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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. LL wouldn't have deployed the feature if it were harmful. There are times when I don't want to "see things through their eyes", I just want to tour the place on my own. If something catches my eye that needs the experience to fully appreciate the something, then I can always accept the experience at that point even if I have to pop out of the region and back in again to trigger it. It's when they try to force it on me just to be in the region that I dig my heels in. That's the reaction that occurs when you've been forced to do unpleasant things your whole life. Sexual assault has repercussions most people never consider.
  2. That would be nice but how would LL pay for the AWS service? Raise all the other fees? That won't work either. LL needs a new battle plan.
  3. You can never admit to being in the wrong or just flat out being wrong can you.
  4. Oh ffs Emily. Just stop with the hysterical histrionics. The only one trying to provoke others in all this is you. Remember? YOU ARE THE SOURCE.
  5. So you can try to bully people into submitting to your wants? Thanks for the warning!
  6. Things aren't going your way so now you're claiming victim. You haven't been bullied. Grow up.
  7. I asked because it happened to me once. I don't know if there is a feature in the experience that can be set to eject or not eject. I'm not premium and therefore don't have access to the tool(s).
  8. *clutches her SIM behind her back, "Thank you Mother Superior, thank you." *scurries off before the ruler comes out*
  9. A lot changes in 20 years. Even more in 40/60 years. That's about how long it takes to come to the conclusion you no longer want to live forever or even a couple of centuries. Seeing the way the world has gone the last 40 years alone is more than enough to adjust the attitude.
  10. That was the longest I was gone at any one given time. I've taken years long breaks before, just not quite that long. lol Compared to how things looked in 2004, it's fantastic now! 🤣
  11. Me, too. I was gone for 5 years, I think. Long time. Came back in 2018. There have been improvements. Even the people have somewhat improved. 🤭
  12. No wonder I'm so bored. The few things that do hold my interest, I've done to death over the years. I need some new ideas. 🤔
  13. Instead of making her look bad, you're making yourself look even worse.
  14. Her posts would just get reported so why should she bother? If you check her posting history, you'll see she used to post but people couldn't handle her no holds barred attitude. I may not have agreed with her all the time, but she brought up some very good points. Her presentation may be lacking in tact but there isn't a thing wrong with her mind and she definitely isn't 12 years old.
  15. That was a fake advertisement. There has never been a "Soda Pop Board of America". http://hoaxes.org/weblog/comments/start_cola_earlier_says_the_soda_pop_board_of_america
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