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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It's the responsibility of the parent(s) to see to it their child(ren) do not gain access to credit/debit card(s).
  2. It would have been almost as big a hit as the toilet chairs. When your letter came up and you sat down, BAWHOOSH! up in the air you go on a fountain of water about 6 feet high. Those were fun.
  3. Have you ever tried loading the powder in space? The one thing you never have to worry about is air space. Just don't spill any powder or shoot at the hull if you want to ever touch grass again. And the lack of gravity would be a huge disadvantage in loading said black powder. The whole point was guns can be fired in space. Black powder guns (the ones I am familiar with) wouldn't be practical at all. Too many systems it could potentially damage, including life support. Anyway... The "casino" might not have been one of LL's best ideas, but it certainly isn't the worst (Sansar) in 20 years. I might actually log in and try it when I'm bored. Uh oh. LL's nefarious plan just might be working! 😱
  4. You're right, a musket would not work in space. Nor a blunderbuss. They would work inside a ship, however. Until all the oxygen escapes. We are not at a point in our endeavor to travel in space where someone would be foolish enough to actually bring an antique gunpowder weapon onboard. Personally, I no longer believe humans will be around long enough to accomplish much more than we already have in space travel/colonization. It may not look like it to others, but humans are on the brink of becoming extinct thanks to our own arrogance, long before we would have if we hadn't polluted our world, not just industrially but also in introducing destructive flora and fauna. We do not adapt to our environment; we adapt it to us and in doing so destroy the only home we have.
  5. https://www.livescience.com/18588-shoot-gun-space.html
  6. They care so much they still ostracize people like me. Then they get all hurt feelings and bent out of shape when it's pointed out without bitterness. 3... 2... 1...
  7. So, the residents of SL are the dregs of humanity. What a lovely thing to say. 🤬
  8. Try it and find out. I bet LL will come down on it hard. That's LL's money people would be taking.
  9. LL calls it Virtual Land in the ToS. https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions
  10. Tell that to everyone else. 🙄 I can understand why you were suspended.
  11. From out of left field comes the weirdo with the strange ideas. What if (lol) this is nothing more than a test for something LL is selling to/developing for Sansar. Or even a separate grid/continent for such things. 🤔 I did say left field, weird and strange.
  12. Hopefully you are talking to one of the support team members and not just the people who like hanging out.
  13. Probably because it is no longer necessary and has been removed. https://modemworld.me/2023/01/17/firestorm-6-6-8-profiles-local-mesh-and-more/ https://modemworld.me/2019/06/11/sl-legacy-profiles-project-viewer/
  14. It isn't just the one merchant, and it doesn't happen just on the MP. I have been ripped off by inworld vending machines, never gotten the item, never heard a word from the creator. LL has never gotten involved in these kinds of disputes because of the federal laws as well as California laws in the nearly 20 years I've been in SL. https://www.lindenlab.com/tos#tos4
  15. Basic accounts are limited to [s]15[/s] 42 groups. I'm not in that group and no, I will not drop one of my paltry 15 groups to join one I don't get any benefit from since I don't do Shop and Hop. Unless the whole of SL residents are a member of such a group and I am the only exception? Edit: corrected doozy typo.
  16. In case no one has mentioned it, LL has begun cleanup of the MP and (long story short) any stores that haven't been active within a certain amount of time are being removed.
  17. LL doesn't own Twitter. So unless or until they post it on their own website, I don't consider it an official announcement. I don't think I can make it any clearer than that. Yes, it does make a difference to me. I'm not asking for anyone to agree with it. Edit: There has to be some reason LL hasn't announced on their own site. That's a red flag for me. Not necessarily a bad thing but red flag none the less.
  18. In the situation where the creator is no longer in SL, sorry, no. Please keep in mind that many passed during the Covid pandemic and can't return.
  19. Twitter is outside of LL's jurisdiction. I'm not the only one who doesn't use Twitter. Yes, I knew the tweet was the reason for the threads. It hasn't been announced anywhere else within LL's jurisdiction so it isn't official to me.
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