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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. That's very true. I usually wait until events are dead before going, but there are still all those vendors and displays and "heavy" textures to rez, so lag might be a bit different than what you're finding being out in the open like that. I miss driving around in vehicles sometimes, but honestly I'd rather just go to Calas Galadhon park and hop on a horse or something. It's just prettier to look at.
  2. That's actually impressive! I remember the last Shop & Hop had a few nasty sim crossings. Wound up "walking" into the next sim for a good 2-3 minutes before I got control of my body back. HMPF. I was even careful, too! Nudged myself very slowly across the line. Still got me.
  3. I love how @Rowan Amore's been cruising around the countryside during this entire conversation. I haven't visited mainland in who knows how long (barely even remember how to unless I wind up there while shopping or something), so I have nothing to add, but I feel like the only one in here who hates sim crossings more than anything else. Ban lines, orbs, whatever, don't care, but those sim crossings that send me flying off into space for 5 minutes are more obnoxious than anything, which is why I just teleport everywhere. Hit one like
  4. That's still so strange to me, considering how Twitter is mostly used. Oh well, whatever works for them, I guess. I've definitely seen a looooot worse on there.
  5. OHHH Twitter??? Yikes, yeah I haven't seen anyone posting stuff like that over there. Whoops, thought you meant Flickr, lol. Knowing how Twitter is normally, though, I'm not surprised by what you're observing! Seems like such an odd place to be posting that, though. Hmm.
  6. Where? On Flickr? From what I've seen, the "LOTD" (look of the day) fashion blog posts get loooots of views/likes, too. Even if it's something simple like a t-shirt and some jeans. It might have to do with the groups the photos are posted to, also. Some are just really active and have tons of people in them.
  7. Giiiiilddddddddddd. Oh crap, I was going to post a photo of me wearing some overalls from there but...I didn't take one. Derp. Here it is - and of course I bought the harness, too, because reeaaaarrrrrooowwwww. Oh yeah! Go buy some stuffs!!!!!!! As for AOs, lmao, my male uses the same damn one I use for my female avatars. YOLO. Swing that ponytail and work that updo, Sir! The funniest male animations I've seen, though, come from Oracul. I laughed so hard trying them that no sound would come out. The kind of overdone stretching, flexing, overly macho animations nobody in their right mind would ever use (but me!). But I much prefer the way he struts, so I haven't bought them (yet).
  8. Well, different and edgy with unitards and jumpsuits as an option makes me think of several places, but none that do regular weekend sales, so prices might be a bit...much. HOWEVER. I shall go ahead and mention those anyway! Gild, first and foremost, is ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Love that store to DEFF. It's like...ninja punk infused with business casual at times, lol. But man, the designs are so nice. It's like a more refined Gabriel. It's not cheap (L$200ish and up per color), but where else are you going to find USB necklaces and fishnet?! No but seriously - this place is nice. Stop Store is one of my favs, but they rarely do sales (the cloak in my avatar is from there). They do have a sweater on sale right now - leftover from this past weekend's Manly Weekend, however. It looks like that's the only sale event they ever seem to do. Then there's Over. More standard Japanese streetwear style. They do weekend sales (Saturday and Happy) almost every weekend, and discount mens stuff fairly often. Thirst and Homme Wrecker (lmao that name) have some really nice stuff. Thirst does Happy Weekend, Saturday Sale, and FLF on occasion. I picked up a really nice brocade vest/shirt from there for cheap (can't remember which sale it was tho). Full HUD included. Not sure if Homme Wrecker does sales, but they've got more...shake your money maker styles, LOL. Mostly thongs n thangs. Noche is on that same order - kind of a mix, style wise, but they do have some bodysuits mixed in, too! Chinos, joggers, leather pants, booty shorts, casual tops, togas and sarongs even! This is a fun one. TwoSided is similar, too. L$200 for their group and some nice group gifts, too. And yes, bodysuits and unitards! Riot, of course. Definitely if you want interactive clothes, onesies, and rompers! Male dept is down the stairs to the left. And Cubura, which is kind of like TwoSided (same sim). Cubura's having a 50% off Pride sale through June 10th btw. That should give you some stuffs to check out!
  9. Yaaay I'm here! Thanks @Karl Herber! Okay, so let's seeeee. Affordable menswear. Lemme hop in-world so I can get accurate up-to-date landmarks here... First up: Enforcer! They are almost always in weekend sales (Happy Weekend, MIIX, Saturday Sale perhaps) and prices typically range from L$60 to L$75 during those. When that happens, you can snag fatpacks for L$200-225. Their normal prices are around L$150 and up. For those fatpacks when not on sale, you're looking at about L$500 to around L$750. Browse the entire store, though, as some items seem to be permanently set at L$60ish. Style wise - athletic, streetwear, some dress pants. You can find them HERE. Next, Furtacor. They have older items as well as newer, and a lot of their mens selection is dirt cheap. And by dirt cheap, I mean a pair of pants or top with a whole color HUD priced at L$50 and up. Newer more expensive items are about L$199 and up for individual colors, with fatpacks hitting L$999. They also appear in weekend sales. Street, jeans, athletic, swim. Landmark HERE. When you rez in, head through the left door and there's a small section to the left and another one a bit further up (also on the left). Next, Erauqs. I can never spell this one omg. Anyhoo, they also show up in weekend sales quite a bit (Happy & Saturday Sale), so expect discounts in the L$60-75 range when that happens. I don't know for sure if they also discount their fatpacks during that time or not, so check that one out. Normal prices are in the Blueberry range, so L$225ish and up. Which means normal fatpack costs are going to be around L$800-900. Not the cheapest option, but they have some super cute clothes! Casual, athletic, jeans, jackets, tops, sweaters, swim. Found HERE. If you see nails, turn around. They share a space with Ascendant. 😄 Next - Comatosed. This is going to be a "wait for sales" recommendation, but the good news is they seem to do them often, too! Saturday Sale and Happy Weekend. Fatpacks seem to get discounted as well, so you're grabbing a few colors for around L$300 or less. Normal prices are also in the L$250-300ish range, with fatpacks up to L$900 or so. The stuff is cute, though! More on the alternative side, this time. Shop is found HERE. Annnnd next! Duk. They do weekend sales on occasion, but keep your eye on this one. They once did a L$50 sale for the whole dang store. It looks like Fatpacks get discounted along with individual colors during sales, so it's worth checking out, too. Normal prices range from under L$200 to slightly over, so fatpacks can be upwards of L$700. One to keep an eye on, though! Casual, swim, athletic. The usual. Found HURR. Ooo, Strunsh and Mazzaro in the same sim also seem to do weekend discounts on clothes (with displays placed outside, but also look for old leftover sales indoors), so their fatpacks are also kind of cheap if you can catch a sale (L$300 and up). Similar clothing styles. That's what I've got for now! I'll go dig around for more and post if I find anything else! ❤️ OH last thing - pop over there now and you can catch some leftover sales from the weekend. None of these places seem very diligent about taking down their sales before Monday, LOL. Edit: Oh and @Love Zhaoying, I knoooow you're wanting more of an alternative/non-standard selection (me too!). I'm working on finding it. I know AsteroidBox does sales on occasion and they do a lot of unisex styles with male body sizes included. I'll see what else I can find in that vein! I have some places I can peek at but I don't remember their non-sale prices. I shall check.
  10. If you or someone else starts up a new thread about mens clothing, I can help with that. I know of at least two stores (maybe three...) with reasonable prices and cheap fatpacks. I could scrounge around for some more. Just tag me in the thread if one is created and I'll put my shopping hat on. 😄
  11. I assume it's going to work similar to Facerig (now called Animaze). Not sure if it's going to be this advanced, though. Avatars with webcam-controlled expressions are quite popular on Twitch these days - so who knows. Or maybe I'm totally misunderstanding what they mean (which is possible!). Anyhoo, this is how that looks:
  12. LOL! My bad. Everyone feel free to post your pride-related hauls (that aren't shoes!). Okay so we're half on topic! 🤣
  13. Yeah, no such thing as cheap stompers from that brand, that's for sure. They probably last a whole lifetime, though. They look durable as hell. Edit: Check their website! They even do sandals and sneakers n stuffs. Omg this is now a shoe thread 😂
  14. Girrrrrrrrl they really ARE like New Rocks! Look those up. You could own a pair just like those in RL if you've got a spare $400. 🤣 Edit: Minus the neon lights. Which honestly is the best part.
  15. Yaaaaaaaaas! 99L! This should work (lemme know if it doesn't - grabbed it from Seraphim): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AsteroidBox/102/126/22
  16. While I'm definitely no fan of ever-shifting company logos without meaningful action, this is probably not the best thread to be worrying about that in. We're celebrating Pride up in hurr. Anyhoo, my slacking booty did not take photos of my new Pride boots yet but guys - the AsteroidBox boots are TOO DANG CUTE (well, they're very stompy like New Rocks, but that's cute to me). And they include male and female sizes. And unrigged. And the back strip is animated. And they come with a bunch of flag designs. And they fit over my pants (that's a miracle in and of itself). And yes, I will wear them all year round cuz dat's wut I do.
  17. Thank you! I'm freaking adorable. If I do say so myself. 😂 There's a 60L skin at Stray Dog in tones 04, 05, and 06 if you're in that skin tone range at all, btw. Head only. You'd need the body. And the combat boots at Cult come in Jake and Legacy Male sizes, if you use those. The pointy boots at Val'More aren't bad, either. And the Duk sweatpants are super cute. And and and and!!!!111oneone 🤣
  18. I feel this so much. I always discover brand new stuff I never unpacked whenever I start working on a new look/avatar style. I go hunting through my own inventory for accessories and makeup and hair and suddenly it's - omg when did I buy THIS?! It's fab! 😂 What makes it worse is I'm a freebie fiend, too, so I attend a bunch of events and grab all the gifts and just shove them into event folders and suddenly it's like WOW this dress is PERFECT where's that been hiding oh, right here...this entire time. Speaking of whiiiiiich - hey @Love Zhaoying!!!! There's some seriously cute boystuffs in this weekend's Happy Weekend sale. I'm demoing some of it right now. *squees*
  19. LOL, send me a message on the forums or inworld sometime if you want some help shopping and finding stuffs. I'm better with alternative makeovers, fair warning.
  20. I offered to decorate your home or help you do a complete makeover, I think. Depending on the style you're looking for, I might be able to help! You should go spend some of that money!!!! 😂
  21. I'd be more impressed if they left their logo that way all year round and flew their flags in September. Funny - I can only think of two companies that would actually do that, and they don't even participate in the predictable June branding shenanigans.
  22. Lemme know what you need. *shuffles through her never ending list of shops* I shop too much. That's my impulsive behavior. Been taking it easy the last few weeks, though, and actually started to wear what I bought.
  23. /offtopicon Just dropping in again to say your lions are super adorable! /offtopicoff
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