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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I'm a bit OCD about shuffling and putting them back properly, so I haven't really had reversals - except one I did for myself when I was holding the deck upside down Yours was definitely the right way up!
  2. Whenever you want! But not right now, I need to go to bed 😪
  3. I had to look up 'vector' Still not sure I know what it is I drew: EIGHT OF CUPS The guy's had enough of the cups, he's walking away! Is that the moon or sun at the top?? It looks like it's had enough too I think this card is saying that moving forward means making a clean break with the past. If something hasn't been working out, just leave it behind. There's only so much you can do. He's back on dry land at least! And eight cups is a lot to deal with. This could mean your future vector (I hope this is right???) leads you to discover what you really want to do in life from now on. I think a lot of people are wondering that this year I mean, what you REALLY want to do...maybe things you can't even tell your friends or family or workmates? It could also mean taking a trip, which seems silly in 2020...but maybe it's a mind trip? Maybe you'll learn some new amazing things about yourself? You might never know if you don't walk away, even if it feels sad or scary at first...
  4. Yes, the deck goes a bit weird when I ask it for the winning Lottery numbers I drew: KNIGHT OF WANDS This card's a bit of a nutter! In a good way He just charges in after what he wants! He's full of confidence and doesn't take no for an answer. Sometimes he brags a bit and exaggerates things, and can be very reckless! There he is on his horse, yelling "STOP THE COUNT!" Sorry, just messing around, please don't ban me I know less about politics than I do about whatever Arduenn asked me. But this card is like a big bundle of energy. It's not a 'sitting around making lists' card! It's more like "Now, now, do it now!" His horse is mad up for it too 🐴 So I think the card is saying: don't overthink it, because maybe that's why you feel overwhelmed? What project are you most enthusiastic about and gets you most excited when you think about doing it? Just throw yourself into that one and look at the wagon wheel later! Otherwise, you might still be looking at it next week, thinking "Mmm, well this would be nice...but I also want to do that, but maybe...oh, this one too..." The only negatives might be burning yourself out, or becoming too overconfident and ignoring danger signs once you get started. Or maybe being arrogant. But if you watch out for that, you'll be OK! If worst comes to worst, throw a dart at the wheel and just go with whatever project it hits. Go wild! 🐯 Here's your card if it was a song
  5. Luv blueberries and strawberries Do you just put it all straight into a blender?
  6. He can't now, they've stopped the count! ✋
  7. I found this interesting...bought a lot of Vitamin D for winter.
  8. Aww thanks! ❤️ Great questions and so glad nobody asked "who'll win the US election?" lol
  9. Be careful around the Zingo machines
  10. Watching the US election coverage because I thought it might be interesting...it's 2.55am ☹️The BBC coverage is awful...the presenter's shouting so loud and making bad jokes, I had to turn my volume down, it was hurting my ears ☹️ They're sitting in London trying to Zoom people in America but keep losing connection and saying sorry, and their mobiles keep going off...going to bed ☹️
  11. I drew: PAGE OF SWORDS Hm! This card is about analysing problems and thinking things through. Maybe this conversation has been a long time coming? It can also mean doing research, so it might be worth thinking about why you're having the conversation and what you need to bring up, in advance? Maybe try and imagine what they'll say to you or what they'll bring up too, so you're prepared for their reaction. The card also means being honest and direct, so maybe be open about how you feel but stick to the facts and don't make things up or say things for effect. I know this isn't your situation (would be spooky if it was though! ) but for example, if someone in your family finished your pesto in the fridge, say something like "That really sucked, I was looking forward to it all day" instead of "You obviously don't care about anyone!" As long as you're honest I think your point will come across!
  12. I drew: TEN OF PENTACLES This is a great card! It means good fortune, financial security and material wealth. The money's just floating around! 💵 😺 So I think your true SL love might suddenly appear when you win some Ls. Maybe you'll win a big cash prize in a photo contest, or sell a horse at an auction? Or maybe get a rare gacha, or even win 1L on a lucky chair? Or I guess you could just buy some? Suddenly...somebody special might be VERY interested But be careful they're not just after your winnings! So to AVOID that, here's my tip: never log in But if you want the cards' advice, I drew: QUEEN OF WANDS This card does make sense! It's about being popular, having sex appeal and being cheerful and upbeat. So if you (or anyone) wants to avoid love on SL, you'll probably succeed by being the opposite of those things? In other words, stay away from sploders and moan "SL is dying!" all the time and you'll be sure to avoid it!
  13. Brilliant news @Ceka Cianci! 😺
  14. Two that I used to log in - I had more but gradually forgot the passwords and hardly used them. Or like @PixieGirrrrlsaid, I didn't see the point in spending time or money on their appearances and inventories when I could be treating my main They were useful for giving Midnight Mania boards a nudge though
  15. I drew: SEVEN OF CUPS This is the card of illusions and fantasies. You're seeing things! I mean, it's not as bad as seeing REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM so don't worry too much - it's only a problem like me getting thirsty if someone wears a bright orange top is a 'problem'. Maybe if we're descended from octopuses, you remember having tentacles and miss them, and that's coming out in your subconscious? You just need to connect with your inner 🐙 The rest of us have forgotten our origins, or identify more with the 'monkey' side. I reckon that's all it is! But you asked: "if so, do i really want to know?!" I drew: THREE OF SWORDS Some things are best left a mystery
  16. Oh sorry @Arielle Popstar ....coming up!!
  17. I drew: THE WORLD You will still be in the world. Which is good Unless you're an astronaut and were hoping to be on Mars... This could mean achieving a major milestone or completing a task...so if you've got something important you need to do but feel it will take forever, or you want to avoid it, don't lose hope...it might take quicker than you think. Like in the next five years! This could be a savings goal, or training to take part in a sport. It's also about becoming more connected with the world and everyone in it. That could mean spending more time online BUT more likely it means you will continue to grow as a well-balanced person and empathise with all types of different people you mightn't have noticed before, and feel at 'one' with the world. The card is saying be optimistic, there's still so much to do and try. As well as achieving success, you may also enjoy giving something back. That way the good vibes go round and round! 🌏 (The top of the card makes me smile, it looks like the eagle's being cheeky and the man's saying "Hmmph!")
  18. I drew: THE HIEROPHANT Oh this one's interesting...the Hierophant has a mixed message for you! He can mean respecting authority and obeying the rules - so, if you're in an area with strict lockdown rules, this COULD mean you should follow them if they ban household mixing. He looks well stern! I wouldn't want to mess with him. Look at his hand, he's saying "Two metres!" ✋ BUT...the card can also mean respecting and honouring tradition...which would mean your family coming round for Thanksgiving! Traditions wouldn't mean much if people ditched them during hard times. He can also represent knowledge and study, so it might not hurt to double check your lockdown rules and the basic infection risks. I wanted a second opinion so I drew - TEN OF CUPS It's the family card again! This is looking good (if you DO want your family to come round!) It's stressing the importance of family ties and spending time together. This time, the cups look like they've formed a shield, as if they're protecting the family from outside harm (or coronavirus). Hmm...I won't say 'yes' because I don't want you or your family to get sick, just in case I'm wrong. BUT I think the cards are saying 1) follow the essential guidelines for your own health and your family's, but 2) don't pass up any chances to spend that time with your family if you can. So if I was doing a government briefing I'd tell you "Obey the lockdown!" and then give you a wink, with images of Thanksgiving dinner and 'YOLO' flashing up on the screen behind me
  19. I'm having an early night tonight (was just going to log out) after staying up really late last night..but will crack out the cards again tomorrow morning!
  20. Yep At least people haven't stripped the supermarket shelves bare this time... ETA no I'm wrong about that too https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13071626/panic-buyers-shops-stock-up-second-national-lockdown/
  21. The SL sky is full of crazy stuff! KFC buckets spinning around...Easter Island heads...massive boxes filled with bots...I once had a flying skateboard and collided with an abandoned thigh-high boot at 1,000m
  22. Halloween's over in the UK But only 364 days to go
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