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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Since we already have a "Pickle" in Bellisseria, this new Fantasy region, no matter what anyone else calls it, will forever be the "Berry" subcontinent to me! AND, I love the idea of a fog-shrouded Fantasy subcontinent if that is possible!
  2. And? AND??? The Moles are bringing their teasing to new and excruciating heights!! 😱 😱 😱
  3. Sorry if this has already been answered many times but what do the different color borders above the unreleased regions mean? Does each color identify some stage of completion to the Moles? Or nothing?
  4. Caught a houseboat on Alewife; seems a good spot to wait for Fantasy to manifest...
  5. Waiting and watching at Coastal Waterway and Forgotten Garden (Hanshin)... AND a Mole is here!!
  6. "grid shepherd??" Am I the only soul who doesn't know what that is??
  7. WOW, you are such an incredible resource for all of us, Daniel; thank you!!
  8. Dear Marisa, thank you so much for the suggestion; it totally worked! File this under It Never Hurts to Ask!!
  9. Releasing a great Stilt location on Sweet Myrtle: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sweet Myrtle/81/213/24
  10. So clear, polite and gentle; I wish all of our neighbors could be so thoughtful! And I hope you get a friendly response.
  11. Wow, Owls Flight is finally on the map!! Unreleased region of Log Homes: Ack, I may need a new alt to try for Logs again!!
  12. And they gave me a lot I need to look up, being insufficiently educated in the fantasy genre!
  13. Thank you so much for your great maps and designations! I downloaded them and have them playing in rota on my desktop.
  14. OMFG!! You have totally stirred up my Houseboat lust again; I thought I was over it for Stilts... Gorgeous, gorgeous work!
  15. I feel your pain! I remember that we messaged back in Dec/Jan about the region naming auctions we had both won. I am still waiting to see Owls Flight somewhere on the SL map and at this point I think it would also be a great region name for fantasy homes. I even filed a new ticket last Thursday to ask "when might this happen" but have heard nothing so far.
  16. WHERE is my scream emoji??????? 😾 🤬 😱
  17. Hayabusa Design has new 1 LI palms with full seasonal variety, etc. that would be perfect for Stilt landscaping and blend well with Linden palm trees. There is also a freebie box of palms at the landing but I am not sure which palms those are in the box. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fighting Spirit/71/114/2001
  18. Yes, that IS the question of the hour/day/week/month...
  19. LOL, the other Leora (Good day!) is so right but I cannot resist visiting KAZZA every weekend and grabbing their 60L$ set of the week. They generally also have the set from the previous weekend on sale and many items included in each set and all are generally very low LI. Once in a while they offer something I don't need (adorable tiny house trailer/camper this past weekend) but I often cave anyway, sigh... (No will power... lead me to it!)
  20. You should also check out the Gulls Wing Sailing Community http://www.gullswing.com/rentals.php (Disclosure: I rent half a homestead sim there.) They offer land, houses, boat slips, and commercial areas to rent. Oh, I forgot about events and community life: https://secondlife.com/destination/toby-s-juke-joint-blues-club for music and https://secondlife.com/destination/gulls-wing-sailing-club weekly sailing events and a bunch of themed events during the year.
  21. That was incredibly moving. Go find it? Here we go!
  22. hahahaha, at first I thought that said "Eat, Drink, Repent"!! Such a great job you did; beautiful home!
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