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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The clipping issue has been the biggest frustration of mine. Shirts, pants, and shoes love to poke through each other. 😂 The only thing we can do is demo, and more demos.
  2. According to Flickr, this one got the most clicks for the year: This portrait is the one I hate the least: This one is one of my favorite party shots. It's not just because of Slendy. My friend is also in it; she's in the little dinosaur avatar trying to get a piece of his leg.
  3. Hotdog: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cerberus Crossing/207/126/728
  4. Long story short about a body update breaking old content. But to the creator's credit, they included a mod version of the older body with their next update so we can wear our old favorite pieces again. And that's how I finally got the kid to put on warm socks.
  5. Fixing up my home dance studio. I'm adding some animations to the ballet barre.
  6. As someone who wasn't allowed to live with one (dad has allergies growing up & landlord forbidding pets) I forget cats can be mischievous sometimes. Those who only owned KittyCats wouldn't understand.
  7. No one in RL or SL has ever called me posh before either. *basks right along with you*
  8. One good way to ensure that I will never return to a club is the host spamming ASCII images in local chat every 2 seconds. If I have to mute them, they can forget about getting a tip from me.
  9. For some it's literal. "I'mma reach the summit if that's the last thing I do!"
  10. For getting multiple avatars in a photo shoot, I use the Radegast viewer to log my alts on and use either firestorm or the official viewer for the main photographer. For adjusting existing poses, I believe the Black Dragon view has a poser feature. Since my potato computer couldn't handle it, I use AnyPose instead.
  11. In addition, they have some nerve charging money for janky 2004-era dance animations. I'm debating whether or not I should demand my $5L back.
  12. Here's a boredom-busting idea for kids. Kei's DIY Oz Puppet Theater for Saturday Sale @ $75L. Land Impact: 16 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Path of Destiny/120/127/1502 They also have kotos on offer for $75L.
  13. It takes a lot of demoing to find what works well enough. Here I have a shirt and pants on from Nero 7.
  14. OK 2021, you can stop messing with us now. RIP dear lady. You were truly something.
  15. I've been saying that for years. I used to make fun of my ex for not being manly because he takes his coffee with 4 sugars and half & half. Because real men drink their coffee black, of course.
  16. Perhaps not from those in your community. I've heard too many arguments from RL people where I live making such claims for starting families. I'm with you on retirement & investments part. Still not vegetarian, much less vegan.
  17. That is indeed a great epitaph. He did great work enriching the world with his music. Good question. I suppose striving to leave things better than you found them or at bare minimum, leave things as you found them. Cool legacy and bragging rights your great (x2) grandparents left behind. I'm reminded of a quote someone once said, "They are not gone from this world, you are how they remain in it."
  18. 1. Mayonnaise is the foulest substance mankind has ever created. 2. Your children are not your retirement plan. They are individuals with their own goals and dreams, and it's unethical and selfish to chain them to this kind of indentured servitude of looking after you when you're old. 3. Fish is the flesh of an animal and should never be called vegetarian. I don't care what some guys in funny hats tell you.
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