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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Uh oh. I've agreed with Nalates. We're all in for it now.
  2. Peeve: The constant discrimination (regardless of intent) in SL against those of us who are deaf or have hearing loss. Requiring voice is discrimination against us even if you never intended it to be. Yes, I'm aware there are those who simply don't care. That's the problem with humans and another peeve. People don't care unless it happens to them or someone they care about. Just think, if they had actually cared to begin with, there might already be a cure because they would have likely been at least some small part of that journey. Sort of like being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
  3. Just going to leave this here because it really grinds my gears whenever someone either intentionally or unintentionally excludes those of us who have hearing loss or are deaf. It is discrimination, regardless of intent. https://hearinghealthfoundation.org/blogs/17-misconceptions-people-with-hearing-loss
  4. I remember the first "ariels" that were "remote controlled". If you were well off enough to have a second tv, you were forced to watch whatever was on the first/main tv. At the time they hadn't developed a way to "separate" the signal in order to watch two different programs. I also remember something my mother said about the new-fangled cable tv. Something about being careful what you wish for. Here I am 50 years later... I am NOT going to ever be the one to have to hold those damn floppy rabbit ears in place, ever again! 😜
  5. I lost interest in listening to the radio just before they started trying to force people to pay to listen. I could see what was coming down the pipeline and didn't want any part of it. Couldn't/can't afford it anyway.
  6. We did that when we bought this place. Digital antennas are no better than analog antenna were if you don't live in a "heavy" population area. You get more channels today than we did 50 - 60 years ago but the signal still fades in and out and you still have to rescan once a month hoping you'll get back the channels you lost when the season/weather changes. Peeved: Because the channels I keep losing are pretty much the only ones I watch! 🤬
  7. Second Life Marketplace - Madeline's "Bruiser" Cast Iron Skillet [Spellfire 3] Second Life Marketplace - Skillet Thrower Happy New Year! 😇
  8. If you were ever in YIM and saw someone using the "gesture" "*CLLLANNNGG!! cast iron skillet to the head CLAAAANNGG!!" that was me. 😁
  9. I can see Mt Hood every time I head east. Been here 16 years. My husband, who is from Oregon, survived St Helens blowing. The volcanoes (composite) here are not the same type as say the ones in Hawaii (shield) so IF one should blow, we don't get the lava flows, just a lot of ash, steam, you know, pyroclastic flows. If the wind had not shifted to blow from the east when it normally blows from the west, Oregon and Washington would not have had any fallout. That is what made the difference. The wind direction. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/volcanoes/types-of-volcanoes.htm https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/composite-volcanoes.htm
  10. That is more horrifying than testing to see which texture goes where, which I have been known to do on occasion. 😇 It is time consuming if you haven't developed a [madness] method. 🤭
  11. I agree. Except for the struck-out parts. I love the sun and being out in it. My eyes just can't handle bright sunshine or glary cloudy days. 😾 Or headlights coming head-on at me at night.
  12. Bottom line is, Linden lab has said for almost 2 decades now, that one person in SL may not do anything that EFFECTS another person's use of SL. If the TPVs can't do it, you can't either. https://secondlife.com/corporate/third-party-viewers#priv2
  13. Peeve: Having to wear sunglasses even on a completely cloudy day because the glare of light from the clouds really does a number on my eyes. * On the other hand, I can see better in low to no human generated light better than most humans. *They start burning and get very dry Not even those who can see very well at night without moonlight can see in the absence of light.
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