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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Oh man. You've all done it now! You have Maddie so upset she is gonna fork us all! After she sets us on fire!
  2. IKR? YMMV tl;dr *thread gets locked Wash, rinse, repeat.
  3. You've made my point for me. If the metaverse turns out to be a "conglomerate" of different virtual worlds of different kinds (think HyperGrid), then each platform does its own scaling up. If it's just one huge open world like SL is, then scaling up is not going to be possible. We are dealing with humans. Humans don't scale well.
  4. I'd love to confirm that so everyone feels better but, no, we can't always nip it in the bud. RZ would never have gotten off the ground if that were the case. There are other things that have occurred over the years, but I'm not interested in stirring any of those pots.
  5. You don't. And that is where LL has it right. They don't do any more policing that what is necessary to maintain at least a semblance of order. We already have the ability to AR someone. Any more authority than that will be abused even more than the AR system already is. Don't think I need remind you of AR parties. *cough*RedZone*cough* It's the same in RL, difference is you call the police and not the major's office. Other than that, you go down to your nearest precinct and file formal complaint. Don't know if it can be done online. I doubt in some small cities and most small towns. Policing a large platform online isn't any different than policing a RL area. You're still dealing with humans and they're still going to pull the same stupid human tricks.
  6. SyFy tried that way back when their forums were still SciFi. It didn't work. The bullies still managed to talk their way out of being banned while the victims either were suspended/banned or had to leave the forum.
  7. Hm. I must have bought the wrong bible. I thought it was Ceka 4:20. 🤔
  8. You probably aren't old enough to remember what it was like to be able to freely listen to what was freely shared. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1962/04/jukebox-piracy/305829/ Thanks RIAA. I no longer have to worry about whether or not I can listen to my favorite radio station or local juke box. I won't be listening. *looks around at all the guitars and keyboards... We'll make our own. 🤣
  9. I'm still trying to figure out the one about the bar and the movie. If the bar isn't charging people to be able to watch the movie there is no copyright violation. Cover charge at the door? That still isn't charging to watch the movie. This whole discussion is pointless when it comes down to the brass tacks.
  10. George Cohan's Yankee Doodle Boy? My high school drama put that play on. It was actually damn good! The name of the play was actually George M!
  11. If it's on MP, add the item to your favorites list or even your wish list. When you look at it again later on, your mood has changed, and it may not look as good or be as appealing as at first. I usually leave things on there for at least a couple of days and look at different times of day. If it still has the same appeal the fourth or fifth time I look/examine the item/demo, then I go through with the purchase. If at any point it loses its appeal, I usually don't buy. Of course, if it is something I have been looking for, for some time, or something I definitely want or need for a project, obviously I don't go through this process unless I find more than one item and need to decide between them. The only problem is you have to keep up with removing things. If you do that as soon as you make a purchase or decide not to, then it's not that bad.
  12. Oh man... you just got your Misanthrope Anonymous membership yoinked.
  13. Ha ha! I wasn't here and we don't have any popsicles or ice cream. 😛
  14. A message for those who set their security orbs to 0. It would be greatly appreciated if you make allowances for those of us who periodically go through our landmarks to weed out the ones that are no longer valid. And since old habits die hard some of us still use the tried-and-true method of actually teleporting to the coordinates. At least, give us a few seconds to pull up the next LM and move on. I, for one, really have no desire to even be on your parcel since it is no longer the business I am looking for and I certainly have no desire to get to know someone who just booted me off their parcel simply for checking old landmarks. It's this kind of overkill that makes me not want to associate with most people in SL.
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