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Everything posted by AmeliaJ08

  1. It is definitely phones and mobile devices running IOS and Android. The absolute extent of filesystem that the average user sees there is if they try to save an image from the web or something where they might get a glimpse of the 'Downloads' folder. I mean we're moving in that direction on PC as well to some extent, the default save dialog in any modern OS will bring up a nice bunch of quick links to various user folders and has done for many years but I guess there is still some semi-regular need to browse deeper into the filesystem sometimes, particularly on PC... mostly because whoever wrote Windows start menu search tool needs fired, damn thing still doesn't seem to work properly.
  2. I still don't feel like I can move just yet but I admit my plans to stop buying 5.3 Petite clothes didn't work out... I certainly have a small collection for LaraX Petite now and I am noticing there is basically nothing new for 5.3 Petite coming out so the time is definitely coming. Need to figure out and make a new deformer package for LaraX Petite too since I'm OCD and undoubtedly will want to change something about it, time to renew that Bento Buddy subscription... or just learn how to do it without it.
  3. Yep, it will work really quite well. It has a powerful CPU, enough RAM (and this can always be upgraded to 32GB or more cheaply down the line if you need it), and a powerful enough GPU for SL and of course other games. Should deliver good (by SL standards) frame rates in even busy scenes with pretty high settings. Only slight thing you might want to confirm: AMD Ryzen's really like their memory to be in dual channel for best performance, this would mean your 16GB comes in 2x 8GB sticks and it's worth checking with the builder that this is the case since they often prefer to just supply 1x16GB which will work but it will not be performing at its best.
  4. You're misunderstanding me, sorry. I'm not talking down on anything...I just don't see how certain shapes can be achieved with the most popular bodies in SL, the shape system doesn't allow for it.
  5. Which bodies in SL can achieve a Rectangle or Oval shaped body (and look good)? never seen one.
  6. It has always made me laugh that the difference between "hourglass" and "triangle" on diagrams like this is basically nothing yet we're supposed to believe it's some radically different shape. 'Triangle' looks nothing like a triangle! This is all good advice though, it should be noted that most female bodies in SL simply do not allow for many of these shapes though. You are extremely limited if you want to have any shape other than hourglass/triangle for example, limited options for flattening the waist without increasing bodyfat etc.
  7. It's an interesting idea. Would we just be talking about being able to give a computer inputs or are we talking two way? I get the feeling either would be quite intense for some people. Something I have always suffered from when playing video games (or Second Life) is the stomach floaty feeling when falling, it can sometimes be quite strong and it has nothing to do with realistic visuals. Doesn't happen when watching movies either, it always happens when I am in control of the game. I just think that physical side effects like that could become quite hard to manage if you have even more direct control over a game and that's before even considering what it might be like if you feed the image back in to our monkey brains. Interesting but scary. We might just have to stand around shuffling our feet and doing nothing... so maybe it's perfect for SL.
  8. I do very (very) occasionally find that what I thought was a TP/logout bug where the bar moves slowly does suddenly turn into a successful teleport, I have never measured it but I would guess it to be around ten seconds. It's rare though, if a teleport doesn't happen within a second or two 99% of the time it results in a logout.
  9. Coming soon Actually when i think about it what a perfect and entirely easy task for an AI... it could even inspect each item to determine what it is if the name doesn't give it away.
  10. On this topic it would be nice if the Inventory could be accessed using some sort of web API, then someone smarter than me could write some sort of web app that allows me to organize it better when I'm idly watching YouTube or sometimes even 'working'... I'm only ever in-world for a couple of hours at a time but I'm on my computer a *lot* more.
  11. For what it's worth I don't imagine the database that is the entire SL userbase's inventory (it's all just links) amounts to much more than a few gigabytes... maybe more? hard to say, I'm no expert. I have always wondered what SL's actual storage use is, the quantity of assets uploaded over 21 years etc. Would be nice if LL let us nerd out a bit with some actual figures.
  12. Over 100k here. I don't discard anything really. So long as its still organized it seems to work, I move things into the appropriate folder as soon as I unpack them but of course getting a zillion versions of each thing still happens.
  13. Noobie related, probably the wrong thread but has anyone else noticed? : I have been visiting the Welcome Hub a few times this weekend and I'm noticing something: a lot of 1 day old accounts appearing as clouds with 0 complexity. Not all of them but in the group clustered at the landing point there is always a few. I noticed the same at the Firestorm welcome gateway. Is there bugginess in the account creator outfit maker thing? it almost looks like some accounts are coming into the world for the first time missing some essential component and rez failing.
  14. I heard there was drama so investigated. Makes me appreciate not living there even more. They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?
  15. European banks routinely issue Visa Debit cards to people under 18, they function like any other Visa card in how they work for the merchant but are of course just Debit cards tied to a current (checking) account so are not any use for age verification on their own. I believe some card issuing banks and third parties do offer age verification to merchants who may be selling age restricted products who request (or pay, presumably) it when making a Visa Debit transaction however so it's maybe technically possible to filter out the under 18 cardholders but not sure LL would want to do this due to the expense, it would make more sense to just run their own age verification system requiring users to submit official documents... and all the GDPR (and laws in other territories) related headaches that come along with that.
  16. I wonder how much of that is to do with something I read about AMD's drivers, I think people said that it on Linux their OpenGL driver performs as expected and that the issues were with the Windows driver for some reason. I assume the MacOS driver has a lot more in common with the Linux driver?
  17. Usually just explore. Warbugs is pretty fun with the noobies if they like flight sim type stuff, pretty easy to get into Warbugs anyway. Bowling is pretty good too... or bumpercars. I have taken some out in the helicopter around the Blake Sea to show them the world map and how regions work etc. Often noobies want to jump straight into the whole mess of making their avatar which is fine but it's a lot to jump into, some of the basics of how to use inventory etc are best approached first with free items like the Warbugs HQ/TBF free shed full of goodies.
  18. You seem reasonable but many residents are not. Under six feet is often enough to trigger them, smaller/realistic breasts are a near guarantee. It doesn't make for a very welcoming or tolerant atmosphere in many sims. Thankfully right now it is largely something you can avoid by avoiding those sims and those people but certainly in my time in SL I have seen a growing intolerance to avatars that even attempt to be more height or body accurate, a growing cultural problem that I know has always existed but has flared up again. Of course there are people pushing the boundaries and testing the limits, we all see those. Unfortunately many people cast a much wider net than that.
  19. It's Genus, eyes rolling around is pretty much a feature at this point. You can also fully expect the thing you paid thousands for to be given away free within months and never fixed. edit: I realize that wasn't very helpful, sorry. Holding a grudge. Have you tried to turn down the settings in Firestorm (unsure about other viewers) relating to avatar eye movement etc? I seem to remember this was a semi-fix back in the old days for the eye rolling bug.
  20. I see we are well into "let's get the thread locked!" territory now which is a shame since yeah, they'll probably succeed and we will then have nowhere to discuss the statement or any outcome of it. People: there are places to discuss this more openly and in more detail if you so desire, this isn't the ideal place and doing so just harms any discussion of the statement itself.
  21. I get the feeling founded or unfounded that one blog is going to bring profound changes to SL and none of them good.
  22. What's all this talk of generations? If we want to get into interface trends it has little to do with generations, it's largely about phones and mobile devices where you will rarely if ever see the directory structure. I know enough older people to know what computer skills or knowledge of things like a hierarchical file system they once had have been thrown out of the window by the emergence of IOS and Android as their primary operating systems.
  23. I agree it is utterly unintuitive but the attachment point you choose just sticks whenever you copy the item. It's... it doesn't make any sense and really should just have an object property that you can set the default attachment point but yeah, that is how it works. I remember wondering how I set the default, head in hands when I worked out how it actually works.
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