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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. You probably weren't constantly called names like skunk, fat, stupid, etc. by an older brother while being frogged in the arm every day. My family was pretty dysfunctional. I wish they had never adopted me. But enough of my sob story. I loved it but couldn't afford to keep it going: Gee. My peeves are really starting to stack up. Maybe I should take a people break. lol
  2. 😛 At least you don't have to worry about your pos family members calling you a skunk when your hair grows out from the last bleach job. 🙄 Nope. Never doing this again.
  3. We're thinking the same thing but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour?
  4. But... you can't teeter totter without legs. Whoops. I typed tooter instead of totter at first.
  5. We already have all the tools we need. Provided by LL. People need to learn how to use those tools properly. There are no excuses as there are classes held for such things all over the grid daily.
  6. I just passed that on to one of the devs of one of the Unity based games I play that hasn't reached full release yet. 🤭
  7. Assigning maturity ratings on an object that hasn't even been scripted yet is putting the cart before the horse. Not to mention the coding for doing what you want would literally cripple SL. Please people, stop trying to kill the only platform out there that is worth half a damn.
  8. All of that tl;dr did nothing to address what you quoted. I never mentioned the MP. I was talking about ARs! You move the goal posts, I quit and no that does not make you a winner. Everyone loses. It's a civil suit, not criminal, for wrongful discharge, nothing else. https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/40sd3ihux/superior-court-of-california-county-of-san-francisco/kavyanjali-pearlman-v-linden-research-inc-a-california-corporation-et-al/
  9. It isn't allowed really but if no one sees it, how are they going to report it? You can't report what you haven't seen. If you do, and do it often enough, you risk losing your own account. The people having to deal with the reports aren't stupid. They know where and how to look to see who did what. Filing a bunch of false reports gives LL a reason to boot you off the grid.
  10. I'm hoping for salt & pepper myself. That way I won't feel like I have to keep it up under a hat or cap. There's only 3 ways I can wear my hair (here comes a huge peeve) down, pinned up with 1000 hair pins (not bobby pins) or braided/in braids without getting a headache. Even ponytails give me a headache.
  11. I used to be a bottle blonde when there was a need to pass. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now that I'm in my 60s and no longer concern myself with such things, at this rate, mine won't turn gray fast enough. 😆
  12. I agree. Never disagreed. I only wanted to point out something many people are not aware of. Something I had a good bit of experience with both in SL and in InWorldz.
  13. I really don't have the time or desire to sit down and explain to you how modeling in SL works both on the runway and in front of a still camera. Creators are not using someone else's creations to promote their own. That isn't how it works. Or worked. It's not up to you anyway. It's up to all the creators.
  14. That's not what I said. I said they are simply being cautious, so they don't bring down the wrath of thousands of residents on their heads. That does not imply they are incompetent. Even competent people need help at times.
  15. That's what I was trying to say but without getting anyone's hopes up too high.
  16. That is my point. They can't because they don't have those items in their inventory. It's all in the model's inventory and they don't own those accounts. Not once did any creator ever approach me about the accessories I used when modeling. They are not going to advertise another creators' products for them free of charge!
  17. Oh ffs. Go harass someone else. Your constant attempts to try to make me look like a POS only serve to show people your true colors. Have a nice life.
  18. Old code needs new blood but new blood doesn't know if they can monkey with the code without killing the grid. Solution? Bring in the people who wrote the code. Maybe, just maybe, it means some of the ongoing bugs will finally get some attention.
  19. This account is an alt so people can't harass me inworld. It doesn't need an "About Me" as its main purpose is for pose setting and photography prop. If you can't learn what people are like without reading a profile how do you manage to interact with people in the real world? Don't bother to answer. I won't be reading your replies.
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