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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. You're not my mom so you can't be #1. Her name is Lilith. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/dinner_party/heritage_floor/lilith#:~:text=When she refused to return,of female independence and rebellion. 😛
  2. Human lolyers... Hell hath no fury... Poor Dad. So, which number ex are you? 😇
  3. Visitor tags are how they distinguish actual role-players from observers in RPs. I've seen both "observer" and "visitor" used. This time I wasn't kidding around. 🙂
  4. I wonder what would happen if groups created a role for everyone with the title of BRB. 🤔 BRB = Be Right Back (for those who don't know) It's better than AFK, imo, if you're not going to be AFK for long. It also lets people know your intent was to return quickly, in case you get delayed. AFK implies you intend to be gone for a long period of time. Or maybe, just maybe, LL could add that option to the AFK so you can choose between the two. Makes sense to me.
  5. Move over MJ. You were not the first! Charlie Chaplin FTW!
  6. It's quite possible that non-AFK avatars drive away more new residents than AFK avatars. 🤔
  7. LL even went after Cristiano for SL in SLUniverse. Yes, LL can and does get that petty.
  8. All the TPVs that use RLV have pretty much adapted it to their users wants/needs. And I am sorry I had forgotten Cool was the first TPV to implement it. I didn't start using Cool until Emerald blew up. Then some things happened (through no fault of your own) and I ended up using Phoenix until FS was released. I do still use Cool as a backup though. 😊
  9. I don't use nose sprays. They either don't work for me, or they over dry my sinuses. So I stick with what I know does work and doesn't cause more damage.
  10. Been there, done that more than a decade ago. Still run across toxic people in SL occasionally. Whenever I leave home mostly.
  11. I think I'm going to stick with burning my sage and sweetgrass and retaining my unburnt membranes. No way in hell I'm ever putting salt up my nose any more than I'd pour it on an open wound.
  12. Sambucus (black elderberry) works better and benefits your liver. And it tastes good! Seriously! Gummies, syrup, lozenges...
  13. Allergic reactions can resemble a cold or flu. They can also last several days. Mine lasted several decades before I moved somewhere that isn't the south.
  14. None of my avatars have ever come even remotely close to looking like a child or teenager. While I don't "sport" large breasts they are quite noticeable and definitely not flat chested. About a 36D. Edit: Oh so my Ferengi image really did make you laugh hard enough to triple post. 🤭
  15. I'm peeved it will still be another week before hubster starts his new better paying job. BowFlex can CMA and his.
  16. I'll let you in on a little secret. If the feature is on (it can be set to allow only admin/global mods/mods), they don't have to go looking for an IP, it shows up on each and every post.
  17. They aren't as well-known as many might think. Most venues aren't as well-known as they make themselves out to be.
  18. Considering that LL dropped the ball on legally acquiring the necessary code from Creative Labs for clothing magnets, I gave up on long mesh dresses about a decade ago. They really shouldn't get their panties in a twist over OS back engineering when they were guilty of it themselves. *shrug
  19. Unfortunately, little black dresses are considered semiformal wear, not formal. Formal means coat and tie (sometimes tails) and floor length dresses.
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