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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. The real reason land is so expensive is because it started out that way. In the early days the prices were high because it was the main source of income after doing away with prim taxes etc. LL just never got around to reducing the prices, as they came up with more ways of bringing in enough income to keep the doors open, until more recent years. Server farms have never been cheap even if you are just renting "cloud space". The forum update was a mandatory one pushed out by Invision so LL didn't really have a choice unless they want to go shopping for a new forum platform. I haven't heard innit/enit in years! \o/
  2. It wasn't always known as The Star Spangled Banner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star-Spangled_Banner#Francis_Scott_Key's_lyrics I think all national anthems are a load of rubbish. 🥂
  3. You had no way of knowing this, but, you're preaching to the choir here. I understood you. It's Chic's, erm, "unique typos" that I'm not quite getting. There is an incomplete thought there and it could be completed in different ways that give different meanings. I have no way of knowing for sure which completed thought is the correct one unless she tells me. Then seeing my name on someone else's post after a rather "large" update to the forum kind of threw another wrench into the works because one would think that bug would have been fixed in that update (if not the previous one). That's all there is to it.
  4. In order to avoid more confusion on my part, did I or did I not clarify that it wasn't just what one person said that caused me to reach the conclusions I have but based on weeks of watching (and even posting a little) what was happening while it was happening? If I didn't then I'm sorry but I don't understand what this means: I'm assuming the rest of your post was aimed at the other poster and not me so I'm not addressing any of that. Help me out just a wee bit more, please? I'd appreciate it just so I'm not confused any more.
  5. Only one problem. One of those quotes isn't mine. Look again. The second quote you posted is not my post. LL/Invision still haven't fixed that little bug.
  6. What quote? I didn't say anything about any quote. I watched the whole thing while it was happening. I read the posts made by many, including Beth, on the now defunct platform (I forget the name of the software she was using for text communication before she shut it all down to just the Discord which I don't do) and forums. I could see where things were headed as did others. All anyone had to do was follow the money. It was an accumulation of events and things said, not just a single quote from a single person.
  7. InWorldz did not fold due to lack of income. It folded due to mismanagement of funds. The same thing happened with Islandz. Same owner, same financial mismanagement. I call it mismanagement but it really was fraud. I witnessed the whole thing and had been in InWorldz since it first launched. I knew better than to move to Islandz when the money raised was supposed to go to keeping InWorldz open but was used for the very short lived Islandz instead.
  8. That certainly is a change from the early days of no voice at all in SL to clubs/venues leaving voice turned off deliberately because live DJ and/or performer. Key word there being live. These days managers are insisting on voice? Someone is being buffaloed and it isn't me. Insisting on voice is not such a good idea, unless you are deliberately excluding those who have hearing loss or are fully deaf. That is discriminating against disabled people. It doesn't matter if the discrimination is done intentionally or not. What is done is done. This is what happens when people don't think things through thoroughly and I'm seeing more and more of it every day. Not good.
  9. Does DU have the equivalent of a basic account? If you have to pay for membership, it isn't cheaper than SL where you don't have to pay for a membership and can still earn enough to cover your "expenses" without ever spending a cent of real life money. Any MMO you are a part of will cease to exist some day and all the real money you spent on it will be down the drain just as if you have flushed it yourself. I think you're making a mountain out of a grain of sand. Not that it matters, I've been in SL for almost 17 years myself. All the real money I have spent on SL so far has been for entertainment, much of which was for a homestead I had for a few years so I've spent in the thousands over the years. Not because I had to but because it was a faster means of obtaining my goal.
  10. The bad thing about that Southern drawl is, you can never completely get rid of it. It slips out when you least expect it. Then, years later, you start hearing "ya'll" being used more and more in the community. Just when you thought you were safe. 🤭
  11. The sailing ship and missing girl is the Jamacian one. The one originally recorded by Richard Berry and the Pharaohs in 1957. The gibberish Kingsmen recording was nothing more than an accident. Ely was wearing dental braces and the mic, well, you can read the article if you want to know the rest of the story. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/jack-ely-louie-louie-the-dirtiest-song-of-the-sixties Still, the Kingsmen version does seem quite appropriate for the Oregon state song. 🤭
  12. That would be a dutch oven which is a pot and not an oven. Hey. What can I say. It's a Southern thing. I have a cast iron one with legs and now I can't use it. Hey thanks! That's what I'll ask for for Christmas! A non cast iron dutch oven.
  13. I've always heard it as, "I can see clearly now the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. I can see clearly now the rain is gone. It's gonna be a bright, bright, sun shiny day." I love CCR.
  14. For the times, the original lyrics (before The Kingsmen recorded it) were pretty racy. You just didn't use the f bomb if you wanted the song to sell. Today's "standards" don't really apply. If you don't know any of the lyrics, what do you hear when you listen to the song? Do you hear a song about a Jamaican or just gibberish? Or do you hear something completely different, like I did? 🤭
  15. What are the lyrics to Louie Louie? Are you sure? I'd link to the original lyrics but someone might take offense and report me for it so if you want, you can easily find the original lyrics for yourself. Fun fact: Many people in Oregon still want Louie Louie to be the state song.
  16. I'm not liking the changes. A lot of junk on the right hand side in the threads that I have no interest in. TMI.
  17. It's your imagination we are figments of. Ponder that one.
  18. A well known scientist once likened the universe (and galaxies) to "pinwheels in outer space, Mother Nature's fireworks". It fits. There is more to the phrase "we are all related" than meets the eye.
  19. Thanks for being one of the ones that ruins the holiday for the rest of us. If that makes me a grinch then so be it. At least I have a heart.
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