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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Ah. I see. The old supply shortage gambit. Gotcha. 😉 🤣 I have no clue where I got the idea it was a company outside of... yeah, there. 🤭
  2. I'm lost. My definition of dudebro must not be anything like everyone else's. I'll see myself out... ...after Maddy sets me on fire Gotta give her the opportunity ya know!
  3. Um... I meant order it but use an address that the company can ship to without robbing you blind and have someone you trust (if you know anyone) pick the package up and forward it on to you. Unless things have made a rapid recent change, it should be a lot cheaper to have it shipped to someone in the country of origin (or closer) and then have them ship it on to you. You still pay the shipping; they just do a little legwork for you. Any compensation for the legwork would be between you and them. I mean, forwarding packages overseas for friends, co-workers, etc isn't anything new.
  4. I found this and came here to post it, then saw yours before posting. STOP THAT!
  5. I keep reading the title as "looking for a few new ER residents". 😱
  6. I didn't say take all of the burden off of us, did I? As residents/registered users we do have certain responsibilities to the community(ies). There is no getting around that. LL doesn't have to take on any of that burden of deciding what is reportable and what is not. There wouldn't be a report system if communities like this didn't need the tool, as it is coded, to allow the users to report possible infractions because who can read all the new posts on this forum in 8 hours? When you have other tasks that take precedence over the forum in the first place? There's a reason a lot of "private" forums have a hidden section specifically for the mods to consult/blow steam. I spent years herding those cats.
  7. I've always thought this is why the Lindens have always told us that when we are in doubt as to whether or not to report/AR something to go ahead and do so, so that the Lindens can make that decision, taking the burden off of us.
  8. You shoulda thought of that before you leaped across that threshold! 😋
  9. A fury furry? A furry fury? 🤔 Une furie poilue dans une furie poilue ! Bet you can't say that 5 times real fast! A fury furry in a furry fury!
  10. Ew. *shudders* I'll eat green olives (with pimento!) all day long, but I can't stand black olives.
  11. Sometimes it's just an innocent reminder what happens when things get out of hand and sometimes it's meant to be funny. And sometimes both. Never, ever for getting a thread locked or wanting one locked. I can't please everyone so I just please myself.
  12. I thought that is what an appeal is, which we are allowed to do. If the suspension doesn't specify exactly what was wrong, how can you make an informed and intelligent appeal? Guessing is only going to get you ignored. Unless that is the point... 😬
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