, face tats, hairbases, etc. hasn't ever been a problem, thank goodness. Also, I don't know how it turned out like that, but Catwa Queen and Lelutka Ford give me a VERY similar look, so I just consider those two avatars to be brother and sister. My friend even commented when I first made him - "He is SO you!" Yes...yes he is, lol - he's got my face! If only he had a female neck fit.
  6. Hmmm. Try Lelutka Siwa, Inez, Lake, Zora, and mayyyybbe River and Fleur. Demo those with a lot of different skin demos and play with the shape sliders to see which one gets the closet. It's a long process, I know, but that's pretty much the only way. Edit: If you're open to Akeruka's EvoX line, you can also try Grace, Maria, Vittoria, and Maggie.
  7. Head skins and body skins are sold separately in most cases, outside of a few cases and the fantasy/furry/specialty markets. Generally, you don't need to worry about EvoX at all when buying a body. All major skin stores - Velour, Not Found, Stray Dog, Vendetta, Clef de Peau, Gloom, etc. sell body skins for Legacy M. Skin stores that don't sell their own body skins and only sell the head (Unholy, Ives, Moccino Beaute, metaHumano, etc.) usually match their head skins to Not Found or Velour body skins, typically. The notecard in the head skin demo will tell you where to get the match from.
  8. Legacy's had male bodies forever. Like Jake, it has a ton of clothing and accessory support. Legacy Athletic has less of its own clothing support than the regular Legacy Male version, but it should, in theory, fit most Legacy M stuff. Always demo to be 100% sure. https://www.meshbody.com/legacy
  9. I wouldn't do anything more complicated than booting up Firestorm or BD for SL.
  10. Oh, lag is always the worst issue to run into. That, and a ruined view. I once scored a very cheap (like 300-ishL/week) and adorable plot on the beach, but the entire sim was just a slideshow for me (had to be before I upgraded my PC, I think...) AND a big ole house plopped right on the waterfront, giving me a fantastic view of...the back of it. Thanks for that, lol. That's what I get for being too cheap to snag a waterfront plot. 😂 I always bop around to look at them and oogle, but I could save so much on rent if I just take a plot a bit further back from the water and still get all the full land rights I could ever want (even terraforming, which I'm terrified to do LOL) - why break the bank, ya know? I always say that, and then a neighbor moves in in front of me, and suddenly, I hate everything and I zip off to the rental office to look for a good sky plot, lol! A month later - man, this view sucks - nothing but dome skyboxes and clouds up here, try and fail to build a nice surround, and the cycle continues. Back down to ground level I go. Funny enough, though, speaking of apartments - I remember waaaaaaay back in the day, some rental agency had snazzy apartment rows set in cute little walkable towns. Couldn't remember the name of them if you paid me, but they didn't seem overly populated, which made me sad because I always thought they'd be kind of fun to live in!
  11. All of this for me, plus I absolutely loathe suburban life. My goal is to get *away* from that in the real world. No way would I want it here. Plussssss - I go through moods when it comes to my SL housing. I adore private islands since abandoning a plot on a whim and picking up a new one is so effortless with the company I'm with (plus I'm able to get credit for any remaining time applied to the new plot). I can move from a forested island to a beachfront in 5 minutes. Or, as is my preference these days, just rent a big ole plot in the sky and swap between "cabin nestled in the hills" and "underwater grotto" and "vaporwave neon woman cave penthouse" whenever I want without anyone complaining about it. And of course the biggest plus - due to some massive luck, every sim I pick always tends to be empty, even if all of the plots are taken. 1-4 people on them, at the most, but very often a big ole 0. My only peeve is when I get too attached to a sim/plot and settle in for too long, which is my current issue. I log in only to pay rent these days because my plot is TOO perfect to let it go for the temporary break from SL I reallyyyyy want to take. 😂
  12. Nuuuu, I'd never make it through that! SL relationship advice, oh goooood. 💤😂 The absolute last thing I want to hear about. The RL dating subreddits are filled with a ton of drama, though. Oof.
  13. That's exactly what ALL SL drama feels like to me. So dull. It is very, very, very difficult to compete with a beauty guru sitting on a bed surrounded by pink satin pillows and framed by a pink bedazzled Diamonique headboard snuggling the most froo froo freshly groomed pedigree dog ever crying into its fur about whatever mess he got himself into. Man...that YouTube drama HIT. SL needs to step it up, man. We need more viral Diamonique confessions.
  14. Okay yeah, that is the same video. I peeked at it when it dropped, but rather quickly unpeeked. I didn't watch much, but I got the general gist of what's going on. And yeah, there's a lot of background info and back history there that brings a lot more context to the current thing. I just couldn't bring myself to care, honestly. Astarion's fate and Will Smith spending $140 million to make a free zombie survival game nobody even knew about that bombed on release (!!!) and generated a bunch of meme reviews is more my speed. 😂 Are we on the same topic now, or different? I watched the one I mentioned above days ago, but didn't see anything new (yet). Peeve: I'm easily confused!
  15. Can't link. I find everything via search on a few different social platforms. Speaking of which... Peeve: There are too many darn platforms. Also: @Scylla Rhiadra I found the Bluesky stuffs, but there's not much. Not even any good LA GTA drama while waiting for more. Hmpf. Edit: Oh shoot, I missed a 90 minute chase yesterday. Peeve.
  16. No new Baldur's Gate or any WotC-owned property (no Icewind Dale, etc.). No DLC. No new content. Just bug fixes. *sniffle* Peeeeeeve! The good news is we're supposedly getting a brand new IP out of them as their next project, so...that could be amazing! Yeah, I'm private islands or bust, so I'm way out of the loop on everything. I saw one video about somethin' a week or so ago, but not sure if it's what you're talmbout, Willis. Don't post it buuuut, you know where to find me. 👀
  17. Pffffft. EA and Blizzard are old news! Peeve: Larian turning our precious Astarion and Karlach (and everybody else, sniff) over to WOTC for good - now THAT is a scandal!!!!! I'll just say it tho - Belli drama is boring. Gonna need something better than that!
  18. I should be following you by now. You always find this stuff out long before I do. SL drama is usually the last thing to catch my attention when the gaming industry as a whole and every big studio are perpetually on fire.
  19. Sweaty drama is over in the YouTube and content creator communities (not SL-related). The makeup/beauty community used to be pretty wild, the D&D scene had its moment in the spotlight a few years ago, but now it's mostly the IRL streamers and gamers popping off. Peeve: Those SMP guys have a way of getting into so much trouble, it takes over damn near every social media site for weeks, and they've got the most zzzzzz drama of all. Then again, it's kind of hard to top inciting an entire riot in Manhattan. That's peak-level shenanigans. Edit: Oh! I forgot my favorite drama - watching multi-hour GTA-style police chases through LA during rush hour. Those were happening weekly, at one point.
  20. Thanks, Persephone! I totally forgot about Talenti, buuuut, I'm just making milkshakes, mannnn. I went through one tub of Breyer's chocolate and didn't really notice anything off, likely due to the all the fruit and extras I packed in there (I'm trying to be healthy, dammit!). It was only when I saw all these 1-3-star reviews on their website that I started investigating. Most complained about the change in recipe/ingredients/taste, so I checked and...yeahhhh what the actual? I ranted about the gum, but I was more annoyed about the corn syrup and palm oil. Blegh. I should just make my own. I'm already doing all kinds of science experiments in my kitchen with this stuff - what's one more (you should see my ridiculous smoothies, lmao - ugly, but they taste soooo good). Nah, but the full story would take an entire trek through social media and YouTube to catch up on.
  21. Yeahhhh...no comment about all that, LOL. As for seeking you out, I absolutely shall! I just hope if mine gets changed, I will become... THE BATMAN.
  22. Not anymore. 👀 Edit: Oh, I need a peeve. Got one up my sleeve already, as I've been ranting silently for the last 45 minutes. Peeve: "Frozen dairy dessert." I'm so out of the loop, because I so rarely eat ice cream, but now that I've got a milkshake-making obsession, I wanted to grab some Breyer's, but OMG, the ingredients are horrid. How do you mess up "milk, cream, and sugar?" HOW????? What the absolute HECK is all this GUM?!
  23. Oooo, Sabess, this is so hard because so much hinges on not only the head you choose, but your patience with shaping it AND hunting down juuuust the right skin and additional details (makeup, eyebrows, skin effects, etc.) to get you where you want to be. It's also going to come down to how you styled Steffi, because Catwa heads are generally pretty flexible. I have some starter suggestions, but you're going to definitely want to grab demos for everything (head, skin, makeup, brows, etc.) and try it all on together while playing with your shape sliders AND referencing a photo of yourself wearing Steffi to use as a reference. First suggestion - try Akeruka ADVX (their EvoX-compatible line). I like how they shape on the sliders sometimes, so you might have some luck there. As for which head, my guess would be Sophia. Sophia was given away for free last Christmas, so unfortunately you missed that, but it's still worth a demo if it's available in-store. With the right skin, slimming down the lip area, and playing with the nose, you might get somewhat close. Also, if AK is not still running a sale, they sometimes run 50% off, so it might be worth it to wait a little if you can. These skins by Akeruka might help (both shown on Sophia), but try lots of other skin stores, too. Quick random list of skin stores to grab demos from (EvoX) - Amara Beauty (matching body skins are free there, too), Nuve (also a great place for makeup and BOM eyebrows), Moccino Beaute, Pumec, Not Found, The Skinnery, Velour, Glam Affair, Ives Beauty, Heaux, Bold & Beauty. There are tons of others, but that'll get you started on your hunt. Another head option - try Catwa again. I know you want EvoX, but the HDPros could get close to what you want, too. You'd just have to dig around and look for SLUV skins for that. Try the Marketplace for old SLUV skins. On the Catwa EvoX side, I'd suggest playing around with styling Yuna and Katya. I know they both look really young, but Catwa heads are so flexible, you might be able to make one of those work. Yuna's got the closest mouth to what you want, but you'll have to stretch it a bit and thin out the bottom lip. Her nose isn't exactly right, but some creators do sell tintable nose contour BOM layers you could play with (grab demos!). Katya would need some aggressive slider and skin magic (they both would, honestly), but hey, you never know. On the SLUV/HDPro side, if you have the patience to shop for that, I'd try Quartz and Emerald. Emerald needs more chin and less cheek, though, so play with that. And don't get too caught up on the starter shapes/skins. Try a LOT of skin demos and slider shenanigans. Hope that helps! If you have a photo of your current Steffi look, go ahead and throw that in the thread and we can see maybe if we can narrow down your options a bit. I know it's a LOT. 😂
  24. Betty White was an absolute joy and I'm still not letting myself admit she's gone! Both she and Doris Day will forever be alive in the imaginary world I've created for myself.
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