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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Like the old game arcades of the 70s? I'd be there too!
  2. LL already has restrictions on how many Ls new sign ups can purchase. The person has to make the effort to get those amounts increased. Here's mine. lol https://accounts.secondlife.com/lindex/economic_limits?lang=en-US&_gl=1*1tki226*_ga*MTA2NTgxNTY5Mi4xNjc5NzYwMjI2*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY4MzczNzM3MC43LjEuMTY4MzczNzQzNy42MC4wLjA.*_fplc*cFBpeVNyUjJrbGpHVk5WcXYwODlGbXVWaWNIbCUyRkhtSU1yRUNFRGNaV2w2T1dZdmlMN3pQSkVrc25Ed3BnMzhEdTk1OVpqNlppdVFEWlpjMSUyQmtnNm0yb05iSlBubyUyQnJmUm5rOXNZVWt1TyUyRjdjJTJCTmF4TXhqZlZrQnhmMVBTdyUzRCUzRA..
  3. You can see either legacy or the web-based ones inside SL. You make the choice through your viewer setting, if you use a TPV that gives you that choice like Firestorm.
  4. What a boring barback. There isn't even a mirror. Under the Hill Saloon Each item has a story or history behind it. Just ask the barkeep. He owns the place now. Oh wait. Anubis isn't interactive. Oops.
  5. Most of the people I have known went to the casinos not for the one-armed bandits or the booze but for the prime rib buffets. Anything else was secondary to the prime rib. And it isn't wasn't expensive! Thanks Harjo!
  6. SocialCasino Linden SocialCasino Social Casino 🤔 hmm
  7. Tell me you're feeding gambling addiction without telling me you're feeding gambling addiction, LL. 🙄
  8. I don't have an account over there so that would be difficult to do. Are you sure you even know what post(s) I'm talking about? I never mentioned the thread name or what the posts were about.
  9. How many of those 67m are alts [or people who never even made it past orientation]? 🤭 I'm of the opinion that document needs the word "active" inserted in front of "accounts".
  10. Peeved: I can understand the removal of one certain post but to remove at least 2 others that WERE on topic is more than just overkill.
  11. Only LL knows if they have hit that 5m accounts worldwide mark yet. I don't think SL has that many accounts at this point. Maybe in another 10 years. 😉 SL broke the 1m mark in 2006. https://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2006/10/second_life_bre.html
  12. It's a good thing most people in the US are not like what you describe. If the survival of the rest of the world hinges on one country, you screwed yourselves and have no room to insult other countries.
  13. I think you are completely missing the point. I remember when hunt gifts were completely free. Now we have to pay for many that are labeled gifts that ARE NOT GIFTS. If they are not a gift (FREE aka NO CHARGE) then DO NOT LABEL THE ITEM AS A GIFT. Those merchants have not gotten my money in over a decade now since they started slapping a price on something THEY labeled as a GIFT. If it has a price, it is NOT A GIFT. Do NOT label it as a GIFT. Stop trying to force me to spend money. It won't work.
  14. I'm thinking the word you are looking for is susceptible, rather than vulnerable.
  15. It's been happening for years in SL. I noticed it way back in the early days and have watched it grow since. In RL, it started long before I ever graduated high school in '77.
  16. Sorry Sid. You are incorrect in this case. If an item is supposed to be a gift, it is not something the receiver should be paying for. That is not what a gift is. Do you (general) pay for the birthday gifts other people give you? No. Do you pay for the Christmas gifts other people give you? No. Gift, a thing willingly given without payment. If you have to pay for it, even with Ls, it is not free and not a gift. What these particular merchants are doing is not being honest when they label something as free and/or a gift and then the consumer has to PAY for the thing to obtain it. That is false advertising, and it is illegal in the US. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/topics/truth-advertising
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