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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. The only way to be sure is to enter the information on the form and submit it. Or contact Tilia.
  2. A debit card. Or prepaid debit or credit cards. LL hasn't accepted gift cards in over 10 years now.
  3. Nope. There are laws/ordinances against blocking sidewalks and parking on the shoulder (depending on type of road and location) for any reason other than an emergency.
  4. In RL, in the US, there is at least a 10 foot easement on each side of the road. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/easements-overview.html Utility and construction contractors are all too familiar with easements belonging to municipalities, counties, states and private property. Lots of frivolous lawsuit hassles and a few legitimate ones.
  6. I just want to point out one thing on the subject of being involuntarily teleported home. How many places have they already been that they will have start over after being sent home? Depending on what someone is doing they may not have a lot of time to start over. Is being sent home like that fair to them? Only if they are deliberately trying access where they know they aren't welcome. Most places you don't know until you get there and discover the LM is no longer a store/shop, it's now someone's home.
  7. Nothing wrong with the word codswallop. I thought I was the only person in the US that still used that particular British slang word. It means nonsense.
  8. He makes his own breakfast so I doubt he would mind. I mean, it's not like you're planning on jumping into bed with me... are you? That could get... messy. In more ways than one. Oh and btw, I'm the only one who gets to bounce people off banlines around here. 🤭
  9. I see what you did there. Now, about you serving me breakfast in bed. I prefer my bacon crisp but still on the chewy side, eggs should be sunny side up with the edges a light crunchy golden brown, the toast should be lightly browned with a thin spread of real unsalted butter, and I prefer my cottage cheese with a crushed pineapple topping. Oh, and coffee should be a medium grind Robusta, two lumps and a dollop of cream. Half and half is acceptable. And if you really can't do the meat thing then grapes, bananas, a selection of mild cheeses, warm fresh baked bread and unsalted butter and some melon slices. If the cheeses are too much then substitute blueberries, marionberries, blackberries, or most any fruit as long as it isn't grapefruit! Shall I expect to see you in the morning? 😇
  10. What part of "on a thread of its own" did you miss?
  11. Both in RL and in SL if you set foot on my property and you are not welcome there, you are violating my rights. It is my property. You have no rights on my property other than what I grant you. Only difference between SL and RL is in RL if you are injured on my property, I can be held legally liable. Another insurance scam. Consider this. At one time if some guy was caught peeping through your window while you were dressing (naked) he went to jail. In more recent years laws have been passed so that if you are naked in your own home and someone looks in through a window and sees you, YOU go to jail! Not the creep looking into the privacy of your home!
  12. Then start the thread yourself with images to represent what you want. I'm not going to do all the work for you. 😛
  13. Occasionally, I'm just blowing off a little steam. Sometimes it has to do with SL, sometimes RL. Mostly RL. Sometimes that is all it takes for someone to declare you an enemy even when whatever you have said (or done) has nothing to do with that person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Gee thanks. Now everyone can see I was trying to ninja edit! 🤣
  15. So how come you guys don't get together and start posting images of what you'd like to see in SL on a thread of its own? Plenty of content creators read the forums. Word of mouth travels faster than the speed of light! Start your rumor today! How hard can it be?
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